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Everything posted by Jistuma

  1. As per the rules, a mage is no longer extra super powerful, he just has to be smart to win fights and the like. So a Bull sounds reasonable, small pack of wolves as well. Walking around while controlling the conjurations, not so much... That does depend thought, if it was walking while keeping focus, or just turning around and start running.
  2. Alright guys, the answer is yes, but I hope you guys know what magnetic field distance is. It's less than a foot. Always. Anything more powerful does not exist in nature. Yes you can throw a small stone at someone with armor and it would far more easily hit them, but throw a big rock of that thing and inertia would mean it wouldn't hit him (if it was missing). Magnetic swords is probably one of the worse ideas someone could have, expecially when fighting someone with armor, what good is a sword that is stuck on someone's armor? Not to mention you couldn't be wearing armor yourself. For small things like finging bits of iron in mines, finding needle, and so on, Perfect idea, can bring interesting actions to roleplay. So ye, it's allowed, but I don't really see a fighting use in them, expecially since action-reaction, what you create pulls and get pulled by whatever it's connected to.
  3. Same as you would with humanoids, animals are just less logical thinking and so illusions don't have to be so real.
  4. Would be the same, but you have the chance of them not understanding the illusions are fake so easily, since they can't think logically the same way.
  5. Illusion can never make someone do something they don't want, it only makes them see the world as different. If the druid says attack, the animal will attack. Where he will attack is what can be changed, but illusioning the attacked position, or etc. Same for all other things.
  6. It is possible to illusion animals, but how you do it to make a chicken mad enough to attack someone should be pretty hard. I mean, what would you illusion the chicken to make it attack someone? How would you make a chicken attack someone without using illusion? It's just as difficult. You could make other things thought, like making a dog smell meat in someone for example, or other stuff, depends on your imagination.
  7. Well, magics are locked right now because mostly of lore and guilds/groups associated with them. Clerics are a group of mages that heal and combat darkness, so it would be weird if an evil person would just learn that magic, so it's locked. Necromancers are a shady group that raises the dead, so it would be weird if really nice people knew how to do the magic, so it's locked. Druids are lovers and protectors of nature, so it would be weird for someone who doesn't love or protect nature to have the magic, so it's locked. Frost witches have a curse, so not having a curse and doing the magic would be weird, so it's locked. Shades something, I don't remember Shamans are almost tribal orcs which connect to the spirits, so it would be weird for an intelectal high elf to get i- **** that actually happened in times of the MAT. It's locked now.
  8. That post was a response to Cappy saying they were all mech standard, I think he wants them all unlocked. So you want magic to just be mechanics? Where is the magic in that? Where is the use in that? If you haven't noticed, most of the magics I made of example are... actually non combat related. Mind magic, Illusion, contract, soul puppetry, void translocation, druid shapeshifting, even necromancy for most of it. Those aren't combat magics, they are just magics that break mechanical standard in other ways. Without lore, without guidelines, all those things that the magics do would not be able to be roleplayed, the lore of the magic opened the roleplay by removing the mech standard in those ocasions.
  9. Cappy, most magic breaks mech standard. If you're talking about combat, it still breaks mech standard! Just not while pvp'ing, because you can't fight in pvp without only using mechanics. Mech standard does not only mean to combat. Want examples? Mind magic - Metagaming if without lore - Using tells to comunicate with someone and reading the mind of other characters - Has no mechanical representation Illusion - Powergaming and metagaming if without lore - Creation of sensations that don't exist such as pain, emotions, sight, and able to tell things to others through tells, thought they can't really respond - Has no mechanical representation Soul puppetry - Powergaming if without lore - You curse people, and you may even kill people while on the other side of the map - Has no mechanical representation Necromancy - Powergaming if without lore - They can taint, curse, and even use the bodies of the people just killed to aid themselves. - Has some mechanical representation. Conjuration - Powergaming if without lore - They create creatures to do things for them - No they don't have to have a wolf/horse/cat to roleplay it. Contract Magic - Godmoding if without lore - Forcing punishment on characters if they break some things said in a contract, sometimes even without OOC agreement - Has no mechanical representation (the effects that least, the contract is a book) Void Translocation - Powergaming if without lore - Having things kept outside the touch of anyone else - Actually is useless with mechanics because it's impossible to actually die and not have the item taken. Druid shapeshifting - Powergaming if without lore - They turn into animals - I wouldn't consider a skin a representation, but I guess maybe. There are probably more but those are the ones I got. Red means locked, green is semi-locked, meaning you probably need at least someone guiding you OOC'ly because there isn't enough information for you to roleplay without aid.
  10. Cappy, a lot of things need efford, example, obtaining ranks in guilds, towns, nations. You don't just make a character and decide you're king of X, or commander of, you have to become it. Oh, and cappy, if you haven't noticed, most magic breaks mech standard, it has lore for it, that is why it has lore for it, and guidelines etc.
  11. Well, transfiguration was locked because not even the players that did transfiguration really knew what they could and couldn't do, and then there was the enchanting problem. You can do a lot with transfiguration, expecially with enchanting, so much interesting roleplay can happen with it, so many interesting things, but you know very well what normally happens when people have access to magic with various means of use... they use it for combat. Doesn't have much problem anymore with PVP default? Of course it has, many players still enjoy good fights in roleplay. With enchanting and warding mainly, someone can easily abuse it and the other person won't even know it's powergaming because transfiguration is just that hard to know. Enchanting can make weapons better, can create 'life', can make things automated, can make them have magic working without the person having to be casting it, and many more things. For wards players haven't yet realised that they NEED to know about the magic they are warding to stop it (as in know how it works), and normally just do wards that stop magic in general or one type of magic they don't want there. Transmutation had that problem of people breaking through walls with it. It's not so complicated to understand, but players don't realise that it would take time to do, it wouldn't be instantaneous, and that they need to know what they are transmuting. And of course know what equivalent exchange is. It took a long time to get a guide created, thought I wouldn't really be against unlocking most of the magic, expecially transmutation if they follow mech standard and the other rules, so they don't go around making holes in houses, but roll instead like everyone else to try and get into them. Transmutation has some very interesting things I believe, like for smiths, glassworkers, sculptures and etc, because they can shape the material using various ways of changing it. Enchanting on the other hand... has a problem, a big problem in my opinion,which is not the weapon one. If made open, it will have a large influx of magical items, which will make them lose their 'magic', as in uniqueness. Right now, a glowing orb that changes color through day and night is still slightly 'rare', but with open enchanting, that would be a cake walk to create, like really simple. Everyonce could have magical items and they would lose their effect as something interesting. Warding I'm in a middle ground. If rp'ed corretly then there wouldn't be much problems with it, but there will be. A guild would probably be able to ward their castle of all magics if needed, and when confronted with how they had the knowledge to do it, well, it's an open magic, you just have different people do different magic wards. So, I believe enchanting is still very special type of magic that should remain lock because of what it can do, warding I'm in the middle ground but wouldn't have much problems right not because there finally is a guide on it, and transmutation wouldn't have much problems because there is a guide on it. I guess I can talk to the rest of the LM's and check what they think about rechanging, at least part of it.
  12. I still see a problem with the first rule, about the raid thing. Because there is a problem, metagaming. A raid results in two things: Victory or Defeat. Unless the raiders would be carrying banners and flashing their names to the raided, no one could know who they were besides their race. Heck, between humans and elves, and goblins, they wouldn't be able to tell apart the race as well. Even if the raiders win, do they just know the faces of all military people from everywhere? No, they could maybe, with luck, know one person. If it's one person they know, it's not a raid of a nation or a town, it's a raid from that person that they know where he's from. They go to talk to them, and the people of the town deny that they attacked. If the raided lose, they don't even have the bodies to know anything. Saying "dwarves attacked" doesn't mean Urguan attacked, it means dwarven people attacked. There are gangs, houses, bandits, how would anyone know if the raiders were from a nation or not? Oh and with that rule in place, bandits would start to blame other places in their attacks, like shouting "Oren Oren Oren!" And things like that. Also, no town controls all it's people, and since it's a game, it doesn't control it's military either. So why should the people of the town have to accept the warclaim that was provoked by a few that probably the characters don't even know who they were without metagaming the nameplate? So I don't really see that rule working.
  13. On the first rule, what is a raid by the town/nation? Players sometimes just raid because of raiding and would probably damage the town/nation without even being part of it or not going on their commands.
  14. Which was decided it was ET only, so I assume that if it's not used by ET, it needs to follow the rest of the rules of playing non-cannon creatures. [edit] This case is weird, because the creature was ET only, and then Kai, who is the ET leader allowed it, but the player isn't an ET or ET intern. Very weird indeed.
  15. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/101744-the-official-lore-regulations/ Btw the person playing the spiderling needs to ask a Lore Master, not a GM. As for the half-breed things, you just need to come to an LM with reason to play it, and give the LM security that allowing you to play him won't result in 2 days rp'ing it and then get bored. Not speaking about the PG things that can happen, but that normally is easily viewed by the LM before, saying what they can and can't do, normally just going by the mech standard. If there are too many thought, it loses it's magic. We also don't just want those creatures in a tavern drinking ale with the dwarves, they would have to actually act like the creature they would want to play. Hope this helps.
  16. So, a few problems... First, this looks trully like an event character, the same exact reasons why ghosts never really fit besides just being a way to play a PK character. They can't be played in the light, they don't talk to people, they don't evolve. The first ones could still do all that, and even so they aren't played much. Spooky roleplay is just event roleplay, it gets boring quickly. A century to be created. You can just remove that, no one roleplays that. You are in the Fringe for 5-15 years, and no one else has been here before. Same for the rest of the realms besides teh first of Aegis. There is no such thing as holy water, not even from Clerics. Gravens I always believed were the best of spectrals, because simply, they could act like other characters, and through it, they still had that task to complete. With this lore you removed most of the connection with the mortals, and just made them ghosts that can be killed the same as mortals. This basicly means that character in that new type of graven is mostly removed. But at least ghosts could not be killed easily, these gravens are easily killed. Light, gold, holy magic, shaman magic, anti-magic, normal magic, a sword, everything kills them. They are weaker than normal characters, and would be killed even more easily and provide less roleplay than the last types of gravens, and even ghosts. That's my opinion at least, and the hive mind makes this break mech standard so it kind of needs to be accepted, either by player by player, or the whole lore, which might take long.
  17. Then what are the changes? Are they just walking corpses that can do necromancy?
  18. So is it or not just a dead body? Also, a crab arm makes you a freak, goat legs makes you a creature of fantasy, thought it might still be acceptable.
  19. Mhh... Kala... Enchantments don't drain mana, they have to be powered by enchanters. Obelisks use thanhium or thanhic ore which means they create mana themselves from heat. [edit] Actually it's just a giant mana poll, doesn't even use thanhic. From what I understood from this lore, this is sucking tiny amounts of mana from everyone, plant, animals, mages and non mages alike to fuil enchantments, something that at the moment can only be done by mages themselves. [edit] Now, I did advise Westen a lot to not use magic to create the web, and use materials and alchemy instead and all that, since it would mean it would be real, and not really made from mana. Finding a type of material or combination of material that sucks out tiny amount of mana almost unnoticible to someone, is something completely plausible.
  20. They have a different body do they not? If they do, they are a creature, not their respective race. If they don't... are you just gaining immortality for having a body that can't fight? A dead body?
  21. After speaking to Ritts about these kinds of contructs (not the puppets in particular, but a lot of others as well), I have to state that for this creature to be played, you either have to make it become cannon lore (which might take a while) and then who plays one of those only has to follow the lore, or have an LM decide on individual aprovals of it (each player that wants to play one needs permission), which might be better or worse considering what you want done with this creature. They fall into rule 3. of the lore rules Non-canon fantasy creatures, such as fairies and demons, may not be roleplayed without Lore Master approval I wish the best of luck with this lore.
  22. After speaking to Ritts about these kinds of creatures (not Wights in particular, but a lot of others as well), I have to state that for this creature to be played, you either have to make it become cannon lore (which might take a while) and then who plays one of those only has to follow the lore, or have an LM decide on individual aprovals of it (each player that wants to play one needs permission), which might be better or worse considering what you want done with this creature. They fall into rule 3. of the lore rules Non-canon fantasy creatures, such as fairies and demons, may not be roleplayed without Lore Master approval I wish the best of luck with this lore.
  23. While many have talked about saying life-force and mana are the same or are created from eachother, it breaks too many magics, including necromancy (mostly necromancy), but as well as contract magic, and many lores about dead things like ghosts and the like. It also brings questions as to why wouldn't mages be able to turn more mana into lifeforce, and many other stuff. So life-force and mana, while being connected with eachother, are not produced from eachother. So best way is to simply have them as different things. Now, if the mana that is 'produced' comes from the void or not, is something that no character would ever be able to find out, so it would be unknown lore that doesn't need to be created, thought it can be speculated IC. Holes and possibilities and lore breaking stuff rise with the creation of details like this, which really aren't needed for anyone's roleplay. Removing the "Lifeforce turns to mana and mana turns to lifeforce" would not really influence any part of the lore, and make it so that it doesn't break other roleplay and lore created, and carrier mana can still very well exist, as the state of mana before it can be used by the character, since only the mana that is of that character can be used.
  24. I'll speak about what I know about Mana-lifeforce. Pretty much the concept of Carrier mana is quite interesting, and I had never thought about it. Thought there are a few things wrong with the diagrams. It seems that you make the mana come from the void, when it's said that all living things have mana. It's produced by the living being, it doesn't come from the void, it kind of it's just to access the void and do magic based on it. This doesn't really ruin any part of your lore thought, just that you probably just need to change the diagram a bit. The Carrior Mana would be mana created at the moment, and being with the life-force in the blood stream before turning into normal mana. Also, life-force doesn't turn to mana, it's has nothing to do with mana. No mana is converted to life-force, since mana is produced, not received. I would sugest something of the kind of: Mana is produced and gathered with life-force, it is carrier mana. Carrier mana then becomes normal mana and can be used for normal arcane spells and other stuff. The Carrier mana can be removed and used by blood mages. Also if this lore is accepted... Contract magic is part of blood magic =P
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