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Everything posted by SparehoeCakes

  1. It seems as if Tired posts WAYYY to much on your profile Lirioona. ♥

  2. Website Maintenance is going to start soonish I think.. Just an FYI for you peoples.. ^.^

  3. ;) I actually changed it just for you. Feel loved! ^-^

  4. I am SO not participating in this "No Shave November" thing.. No.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Raptorious


      ITs called Movember cos everyone has a MOustache. :P THats what my teacher used to say.

    3. Song Druid

      Song Druid

      You don't have to shave. Silly boy.

    4. Secret Lizard President

      Secret Lizard President

      Mustaches are disgusting.

  5. I only checked what that post said because you snipped it, but I am definitely interested in what the last post said.

  6. I knew what you put on my GM app, so it didn't surprise me to find it on my profile. ^.^


  7. I'm at the age where my face is beginning to break out... I feel my soon addiction to make-up growing inside me.. O.o

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Fourthbrook


      bad stuff on face = normal

      make up = not normal

    3. SparehoeCakes


      I don't like to be normal.

    4. Rissing


      It depends..

      But then at the other hand I rather be female. :3

      I'm a bad reference..


  8. Doing very well thanks for asking. =)

    You'll always be welcome in TS. :)

  9. I took 17 photos of the temple, here they are: http://imgur.com/a/KewY9#0 Enjoy.

    1. Agent Miller

      Agent Miller

      Nice photobomb Kalenz.

  10. Hey Goldilocks, Haven't spoken to you in a while. Hope you're doing okay. ^-^

  11. Love you so much more ^-^

  12. Lyrics are so meaningful. #Sarcasm

    1. ~≈Panda≈~


      Well, they can be..

    2. Wavejammers


      ^ But not that often

    3. Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      You're listening to the wrong type of music then.

  13. I hate when I get addicted to a song. You have to listen to it like 200 times to get it out. I'm currently at about 98, so I have a good few more to go. Can I listen to a song 200 times in a day? I think so.. O.o

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. gingernut97


      The same cannot be said for your English, Lym.

    3. SparehoeCakes


      I could listen to it about 500 times a day, if I listened to it non-stop. Did the math, and that formula is completely wrong BTW. It would be [24x60x60 - ({seconds of song}x200)]

    4. Lym


      Thou shalt not grammar nazi my grammar.

  14. Just went look at Hurricane Sandy. Its cute.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Skippy
    3. ek_knight


      Just ran outside in the middle of it.. now I am soaking ert.

    4. ek_knight
  15. -OOC- -MC name*: Monkey34512 -Do you have a VA, and if no are you willing to make one?*: Yes I have a VA, as I am on the VAT. -Do you promise to obey to the OOC rules?*: Yep -Do you have Skype? ((For communications sake))*: Yes, I do. It is on my profile. My Skype name is Monkey34512 -IC- -RP name: Nyx (Lady Nyx) -What do you wish to join as, why?: I think I would best fit into a Haze -What can you bring to the Frozen Thorns, what are you skilled in?: I am skilled in manipulation and torture. -Race and Sex: High Elven Female. -Do you swear to follow the rules of the Frozen Thorns? Refusing to do so will amount in your death.: I swear on my life, that I shall follow all rules and orders given by the Mistress. -Do you have any previous or current loyalties?: No. Situational RP Question ((Choose the one appropriate to the Rank you wish for.)) Haze--- You are ordered to go to a certain Arethor noble and get the money he owes you for weapons by any means you deem necessary. Nyx bows to the mistress and dismisses herself, and makes her way to Arethor. Upon arriving, she scouts out, to see how many guards and city officials are around. When she finds her target she approaches him. She analyzes him, and finds that he is a ladies’ man. So she begins to flirt with him. She makes sure to touch his arms often, to show attraction to him. She soon asks “May we go speak someone more.... Private?” He takes her to his home. Upon arriving she doesn’t half her flirting has she has a goal in mind. When she decides the time is right, she suggests bounding him to a chair. He agrees. He tells her to wait as he exits the house to retrieve some rope. While he is gone, she reaches into her shoe, and under a piece of leather, cut to fit her shoe, she has a small dagger. She hides it in a flower arrangement and sits on a chair, awaiting his return. Not but a few minutes later, he returns with rope. She smiles widely when he enters, and stands. He sits in the chair, and she ties him up. She makes him make sure the ties are secured, as well as she pulls on the rope, assuring that he cannot escape. When she decides they are secure enough, she stands in front of him, and her smile turns to a smirk. “I thought you would be harder” she says. His smile quickly fades, “What do you mean?” She walks over to the flower pot, and grabs her dagger. “Do you recall purchasing weapons from The Frozen Thorns?” She stares at him. He becomes worried, beginning to scramble in his chair, trying to break free. “Yes, I remember the weapons purchase” he says. “Good, then you know that you still owe us money” she twirls the dagger around in her finger, “I’d stop squirming, this dagger is very sharp.” She stares at him, as he thinks of what to say. “I-I paid already” he quietly says. Her smirk turns to a frustrates frown “Oh have you?” She brings the dagger down to his legs and presses it, slicing through his pants and skins. He screams as the blood beings to turn his pants red. “Are you going to lie to me again?” she asks. He quickly stares into her eyes, “No”. “Good” she says as she repeats her question, “So, will you give up the money, or should I just end your life?” He quickly turned frightened, “I’ll pay!” He nods his head towards a chest, “My minas are in there and the key is underneath the chest.” Nyx walks towards the chest, grabs the key, and opens the chest. She grabs 3k minas, and tucks it into her bag. She then takes an extra 500 minas for herself and puts it into a smaller bag within the [bigger] bag. She approaches the man again and slices his other leg, and places her hand on the slice. After enough blood gets on her hands, she smears it on his iron door. “Farewell, I don’t suggest trying to steal from us again.” She says, then exits the house, leaving the iron door half open with the blood smeared on it, as well as the man tied up. Upon returning to her home, she hides the bag of 500 minas, and heads to her Mistress. She hands the 3k to the mists, and continues her life. ((I am aware that you are supposed to share profits with the mistress, but my character wouldn’t))
  16. I feel so loved. I feel like I forgot how awesome LOTC can be, everyone is amazing! Have a good day!

  17. *PEWPEWs at the 8th* =)

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