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Everything posted by Elindor

  1. Maybe someone can think of a good Lore reason that someone will become a ghost that goes beyond the personal ambition of someone who is dead. So if you can only become a ghost if (for example) something happens to your soulstone while you die or immediately afterwards, then there is good reason for someone to be overseeing it and say "Nope, sorry. there are too many ghosts. Your soulstone faded away during death". Which means that you've then got ghosts who are only based on great character concepts, as opposed to a VA which is just equipping players to get more of what they want. A ghost exists because something about their death doesn't make sense with their soul. They are in denial, and I think they should be stuck to repeating their final day's actions over and over till they become self aware. This could revolve around the soulstone, as there is already a great deal of mystery revolving around those things. I would love to try something (if Elindor ever did die) which would involve trying to find Maeghan.
  2. It might just be the time that I am looking at the forums, but there are more people applying to be villains than new applications. What is wrong with this server?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Patrick.


      ^ What I believe to be the best argument for the lack of newcomers.

    3. Agent Miller

      Agent Miller

      True, but I think we need to minimize the amount of people writing VA's....actually someone should make a guide on how to provide good roleplay without a VA or something to teach all teh peoples that they don't need to be evil cause that's no fun and yes this comment is very lengthy...u mad bro?



      Because I'll get ban reported if my character follows his Lord and operates above the wavering moral boundaries that he is allotted without one.

  3. I am especially fond of trolls as a sun safety message
  4. I put a bit more thought into it. How the heck DID trolls get to Anthos? Scrap all that. Trolls are a native creature to Anthos. There's all kinds of crazy creatures in this world so let's start it out with that. Then you have the original natives to the land who kept them at bay for centuries, killing any trolls who roamed down from the mountains, so the trolls tended to stay in their caves. A powerful witchdoctor poisoned their water to try and kill them all by turning them to stone (something he regularly did to those he cursed). But the troll's skin was resistant to the poison because it was so tough. However the sun's light weakened their skin with its UV rays and their bodies developed hideous moles, welts, melanomas and other cancerous spots. It only takes a small amount of sunlight for their malignant bodies to become infected with cancer, which reduces their immune system and the witchdoctor's curse takes affect. So now you have trolls who are native to Anthos [tick] Turn into stone in the sun [tick] because of an old witchdoctor's curse. But they have a brief window to escape the morning light and get into a cave [tick for player's not turning to stone because they forget how much night is left and can run home]
  5. It isn't a sub-race of orcs. Their beginnings were, but you couldn't just be an orc that becomes a troll because Iblees is no longer around to make you into one. You could play it out as either that group of trolls are still around today and are the only living ones (though how they got to Anthos is a bit weird) or they may have bred together so the bloodline of trolls continues. I didn't suggest it is a sub-race but as the 'birth' of trolls. You couldn't just be a troll.
  6. ((Sorry, I worked late last night and am busy tonight and will be working late the tomorrow night. Sounds terrible I know. But I will be around for that bath next week. I'll be pretty smelly by then, so maybe a sponge will be necessary.)) ((I now see what you mean about no one being around. It is a pretty quiet time in LOTC overall, I think.))
  7. How about... After Iblees' first defeat by the four father's he realised the potential of Krug's might. As he slowly regained energy he used his dark persuasion to try and coax a few of Krug's children to join his cause. Under Iblees' influence their bodies underwent strange transformations and they got much larger, stronger and reflected Iblees' curse more fully than any other orc. The Daemon's calling lead them to a secluded cave where he used his voice for the first time since his banishment. He reasoned with them to do his bidding, as his power over the mind was not yet strong enough to demand loyalty. But honour still flowed strong through the blood of orcs and they denied him. In a rage Iblees spent most of his remaining energy cursing the trolls so that they would never leave the cave, then disappeared back into the Nether. At first the trolls did not believe that Iblees had cursed them, but it only took one being turned to stone for the others to learn of their fate. Yet Iblees' curse was not as powerful as he had anticipated, and under cover of night the trolls were immune. Or, you know... something like that.
  8. Turning to stone is the most intriguing part of the lore. Surely you could come up with something other than a design flaw that makes them transform in certain light or exposure to UV.
  9. ((If you want to see an old man taking a bath I am on at 1am CST))
  10. Cappy is a boss

  11. Does it really need a harsh application? I mean, you should take the ideas from the new magic app system and oversee their growth. Characters will have to ask if they can move up and explain what roleplay experiences have lead them to it, then you'll get some feedback from those who have RPed with them, or watch them yourself. Haunts would be limited to repeating the same actions of a normal day over and over right? So they're not going to be going out into the streets and terrorising people immediately. It is only once they become self aware that you want to choose wisely who can do it. It feels like there are applications everywhere these days.
  12. And that's why I think there shouldn't be an application to do it. However, if this became approved lore things might get out of hand. Maybe not, but maybe. Proposing yourself to oversee it is not a bad idea, but it is such a small thing for one person to keep tabs on that I think it is better suited to someone from the Event Team to be receiving Ghost application PMs. Not that ghost's are a big thing, but that it mightn't be the right timing or location to have a haunt wandering around an abandoned house if the event team is planning for a dragon to burn that house down soon.
  13. Send an Event Team person a PM and ask who would be good to oversee it. I think it should be in the hands of someone who knows what is in the works, because perhaps a ghost shouldn't be doing something somewhere if the Event Team are planning something for that area the following day. If you know what I mean. Also they could more easily get a GM to make something in a permissioned region (for example) if necessary.
  14. Don't see it as only the Event Team can instigate it. What I mean is that if you want to play a ghost, you contact someone from the Event Team (it would be good if they could suggest someone to oversee this in particular) and say "Hey, I wanted to do a ghost in this area, this is the character" and they say "yeah sure." Putting it in the hands of the ET just means that you don't have a whole bunch of ghosts all over the place and they keep that specialness. The only reason the Event Team would have to say no is if there are already a bunch or if they have something in mind for that specific area or your character proposal is dumb etc etc. EDIT: I know what you are getting at shaping it like a form of magic. But if the ghosts have no influence on people then there is no reason for it to be an application process for magic. I would rather see this implemented in the simplest form possible so that it can just happen. Kalenz' apparition lore is approved and so he is going to great lengths to make an event where it can happen. I would love to see this just 'happen', though it does need to be overseen in some form.
  15. I don't think this needs to be an MA. If the ghost has no ability to affect another person then there's no reason to have to apply for it. Now as something that the Event Team oversee. I am all for that.
  16. Minecraft Name: Jerry_Man Character Name: Elindor Race and Age: Elven. Something over 300 What position are you applying for? (Librarian, Theurgist, Inventor, Professor, Rhetor): Dean Augurer (Professor) List any experience you have had with matters regarding that Department: Having spent over three human generations practicing different forms of magic, I know more than most about the forms and functions of the unexplained. Having written many a book on the subject, and having seen their pages waste away by unnatural causes, I have not only a wealth of knowledge but a wealth of connections. While research has never been a strong point, my simultaneous gift and curse remains the gathering of knowledge, one which altogether plagues my better judgement to simply retire. I can explain more specifically my experiences with magic, though I prefer it not be done under public eye. Describe the reason for your interest in that position (>5 sentences): I have seen many come and go and take little interest in their practices, but the words that remain behind are as some small glimpse into eternity. For few things remain beyond one's lifetime, but knowledge is gathered from millennia of wisdom. It is this wisdom that I wish to shape and mould into an expression that will not be so easily dismissed to crumbling, as my own works have. My previous experience as headmaster of the Aegis Institute of Technology saw similar responsibilities to that of Dean. And, while I know that I can rise to whatever leadership role is unfulfilled by the pool of applicants, I seek no reward nor recognition. I am an overseer of education and appreciator of literary works, but never will I claim the reward of such temporal frivolity. By applying, should you be accepted you are expected to utterly adhere to the Common Clauses. Do you understand this?: I live subject to codes far stricter than this that remain to similar effect: Don't fraternise in politics.
  17. YES PLEASE. I loved the apparitions lore and can't wait to see it come into affect.
  18. WOH! ConnorMagill slow down. You've almost spoken your weight in posts today

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jarkarll


      I'd say more useful posts are in order.

    3. ConnorMagill


      Woah woah woah, Off topic warrior. And some rp on an rp server who woulda thunk.

    4. Telanir


      Yeah connor, you should put some more effort into those posts. Spamming the brewery plugin wasn't appreciated either. ._.

      No offense...

  19. Minestatus tells me I have already voted once today.WHAT?

    1. ConnorMagill


      Someone voted for you its ok

    2. V0idsoldier


      Scumbag minestatus

    3. Elindor


      what if I didn't want to vote for LOTC?


  20. My suggestion on all the anomalies is to state that this is the lore for wood elves, and that since very early into Elven history, elves would breed with whomever they could (seen as the curse made reproducing so difficult) there have become many elves who have strain from their traditional sub-race and resemble more "elves" than anything specific. It seems that elves more than any of the other races have a lot of people that don't fit the sub-races properly. I think much of this drama can go away if the message comes out that you don't have to have a sub-type. You can be "just an elf". When I started with Elindor he was just an elf with an illegitimate human mother. Much later on I decided that, seen as everyone had subraces now, he was wood elf and human. But he was made as a generic elf (with a few extra human things) and is 6'1" with tan skin.
  21. Alright, so my reading might be out of date. But I imagine that it was 'cleaned up' by the lore team.
  22. I dunno. I read it ages ago when there was a lot of history going around. There is that in-game book about the High Prince and the druid growing the forests of Laurelin. Was that Prince Native in the book? Anyway... I remember reading that Malin and his sons built towns. I also seem to remember something about him leaving for extended periods of time and returning, but I am not sure if that one is accurate.
  23. That is exactly my point. There is this belief about who Malin was that is incorrect. And that is an important part of the Lore of Wood Elves. It does not need to be corrected by anyone, it is just the way it is. And Malin built towns and lived peacefully with his children. But they weren't in trees. That came later.
  24. I always thought that the wood elves remained closest to the ideal of Malin, as opposed to how he actually was. He was pale skinned and fought a lot. It is the fathering lots of children and living peaceably with nature aspects of Malin that the wood elves put on a pedestal and they have completely overseen that Malin is actually not altogether fulfilling of their perception. The idea of Malin was huge in shaping the culture of wood elves, but the huge forests and the living in trees was all because of a druid. I think it is worth a mention anyway, that Malin is perceived to be similar to Native in characteristics, even though it is not how he actually was.
  25. Wood elves cannot deny the call of the forest upon them. Which is why their homes are often within the trees. Also they like to be barefoot to feel the grass beneath their feet, however it does make it easier to move across treetops without the restriction that shoes create. Any wood elf that spends time in human cities will crave the feel of the forest. It is because they love nature and trees that they are more inclined to druidism/elemental nature magic. They possess a sensitivity towards the elements that those who do not listen to nature could ever have
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