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Status Updates posted by Dante

  1. Dante

    Aaquermon? Sounds like a pokemon :/

  2. The Creative Cafe is up. Come along, it's wildly entertaining!

  3. When I download the patcher it gives me the .jar file but I don't know how to load up the actual client itself...

  4. *comes out of dark corner to post in show yourself. * * cowers back into dark *

  5. I have showed myself...

  6. The nerve of some people... After a long day I hadn't logged on to be insulted. I need a lie down...

    1. 0000


      Don't worry about what others think. You're an awesome person at heart! (Ha, get it? <3)

    2. Eleatic


      (( Alk that is the person who made me leave. . . ))

  7. Can't bulid ATM sorry

  8. I am anxiously waiting for dem new evils *sigh* That along with magic and LoTC modding package.

  9. Are they letting certain candidates know if they are eligible in their application team applications? I only ask because I am somewhat interested if my application is up to par, or not.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. danic


      You'd even consider that? Hmmph >:I .... If you did it would be the second time my wedding was canceled ;~;

    3. Dante


      JK JK... Wub you Danic :P

    4. danic


      :D wub <3

  10. My school BPU blocked minstatus! No voting for me D:

    1. Dante
    2. KarmaDelta


      BPU...... Butter Peanutts Ugly?

    3. Queen of Aegis

      Queen of Aegis

      ^this man knows what hes talking about

  11. Right before my moving romantic speech as well...

    1. CowsGoMoo


      The server couldn't handle the suspence! It was all like, "OH HELL NAW, I CANT TAKE THIS SHET NO MOAR." And then he totally just turned off. .m.

    2. Dante


      Q_Q I will never be able to get him back, and even then he'll prolly gimme the mixed signs. *falls off cliff* :P

    3. Dante
  12. Increasingly frustrating day. I need a lie down...

    1. Lykos


      Hope you rest well :3

    2. danic


      Wuts wrong? :/

  13. Damn it Winston! Stop giving him advice :P

  14. I ran into slight problem on my application... LACK OF ACCEPTED VA

  15. Love it as well :3

  16. Reply to last status. This is why I hate many child RPers... http://img96.imageshack.us/img96/7950/ragecomics.png

    1. Swgrclan
    2. KarmaDelta


      Should kill them with fire

  17. I cringe as some childish RPer goes "WWWWWWWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" in shout.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. AllenTheGreat


      /me is in important RP,

      suddenly, a baby orc walks

      into the middle of the group and


      '*barths on the ground' then

      ran away.

    3. CowsGoMoo


      .m. You can just emote crying, and people OVER baby the characters, I'm sure a 10 year old can talk like a regular person...

    4. Areon


      I used to ~Kinda~ Do this when I played an orc cub, My character was spoiled and whenever she needed something or didn't get her way, she just yelled her fathers name until someone got him or she got her way. Other than that when I play children ( I've played about three ) Im normally emoting or quiet.

  18. Watches as new app team apps flood his own. Q_Q

  19. That feeling when you feel absolutely terrible, yet have no clue why...

    1. Skippy


      That's a sunday night for me.

    2. danic


      Don't worry man:( sometimes it's just a lot of built up stress finally releasing, making you feel really worn out and sad, hopefully you'll feel better by tomorrow:)

  20. Anyone wanna gimme an ooc rose?

    1. Lykos


      *gives him a stem*

      I found this on the ground, but I found it for you.

    2. Navin_


      *Regurgitates a rose and puts a little blood to recolor it

      For you.

      *Houses a great, big grin on his face

  21. Why are girls so hungry all the time?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. nachotp


      That's true

    3. Sykogenic


      Uhh European girls must be waaaaaay different. American girls never eat anyhting because they think the will get fat.

    4. Eoin :/

      Eoin :/

      I'm not ALWAYS hungry. Just, most of the time. .x.

  22. Your boyfriend? As in me or IRL?

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