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Status Updates posted by Blundermore

  1. well I think my work here is done... SQUIDS BEWARE.

  2. I guess my gm app was just not meant to be really... Sigh. I didn't realise that I hardly made any impact on the server by the looks of things. Either that or no one cares to read apps anymore. Very well... It was a slim chance anyways.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Blundermore


      Well I better start making preparations then... If you have read they app you know what I'm talking about... Sigh

    3. shiftnative


      We need proper rp involvement just as much if not more than we need gm's. But if youre serious about moderating and development then its only a matter of time

    4. Austin


      Turning someone to GM hardly changes someone, atleast in my situation with Mogroka. He is a Admin but he always finds time to RP and me and him are still close pals.

  3. I wounder if anyone puts a va with 3 in for trolololing reasons

    1. Repiteo


      Evil 3 Alone wouldn't be trolololish

      A VA with you wanting to be a powerful undead and chill with Ibless on the other hand...

    2. Wolf Druid Ouity

      Wolf Druid Ouity

      I think he means 4.

      And yes. Yes we do.

    3. Blundermore


      Well the undead are not here anymore. So unless your character is an idiot he isn't going to be worshiping a group that don't even exist anymore.

  4. I have finished writing the first part of my story of how I met my twin brother played by (7lo) better known as mogroka.

  5. yes, I saw that. I don't really know how I surpassed the votings though.

  6. Feels like cr*p after what he said on icarus' ban report

    1. danic


      Don't worry, that jerks gone, we all WUBWUB you.

  7. just updated my sig...

  8. I broke my shoulder yesterday playing Rugby and getting pilled on by a load of people... My collar bone is splintered and I cannot move my shoulder at all. Yay for me... -.-

    1. CloakandDagger


      Same thing happened to me.

      Because of the nature of the fracture it took 6-9 months to get the shoulder brace/restraint. I still think Rugby(Union) is the Worlds greatest sport.

    2. Aandie
    3. Samson (Derick)

      Samson (Derick)

      And that, is why i don't play sports.

  9. I would like to be on AIC but It is a populatrity contest as usual... *sighs* -.-

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. The Womping Wizard

      The Womping Wizard

      So far my assumptions for the accepted will be Syrio. Susitsu. Dawn. and Enor. But thats my guess.

    3. The Zealot (Sir_Wyvernos)

      The Zealot (Sir_Wyvernos)

      Everyone don't fret over who is picked for the commitee. I believe all of you can improve the rp experience on this server regardless of your title. To those who arent picked, just keep on on your path to a better tomorrow for rp. Every last one of you has a major impact on the server whether you know it or not. Blundermoere, you are(and have always been) a major factor in the rp that surrounds the player base. As your last status said,"Achievement get! Make a mark in history of l...

    4. Respiren


      You have my vote that's all you need :troll: or?

  10. Achievement get! Make a mark in history of lord of the craft

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Blundermore


      should I just start up an achievement get! Forum game?

    3. Porkour.


      Achievement get! *oinks*

    4. Porkour.


      Achievement get! *oinks*

  11. You know you have been playing too much LOTC when you look at some dirt and think "I could get some neat stuff from that"...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Seventh / Ryan

      Seventh / Ryan

      You know you've played to much LOTC when your playing Mw3 and you get a UAV and you see a red dot around the corner, but you don't want to attack becuase it wold be Meta.

    3. Respiren


      When you dream of blocks

    4. Wolf Druid Ouity

      Wolf Druid Ouity

      When you cry along with your character when he's going through a tough spot. :)

  12. Just finished 3 computing exams... now i'm abosultely buzzing to get home

  13. Fast travel points need to be implemented. Or at least multiple spawn zones

  14. Well I hope vaq fixes the magic plugin for tonight as rp'ing magic when fighting undead is getting old and a bit awkward as others watch... That and who wants to watch a text battle between An ascended and an Undead?

  15. Finished the song =]

  16. Well... it was nice knowing you Aegis... I shall write a short song for you.

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