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Gold VIP
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Everything posted by Skippy

  1. Your name... It's so... >_

  2. *calls Ghostbuster* "NU."

  3. *chains to LotC* "You no leave."

  4. Why you be stalking me? o-o

  5. 8/10. I see you a lot in Dwarven RP, and your ideas and lore~
  6. Danny! Read the PM I sent you! :3

  7. We are rank 35. There are about 600 people online. Can you not vote? http://minestatus.net/6317-the-lord-of-the-craft

    1. DecoLamb


      First thing I do every morning is vote so...

  8. I have to make a website, and a project, in one weekend. ;-;

  9. Français. Pourquoi avez-vous si fort?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BKStein


      French people, why have you so strong?

    3. danic


      but LaTerry, Do you speak Chopnese?

    4. Skippy


      Le français est difficile, mais cool ~ owo

  10. Congratz on VAT .w.

  11. 7/10 ^_^ I see you quite a lot on the forums~
  12. ┬─┬ノ( º _ ºノ)

  13. Nooblet :3

  14. *Stalks Willie*


  16. I painted something~ RPly :3

  17. COME BACK D:

  18. Grabthar, you writing lore, or just not playing? :[

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