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Fredfort (jens6851)

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Everything posted by Fredfort (jens6851)

  1. Plays with a military dagger.. Drops it and it lands beside my foot.. I'M LUCKY! ._.

    1. Apareon


      *whistles* Extremely lucky.

    2. Praetor


      -blows on it as it falls, pushing it onto his foot- :3

  2. Ts..?? O_O What happend?

    1. Lirinya



    2. Eledyr


      Not sure if Brazialns ....or realy smart cows

  3. Hmm.. Lets hope I won't f*** this up.. o3o And here's something to help all... The/us confused teenagers

    (or just people who likes music :P)
    1. Blundermore


      Bah... you young whipper snappers and your wim wams and chimes and whooha's! You should listen to real music like waltzing.

  4. Haven't played on the server for 2 days O_O -looks around- Where's the /smite ???

    1. Praetor


      ^ What the red headed dwarfy-like elf said.

  5. Guess what day it is! :O It's yadirf!

    1. RenownedWolfman


      And here I thought it was just a friday.

    2. Old-Rattlesnake


      How clever.

      *golf claps

  6. Ahhh.. Dang sickness... Can't talk..

  7. This.. Place.. Is.. AWESOME! :DDDDD

  8. -deletes all conversations- my receive the message O.O

  9. -gets excited and looks around- I think I just deleted my all my conversations.. Is that good enough? :D

  10. (( Wouups! Good idea :)*shows Jenas own mori slave mark* RESPECT?! :3 ))
  11. Task of the month.. Let me improve my rp! :D -gets wired up and starts playing.-

    1. Praetor


      But you RP super already! And I shuold know! ^^

    2. Fredfort (jens6851)

      Fredfort (jens6851)

      NOT GOOD ENOUGH! -wires up again-

  12. Iss :3 I.. Must.. Win.. -uses his secret powers to get alot of profile views and high rep- Muahahaha! (( :P ))

  13. Wakeing up with blood pumping out of my nose... Wt4.. Cleans it up and walks into the living room to get some breakfast... Ofc i wasen't looking in the mirror when i tryed to stop the nosebleeding.. So.. I ... Looked like a vampire.. :/

  14. Me and Issbaner still need someone to rp our kid, will make a thread soon.. But.. If your just MISSING that kind of character.. Pm me or iss ;)

  15. Lym... If you kill Jena.. I will drown a cat... O_O IN COLD BLOOD! -shivers and tries to find his missing cat- :3

    1. Song Druid

      Song Druid

      Ben tried that on puppies and he left for good the day after.

    2. Fredfort (jens6851)
  16. Finally gets away from empyreal.. Finally goes to the druid place.. And then there's no one..

    1. Ever


      :3 I'm always here.

    2. Twilight Druid
  17. Soo.. We made tooth paste in school today as the finisher for a loooong theme thing... And.. Ofc someone had to break the glass and spill tooth paste at me and everyone around the table.. But i want mention names.. RIGHT JEERIN!? O_O

    1. Queen of Aegis

      Queen of Aegis

      *cough* kill him *cough*


  18. O_O Falls off his chair."Awh..." Looks at the cookies all over the floor "Dang..."

    1. Maximas1211


      Falls off his chair, gets back on, wishes he has cookies.

  19. Omg.. Have usen two hours to write on Jenas wiki page... And then.. Something happens so everything.. F***s up...

  20. Then we start to think and realise that the world is just another weird platform.. Just.. Way more realistic, have to get out and enjoy life.. Tomorrow..

    1. Ned Lud

      Ned Lud

      I was banned from the real world for fly-hacking.

    2. Fredfort (jens6851)

      Fredfort (jens6851)

      Dang.. That's sad bro.. At least you arent banned from lotc. ;)

  21. Hm.. having a : "HOW TO USE WORD." in school.. I know it already.. Then.. LOTC :P

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