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Status Updates posted by Blundermore

  1. Well, it's settled, some Oren lot yesterday attacked Blundermore once too many times. Time to write a VA... >=D

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Dilara(lotteje13)


      oh crap blunder is going evil wizard O:

    3. Blundermore


      Not evil, more... Open minded.

    4. ~≈Panda≈~


      Blundermore makes a bit of blunders but that doesn't mean we can't all sit back and have a good time with what little magic left in our hearts.

  2. http://img515.imageshack.us/img515/5288/16392680.png The new symbol of the Order of the five wizards as done by Elindor
    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Lago


      It means I can haz be sixth wizard.

    3. Lago


      That, and a pentagram means... well...

    4. Esterlen
  3. cleaning out the lore section right now...

  4. Just took my old Apprentice's son into my care Ic'ly...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Αμφίονας


      Ooc he teaches how to make meth

    3. Augor


      Huh, you managed to beat me to this status.

    4. Blundermore
  5. According to GMs, there's been reports of me teleporting around the world and being in multiple places at the same time, phasing through walls and buildings. Some strange lag going on there. Although reag just trolled me with a doppleganger of myself just now lol.

    1. gingernut97
    2. Telanir



      And wait... I disapprove of that. You weren't jumping all over the place! :o

  6. Damn it Wardog, you were my only apprentice who DIDN'T die. *sighs...* Well then... *starts carving the 8th notch into his staff...*

    1. ScreamingDingo


      You don't have the best luck with apprentices

    2. CosmicWhaleShark
  7. I've updated my skin now

    1. Will (TauFirewarrior)
    2. Polgrath


      Gypsy robes are best robes

  8. I've updated my skin now

  9. Well it seems as though Rhunnivar as a name will be the name I'll use then unless anyone else has another idea. I also created a new skin with shading and all as well (which means that people cannot meta game me as some have already tried to do). I think I might edit the skin a little more as I think I could make it a little better...

  10. I've been thinking for a bit, how does Leoben Patrick WindRaker sound as a name change from Blundermore Patrick WindRaker?

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Blundermore


      I remember the days when people would ask me "Who the hell is this Radagast you speak of? The only wizards were Saruman and Gandalf...", Rhunnivar seems to be getting a lot of support where ever I suggest it... hmm...

    3. tomahawk90


      That changed because of the hobbit then I presume? Is he in there? I have yet to see it.

    4. Telanir


      Rhunnivar sounds quite good.

  11. Figure I would ask this again now that there are more people on: Blundermore I wonder if I should RP'ly change Blundermore's name to something a bit more RPish... Something that rolls off the tongue... At the moment Blundermore's Name is Blundermore Patrick WindRaker. Any ideas?

  12. Now this is box determination http://i.imgur.com/VFiI4.gif

    1. Wretched


      And it also made my day.

    2. gingernut97


      *stands and salutes with tears in his eyes* "You are a brave one, little box."

    3. Will (TauFirewarrior)

      Will (TauFirewarrior)

      That Box is now my role model

  13. I wonder if I should RP'ly change Blundermore's name to something a bit more RPish... Something that rolls off the tongue... At the moment Blundermore's Name is Blundermore Patrick WindRaker. Any ideas?

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Αμφίονας


      Rhunnivar sounds very good.

      And original. Few names start with R.

    3. Lykos


      Ruuuudy, Ruuuudy, Ruuuudy.

    4. Shoi


      But. . . but. . . but! you're Blundermore! Blundermore Delahand Windseeker!

  14. I might be wrong, but I think whilst sitting in the stand for the irish game to start, I saw three people that look remarkably like Simon hannah and lewis from the yogscast. then again, it is west London and everyone looks the same. be funny if it was though, although they're quinns fans, bah!

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Kaiser
    3. Blundermore


      Complete crap ref! Double movement, twice! That wasn't a tri you bias piece of ****. Its bad enough the stadium is biased and the commentators but the ref? Good thing we got a penalty, 16 12 to quinns. Come on you irish.

    4. Blundermore


      Stop kicking it and play for tries you numpty irish centre.

  15. Server is down until tech team can be contacted...

  16. Just attacked a moutain with a small force of Dwarves to reveal a creature of dark magic. Today, was a good day.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Volutional


      I wish I had a character worthy of ... adventures.

    3. MetaSolaray


      Hey HEy Blundermore you can't forget the Blue haired Meta...the creature loved Meta...

    4. The Lion

      The Lion

      *Lion touches his gold ring, thinking of unlimited power to control the hearts and minds of the free folk.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Blundermore


      It's how Wizards mark their territory.

    3. Blundermore


      It's how Wizards mark their territory.

    4. hex37


      I liked it better when they just pissed on trees.(Druids)

  17. Found the fifth wizard Yesterday with my other, oh I can't wait for the RP to come in the future =D

  18. I've found the reason why the world didn't end (Contains a few swears): http://i.imgur.com/EMsoN.png

  19. Well, at least that is done and Dusted.

  20. Just saw Cataris' thread... All I can say in reply to it is "lol no."

    1. Blundermore


      Eh... I understood the joke... I think, if it was one. Just thought that it was a little un-needed. I mean, if he wanted to leave... just leave. No one can hold anyone against you for that. This however is like pugsying on the forums. Pugsying being something extremely Immature really.

  21. This is strange... no one has asked a magical question in the Q and A for several days now...

    1. Supremacy


      I asked questions. They were ignored. :p

    2. Blundermore


      Nevermind, I just answered three more on there... will be looking for this "ignored" question of yours.

    3. Lykos


      I can haz lern magikc without applikation or waiting? I am be master wizerd tomorrow?

  22. Been conscipted into the lore masters as a trial run rookie... Well here's to hoping I manage to prove myself to them in the coming days.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ShadowoKing


      Good luck Gandalf.

    3. LaCabra (Soda)
    4. MrSyth


      If there's anyone who deserves it it's you.

      Good luck.

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