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Status Updates posted by Phelrin

  1. That funny feeling you get when you see someone you made the skin for being sold as a slave

  2. What happened to the homepage?

  3. Appearently Planetmindcraft and any sites that get content from Planetminecraft are now blocked by Google Chrome for malware :/

  4. Skippy, what do you change your name to something no one understands. You can't hind from the fact you're Skippy

    1. danic


      Domelvia Flormai is a character on the server, and Skippy's just a noobs and makes fun of him

  5. Could anyone give be an estimate before we hop to the next island? Or are we now planning to stay on this island until 3.0?

    1. argonian


      I hope and think, that we are staying on this island until 3.0

    2. TheRoyalOnion(Aris)


      I hope so too, if I have to make yet another home and gather even more resources without being able to take them with me I might snap.

    3. Zazarus


      I really hope we are able to get resources from point A to B. Then again you never know.

  6. Could anyone give be an estimate before we hop to the next island? Or are we now planning to stay on this island until 3.0?

  7. I'm gonna leave this here. Minecraft pigs are suddenly addicting.....

  8. From 17 to 13 in a minute....

  9. To be mathimatically correct, we are on the 2.0i map now

    1. Shadeleaf


      To be realistic though, we are on

      the 1.75 map that came at the time

      of 2.0i 0.o

  10. Yesterday, who was the pig in the spectators tower that I tried to eat, and in turn kicked me in the groin?

  11. For the purposes of aging my character, what year would we be leaving Asulon?

  12. In an hours time, we went up at least 10 on Minestatus. The the voting up guys!

    1. Aiden


      In 3hours time we went up 225+

  13. I keep on waiting, waiting. Waiting for the LotC app....

  14. School's been taking up a lot of my time. I'll probably be back for the new map

  15. And yeah, go ahead

  16. Could one distill coffee?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hiebe
    3. Phelrin


      Time for some lore on Dwarven Distilled Coffee

    4. Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      Well I am building a distillery currently, I guess we could repurpose it.

  17. Availer coming back to help save the server.....this sounds like a movie

  18. -_- Gaius, did you just delete your post? Meh, I now know what Occulus is...

    1. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      Accidentally submitted it too early without the whokle content, it is reposted in

  19. Me. The robe is a recolor of one of darkjames's, but the I made the mask myself

  20. No one expects the Dwarven Inquisition!

    1. MonkeyCoffee
    2. Mingpow321


      *Cough* "Oren." *Cough* :P

  21. Question: Would it be possible for Vaq to code a seperate "money pouch" for minas with the Mod API?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kaiser


      Pack animals dude

      I made the long lore :P

    3. Phelrin


      I'm assuming it's not possible without?

    4. Kaiser


      Not sure but it would be hard :/

  22. Question for the GM's. Can the people with Clerical magic expect to have any sort of a magic plugin for healing any time in the near future?

    1. Braxis


      Just wait my Rouge Cleric, You shall see~

  23. Has anyone else noticed the typo in the War Claim forum, or am I really the first one?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lago


      Needs a full stop and the word 'stand' removed.

    3. Korvic


      I think it's meant to say "Where factions stand tall."

    4. Lago


      It's 'Where factions stall'. No standing tall involved.

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