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Everything posted by Sporadic

  1. Server is currently being hyper-pugsied by disgruntled teach team leader. Please stand by as we **** everything up beyond all recognition

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Space


      Internet doesn't convey tone that well.

    3. Archbishop


      Whut happened to nexus testing server :(

    4. bickando
  2. I feel like I've made this guide many times before, but I suppose it bears repeating now that the specifics are all taken care of. With the Agronomy plugin, time is synchronized to the real world clock, and will behave in a predictable manner. This is outlined below. You can obtain a briefer, ingame version of this guide with the command /help calendar Duration of the Lotcian time units: 1 Lotcian Day - 1 Hour 1 Seed - 1 Day 1 Year - 1 Week The 0 tick in the internal Minecraft day clock is synchronized to occur on each round hour. For laymen, tick 0 in minecraft (which has 24000 ticks in a day) would look roughly as ~8am ingame. This means that a 'sunrise' will be seen on every full hour by the players. Furthermore, each month switch will occur at noon GMT of each day. Due to this, the following IC and OOC statements are equivalent: "Sunrise of the 9th day" <-> "9pm gmt" Sequence of the Months: In the current state of the plugin, the following correspondence exists between the RL week and the LotC months. Note that the mentioned seed is the one the calender observes after the mentioned noon GMT seed change of that day. Monday: The Amber Cold Tuesday: The Deep Cold Wednesday: Snow's Maiden Thursday: Malin's Welcome Friday: The First Seed Saturday: The Grand Harvest Sunday: Sun's Smile This approach mostly benefits the American playerbase, who will effectively observe a month on LotC to coincide with every new day. Time Dilation (lengthening of the days): During the summer (which you will notice always coincides with the weekends) nights are relatively made shorter without altering the duration of a day. Sunset and sundown are always a constant length (5 minutes), leaving day and night to distribute the remaining 50 minutes. In winter, night is about 20 minutes while day is 30. During summer, day takes up a total of 45 minutes leaving a night of 5 minutes. Fall and Spring are transitional seasons, where the days will get gradually shorter and longer respectively. Footnotes: [1] These times are all with Daylight savings time in effect. How seasons will react to the clocks turning back is still unspecified as of right now.
  3. Currently diagnosing disconnect behavior on the server. If you find yourself unable to connect with a message urging you to contact the Tech Team, please contact me and provide full disclosure of your server time leading up to that message.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sporadic


      Yup yup I think I know what might cause that

    3. monkeypoacher


      have no fear tech team is here.

    4. Leetles



  4. http://imgur.com/5qLdmHz Mr. Anderson...
    1. Sporadic


      Yeah that's right screw noses.

    2. aron.


      I laughed.

  5. http://imgur.com/Q2l2Tcn,1qHOVOb#0 Comparison between the Ore Distribution generated by my MineWorldGen (first) and vanilla minecraft world. Hmm...
  6. Rewrote KO+ To hopefully have less premature knockout. lmk

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mankaar


      lel Mistake "Ima rewrite my love for u bby.*"

    3. Sporadic
    4. Aislin


      dont mean to be a sycophant but you are a fantastic tech team leader. keep it up.

  7. It would be 'the mother of the forest walks here', so like you said, except singular for the forest rather than plural.
  8. There'll be a word for 'cat' soon, from which you can extrapolate better. 'Ahernan' means 'Blessings', and is generally used by elves to mean 'Thanks!'. Similar easy to use outcries are 'Sulian!' for 'Brilliant!' and 'Aylan' for 'Great!'. Also this thread's a sticky, meaning it's always alive and needs no reviving before you're allowed to ask your question. Ask away!
  9. Ehhmm ok so looks like we're going to speed up 4.0 since i just wiped the map

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. DrakeHaze.


      I'll let you have your fun for now before I pull out the facts :3

    3. Katelyn


      sporadic is a troll

    4. gam


      are we going early or not

  10. I give up...I tried and tried and I’m not good enough for you. You know who you are.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sporadic


      If you can't handle me at my worst you don't deserve me at my best!

    3. Rassidic


      Yeah. LOTC has high standards. I gave up on trying to please it months ago.

    4. Neri


      How can our standards be real if our eyes aren't real?

  11. Hmm that's such a pretty eye though... Hey if you really want this there's always the Night Vision status effect Minecraft has baked in :D
  12. Character cards limits have been upped, see Main News Thread

    1. Sporadic


      Members have been given 1 additional Soulstone spot (beware currently bugged somewhat)

    2. tnoy23


      Glorious. I personally hold no major qualms with this at this moment anymore.

  13. The pink proclaims an almost belligerent masculinity, saying as it does: I am so masculine I can afford to tempt you to question it, giving me the opportunity to proclaim it anew by doing violence to you in response

  14. Reputation 666 >:D +1 my posts, i DARE you.

    1. knightly11 | lotc_fox
    2. Sporadic


      Nuuu now I have to wait until 1337 to be awesome again :(

    3. The Fact Core

      The Fact Core

      666, YA ARE THE DEVIL

  15. B-but I don't have any good meteor shower gifs and look omg i cry everytim
  16. I came in like a wrecking ball :D
  17. Looking into lag issues.... If it cheers you all up, I can play lag-free now.

    1. Sporadic


      Forever alone D:. The DDoSers lurk at every corner though...

  18. Looking into lag issues.... If it cheers you all up, I can play lag-free now.

  19. The Whitelist Errors are intentional as we look into Plugin fixes. Your LotC experience will resume momentarily

    1. SodaiKamikaze


      Lowdy Lowdy, thank jesus! :D

  20. Server downtime may take slightly longer due to ongoing LogBlock errors.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dreek


      I have a funny idea :>

    3. Ivran


      You could've told me before I broke those walls down... *sigh*

    4. Eleatic
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