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Everything posted by SparehoeCakes

  1. What are you doing while the server's down?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. meg


      And I commented on that post of cake pictures.

    3. Aedan The Bard

      Aedan The Bard

      Play Half Life 2 all over again

    4. Vekrus


      HW of course! XD

  2. LOTC has been busy lately. The spam GM apps are Funny. Hope everyone has a Good Day/Night!

  3. SO MUCH HAPPENED TODAY! Availer returned, Welcome back! VAT argument over all that. Drake event. Now for the rest of the day, I shall sit down, on my butt and talk to my friends! Play some League. 'tis shall be fun. The Event was great BTW.

  4. "I'd rather not. To busy denying VAs. :P"

  5. I'd rather not. To busy denying VAs. :P

  6. "I don't drink wine, but sure. Why?"

  7. I don't drink wine, but sure. Why?

  8. I saw Feya's name somewhere on the forums, and I SWEAR it said "Frey Frey"... My eyes, are derping. :)

    1. Jabawakee


      lol, my eyes do that too someims


  9. Dear the 50 people that made a complaint on the server being down, WE ALL KNOW. Take a chill pill and go on Youtube or stalk the forums or something. :/

  10. Apparently my profile background is hilarious.. I've gotten a few profile comments on it. I may change it soon though. Gotta stay up to date

  11. And so there is a meeting in about an hour from Apple that will announce the release date of the iPhone 5. I am just waiting and waiting and waiting. My mom is being forced to get it for me, by me, so YAY! I have a 4S now but meh. Have a good day LOTC!

  12. I like your background

  13. Another Addition to the VAT! Gratz to NiC201 !

  14. I didn't realize today was the 10th. But when it hit me, it hit me like a brick wall. The worst part, is that I know people that lost loved ones in the events of 9/11. So .. Yeah. :(

    1. Queen of Aegis

      Queen of Aegis

      At least your bday is not on 9/11....

    2. ~≈Panda≈~


      It has been 11 years. Most people have moved on and a lot of us are too young to even remember most of it.

  15. WELLL, I just voted on 5/6 sites. One I had to login on so I figured, I do it after I ate. One site has a "I was force to vote" button. I giggled. We really should get people to vote more, It could help the server a lot considering we are in rank 300s on almost all of the sites. Maybe I will make a AIC post about it on how we could further our voters and/or motivate people to vote. Hrmmm.

  16. ^That is basically what I'm thinking. I'd also like to point out the funny notice of the 3 VATs that currently voted, all voted for No even though this has not been brought up at all in VAT chat. Makes me giggles. Either way, no, I do not think this Lore would be suitable, and I would not like to see how hard people will powergame this.
  17. *decides to check a VA, but sees NONE* *Not sure to be happy or sad about it*

    1. Supremacy


      If you are bored I'll write you a mini app XD

    2. Dalek348


      Drag an already accepted VA out and then overrule it and deny it for lols. Failing that you can make a fake account, make a really **** app and then deny it.

    3. SparehoeCakes
  18. Its funny how everyone complains when the server is down, but when the server is finally up thanks to our amazing GM and Admin team, no one gets on it.. Silly people.

  19. *whistles* Well, I was one of the 10 people online earlier, and now MC crashed so I am SCREWED. *tear*

  20. I need to check a VA.. Any lucky contestants? *begins to search*

    1. steelersfan1221


      Pfft. Never had a VA denied.

    2. SparehoeCakes


      I know, you said it 3 times. But that can change, so don't take it for granite.

    3. steelersfan1221


      * goes back to his hidey hole *

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