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Everything posted by Jistuma

  1. Could you send the necronomiconioninshon to the LMs please? Thank you. And so, if the lore is as you say, then a quick fix can be done to this one and simply be, the zombie pigmen appear as your post states, and the normal pigmen would appear as my post states, holy magic to uncorrupt them. It's lore for players to be able to play pigmen Moggle. I made it short, quick to the point, and lore abiding to the LOTC universe. Oh F- Please don't ban me! Bohra have a quite different lore than Pigmen it seems, though if Allen's lore is real, which it can very well be, then a comparison to the Bohra can be made, which would be interesting. Just to say, this isn't lore on zombie pigmen, I based the zombie pigmen lore on the wiki page of them, this is lore on normal pigmen.
  2. Bortu means dwarf, is this a joke about dwarves? Or do you mean Bohra, the Boarmen?
  3. Pigmen Origins Pigmen’s origins are a simple story, and to gather the origin of the pigman, first you need to know the origin of the Zombie Pigmen. Zombie Pigmen are creations of Iblees, cursed and corrupted pigs which become bipedal, and ability to wield weapons. Their main purpose was the easy method to create them, all the Undead had to do to create Zombie Pigmen was breed pigs. Armies of mostly mindless and beast like warriors could this way be created. When not commanded by the undead forces the zombie pigmen were mostly neutral, and only when one was attacked did the others rush to it’s aid. Pigman result from the uncorruption of zombie pigmen by means of holy magic. Trying to reverse the effects of the powers of the dark lord, removes their zombification, but they remain bipedal and gain a bit of sentience. Appearance They look like pigs that walk upwards like men. They range from 4’6 to 5’4 in height. Their hands have gained fingers, yet not fully developed, delicate controlled of something is hard for them. Pros They Oink more realistically. Cons They Oink more realistically. Don’ts They don’t have harder skin. They don’t have extra strength. They don't do magic.
  4. So Lark made a change to a wiki page that I had forgotten even existed. It's very imcomple, would be great to have some players update it. http://wiki.lordofthecraft.net/Notable+Characters

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Elfen_


      Do Halflings even have anything notable about them

    3. KarmaDelta


      Notable Elves, and doesnt have princes, like Mylas, Latfi, Ebs, or even Indelwehn. It needs more documentation on who was High Prince/Princess for periods.

      Also, Halflings do. Petyr Brandybuck along with Dalek and Lym. All notable Halflings.

    4. Kitten


      Why isn't sha on there?

  5. First thing I notice about this lore is the fact that it was not made for Lord of the Craft, or at least no attempt made to follow the lore of it, besides saying he was an undead beast under Iblees. First off of course, he didn't really exist in Aegis, as roleplay existed in Aegis, and the Undead were defeated in roleplay and events. No one fought him, no one defeated him, simply because he was not roleplayed. The same he was not one of the main causes of the destruction of Aegis, simply put again, because he was not there when it happened. Then you speak of demons as if they are normal in LOTC universe, they aren't. A demon is something not very well defined in the lord of the craft universe, yes there are some mentions of them, but most descriptions have variances. What you describe as Valrok being is infact, just a satan, or a Diablos beast. Wings, hoofs, horns, red skin. Now to weaknesses, arcane magic in general can not be a weakness, because arcane magic, which I believe you mean evocation, is simply the creation and control of elements. They don't have special properties they behave exacly like normal elements, they just are controlled by a mage. The weapon you speak of is made of arcane crystal. Whatever that is, I have no idea, but it hasn't existed before, or has ever been mention in roleplay in the LOTC universe. Arcane weapons also don't exist, there can be enchanted weapons though, no idea if that is what you mean. Holy water doesn't exist, even if it has been tried to be rp'ed before. Now as for the cult, it may exist, it may try to do and believe they may bring valrok to the realm, but you may not play him yourself until you get permission for it from the LM team. Either way, this will be brough to a vote, so I advise that you at least try to fix up the things that do not fit with LOTC lore. Best of luck
  6. I'm afraid controling elements falls under Elementalism, which is part of Shamanism. On the other hand, you can evoke smoke, then give it shape if you're a conjurer as well. So enjoy.
  7. The wiki is being constantly updated yet much is still lost due the the great amount that happens in Athera. Check it out, and add to it if you want, be it with literature, history, people, events or guilds. http://wiki.lordofthecraft.net/

  8. I am sorry to say that this lore went to LM voting and has been denied. Main reasons for denial are the similarity between other creatures, and the seemingly complicated lore. They appear to do too much, yet seemingly to come down to shapeshifting. Overall bland and unnoriginal.
  9. I'm sorry to say that this lore has gone through voting of the LMs and has been denied. Reasons for such include the fact that they resemble too much already existing creatures, ghosts and Gravens. Mostly they appear as a way to play an already existing creature in another way. If you have more questions you may PM a lore master.
  10. No, they can't heal dread knights. Dread Knights rebuild themselves in a way on time of 'Death' Of course monk resuraction in the temple can't be stopped, and I would say in the temple the silencing would not work. Outside of it, it would work, there would be no reason as to why.
  11. The lore has been voted by the LM team and has been accepted.
  12. I'm sorry to say that this lore has been voted by the LM team and has been denied. The main point of denial is the gaining of good parts of both races, and not the bad parts, and the fact that they are the offsprings of trolls and snowelves.
  13. What? I'm not devaluing anything, you still need a master chef to get a golden apple before you create the alchemic golden apple. Also you said useful alchemy profession, which makes me think you might be joking... since it can't do a thing at the moment.
  14. True, but it still makes people double think before randomly trying to get it out of thin air. It's not weak in sake of neutrality, it's actually not weak, it might remove all of a person's memories. It just has to be accepted OOC'ly since it might ruin a character fully. What happens is between the one who ate the golden apple, and... whoever feed him the golden apple. The cooking pot recipe wouldn't be for the alchemy golden apple. After getting that apple, and the gunpowder, you would still have to roleplay the creation of the alchemy golden apple. Sorry if I didn't specify that right =P
  15. OOC: This lore would, if accepted, be a small update to the already implemented lore on golden apples: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/98439-alchemical-arcarum-apples/ Most of the lore will be a copy of it, just with a mild change on how to create them, as Supremacy's lore doesn't talk much about it, just almost states random ingredients to make it. I built this around difficulty to make it, nexus plugin recipes, and alchemy lore. Effects: (written by Supremacy) (Diandrastic) The golden apple has long been fabled to have a curious effect on elves. However, those who say this would be wrong for a variety of reasons. Firstly, the golden apples which do such are not coated in gold, they are coated in Arcarum, better known as mage gold. In addition, these apples do not effect all elves. Very few elves at all are susceptible to the effects of the Arcarum-Apple but those who seemingly are predisposed to its effects will experience such effects in full force. When consumed one of two things will occur. The first being that the elf will lose part, all or a tiny fraction of their memories. The second being it will have no effect. Should it have no effect nothing shall occur. When one says "memories are lost" however, one does not truly mean memories are lost. Rather, they are simply masked over. Impossible to access by the conscious individual who consumes the apple but still visible to those who might view the mind from outside— Such as a mind mage. Memories can also be slowly restored over time by reminding or re-simulating events which happened to them. Recipe and Creation: A golden apple isn't really a potion, so it's recipe is to be considered a bit differently. While normally the base of a potion is a water symbol, mainly water, Aqua Vitae or Lard, the base for the golden apple is instead Magegold, an earth symbol. This makes the creation of the golden apple, or aucarum apple, a process that goes beyond basic potion brewing, being considered advanced alchemy. Some alchemists, for easier creation, seperate the recipe in two parts, where they instead of mixing the ingredients together with the magegold directly, something far more dangerous and hard to do, decide to create a potion and then mix it with the gold in the apple. It's a far easier process, but the effects are a bit weaker. For the recipe itself, one must follow the representation of what is meant to happen. Basicly a "Quick and fluid destruction of memories." A combination of all four symbols, most most be strong or powerful symbols, perhaps the ones to mix them all together able to be moderate ones. Recipe: Base: Magegold 1 Air Symbol (Quickness) 1 Earth Symbol (Memory) 2 Fire Symbol (Destruction and Power) 2 Water Symbols (Fluity and Calmness) While the recipe does look rather simple, the chosing of the ingredients is not. The Earth symbol representing memory is extremelly rare and hard to come by, and it takes a while to figure out one that would work. The fire symbols on the other hand, are extremelly hard to mix, and even the most apropriate ones may result in a small explosion as soon as the apple touches the mix. It doesn't help that one of the most normal used fire symbols to represent Destruction used in golden apples is gunpowder, or blackpowder, meaning the hand of the alchemist might not be there at the end of a failed try. After the magegold mix is complete, one just dips the apple very fast, and then let the excess drip off. Fails about 1 in 5 tries, being mostly due to things that the alchemist can not control. Dust in the air, too much or little humidity, impurities in the magegold, ash or smoke from the fires mixing in. Apprentice alchemists trying to create such a good would find themselves getting severely hurt, expecially since they tend to get hurt with easy potions as well. Stuff in MC: I made this in consideration with the (current) Nexus crafting and profession system. Firstly, the MC item is, of course, a golden apple. This means it requires a master chef to be created. Gunpowder is something that takes a while to create, even if it's not that hard to get. From here on, it would have to be done in RP, unless the golden apple is added to the alchemy profession (which I don't think it should, it's not a potion.) The Earth symbol is the hardest ingredient to collect, being one to represent Memory, not many exist like that, normally special ones that someone must go on a trip to colect. I've stated before that no apprentice alchemist would be able to create a golden apple, but that doesn't have much meaning, since who is or isn't an alchemist is not controlled, so instead, a roll 20 is needed, less than 5, and the potion blasts your hand when you place the apple in (this after all the other rolls one like to make in potions are passed. If no rolls were done before, a 15+ is needed for it to 'work.') You don't actually die, since I don't think dying while making a potion brings much rp to the maker, being strongly injured brings more (personal experience.) If the apple works or not, is up to the player eating it of course. How much it works as well. It can work from a few IC hours, to the character's whole life. Memories can be restored, but they won't return immediatly, even with the help of monks or clerics. They would take time, and again, if the player does not want to get the memories back, not even the clerics or monks can force it. It works both ways. Comments, concerns and the like are apreciated!
  16. Based on this, and on the vote performed by the LM team, I'm sorry to say that this lore has been denied, main reason being that dark magic isn't suppose to be used for healing, expecially this magic.
  17. Yes, that's what happens, the task is complete and the curse ends, the body returning to normalcy
  18. There would be possible to create an impossible task, but the curse has a timeline, feeding on the power of the lifeforce that was took from the living being that was killed before. So they could try and give a neverending task, but after a while the curse would end. The regeneration would be fueled by the lifeforce as well. I actually tried to make it part of an existing magic type in the server, though if you don't know, there's about... 2 ritualistic magics in LOTC in lore, contract magic, and Soul puppetry. There is something else thought, which is Ikuras, I would actually like to use him as the one to give out the powers and knowledge for this, but I don't know if that will happen. 1. No, no Willpower is too great, something in the cursing just goes wrong, and doesn't work (leading to the person getting stabbed and dying) or the body wasn't able to take the curse and dies. 2. I should remove the unaging part... it makes no sense. There is nothing similar to this in LOTC. Gravens have a long task that is mostly impossible to complete, they are also dead and ghosts. Ghouls do not have tasks, they only exist because necromancers keel them in a limbo where they have to get more lifeforce to keep staying in that limbo. They are also dead. The seekers are: 1. Not dead, the curse ends and they are alive and remember being controlled 2. Have (for the most part) doable tasks, or else their use would be useless, and they would only sort of travel around doing nothing. 3. Are Immortal, something that both the ghouls and Gravens also never are. Just that this immortality is temporary.
  19. Three new Atheran Lore tomes have been added, volumes 16, 27 and 29. Take a look at the thread if you want to read them. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/115198-discovered-lore-in-athera/

  20. The knife or dagger would have to have the right form so that the seal could be created (like a spiral knife of sound, a long thin and pointy dagger of sight, etc). The special people would be the ones with the knowledge on how to create the seal, and the seal would be destroyed when the knife or dagger is removed, since the curse is over (just so it's not repeatable by those who uncurse) For the immortality, it is slow heal/regeneration. But even with a slow heal/regeneration, a stab wouldn't do much, thought a cut head would. A cut in the chest or arm or leg wouldn't do much, nor would broken bones do more than make it even more deformed, maybe slowing it down, of course cutting them off would.
  21. Yes, it's a temporary event type creature that can be played by whoever is captured to curse. On who will be doing them... We really haven't thought on that, but it can be easily distributed if needed. While Husky's character fits for these rituals, mine wouldn't really fit, and I really want to leave these things to other players to do. I try to write lore more often for other players than for me. If this is accepted (which will be left to all the other LMs), then me and husky can very easily decide and give permission for this to be performed by chosen or non chosen other players.
  22. The creature or the creation? Creature is Imortal (which is OP yes), but can not do anything besides what it was tasked to do. And it doesn't really get stronger, just can't die. Creation is a bit OP as well, thought the things that you can do with the creature are a bit limited because of all the stuff that the creature can't do. What we tried to do was mix Overpowered with Underpowered, to give a mix of a strong creature, together with many downfalls that it can't be abused, to make it so that it can only be used to create roleplay. [Edit] If you still consider it OP, please give an example, so that we may find out if it truly is and try to fix it.
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