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Everything posted by Jistuma

  1. ((Normal PK clause is: "If I do this, get found out and killed to keep the secret safe, I have to PK my character. If I am not killed in roleplay, I will be able to continue playing him even thought I gave the information away." This clause sounds more like "If I do this, my character will fall to the side dead before it's done for some weird reason and I will have to PK my character." I don't think it's the second one, but it kind of seems like it from the contract's words. I just want to make sure. In other words, a normal PK clause is "I agree with reprecausions from roleplay happening that could seriously jepredise other's roleplay."))
  2. ((It's not contract magic, and even contract magic can't do what that contract says it does.)) ((It's powergaming if it isn't a normal PK clause, which is something I don't agree anyone to doing.))
  3. ((I'm sorry to ask this in OOC, but what is this? "Please note that this contract is one that you make with your soul on the line ((meaning it is an IC and OOC agreement))." I would say this is a PK clause, meaning if you get killed you get PK'ed, but then it says this: "By violating this contract you agree that you’re subject to a permanent death ((PK)) and are unable to pass on any knowledge you might have learned through any means." What does this really mean then? That they are FORCED to not tell anyone or they are PK'ed without being killed? Which one is it? Is it a PK clause of if someone who signs it is killed they have to PK, or is it a clause that makes you not have others get the information through IC means and continue to roleplay as they should? Because the second one looks like powergaming.)) Daniel looks at the contract and laughs his ass off "The nether? A contract that places the soul on the line? That's bloody ridiculous! No dwarf can do anything of this kind! Hahaha, of this is fantastic! Even the contract is full of holes that would let me conpletely ignore it, this is too good!" After laughing for a while longer he stops for a moment and looks around for anyone who might be looking, and if no one is, he speaks to himself. "Maybe I can leave them a way to get real soul contracts... Ah death is such a bad thing, what good is an informer if they can't speak, write or repeat the thing instead?"
  4. Add in it: "Only raids conducted between x:oo pm and y:00 pm EST can conquer stuff" and timezone problem resolved!
  5. Relic! That was the word! You write huge lores... Either way, there are a few minor lore stuff that could be fixed, mostly because this happens before Iblees came, so things like blood-lust didn't exist yet. And I forgot if shamans existed back then. Few other minor things easy to fix. I have to go now, I'll name them after. On the lore itself, I prefer things made through in-game means, expecially relics, haven't seen one made IC almost ever.
  6. I can't find no mention of a shard, artifact, item, diamond, rock, stone in that lore (I used the find function of the browser), was this thing roleplayed IG when the Wraiths were created? Is this an item that exists IG, that has been roleplayed, that had it's powers roleplayed?
  7. No mention of the Nexus was made in the Wraith lore, why is that? Another way to ask is, has the Nexus been roleplayed?
  8. ((Who accepted this?)) [edit] ((Misread, Wraiths were accepted, this not yet, this truth?))
  9. You fixed the mechanical standard issues, and inserted lore breaking issues. Mainly it would be magics with lore issues. Mind magic needs a mind, a living one. I'm afraid puppets don't have a mind, nor are living. I'm not really sure how one can enchant something with cognitism. Enchants do stuff automatically, they don't do what the mage is thinking at the moment, but what the mage commanded it to do before hand, so entering the body from afar wouldn't really work on controling it. My sugestions: 1. Make yourself a temporary Heial in some way, and control the body with telekinesis. 2. New magic that has nothing to do with arcane magic. 3. Making it a new part of Soul Puppetry, where the change of body can be far more easily explained (as in not explained). Also you need to explain what needs to be done for the mage to leave the puppet instead of just being in a fight or something and go "Puff" and leave the puppet instead of dying.
  10. ((Resolved in PM's shortly after posted, forgot to comment here.))
  11. Animals that follow mech standard don't need Lore Team approval, thought you may speak to them to check if it follows it. I assume you don't mean players playing animals, that needs approval.
  12. No, it says you need Lore Team aproval, but you can talk with one Lore Master to talk to the whole team. What the thread says is "You can not have a Lore Master's aproval, it has to be of the team," but you can talk to one LM for him to talk with the Team. You just can't talk to one receive a "no" and then go talk to another, that would be shopping.
  13. I believe the best way would be to create a forum pm with a few LM's in the conversation, this way you will have all LM's reading what you have to talk about. More easily would be talking with one LM and then he would talk with the LT about it.
  14. As I remember this lore has a few lot of lore breaking and powergaming parts. Example is able to see and hear and feel what the puppet sees, hears and feels. This is a no in all arcane magics. Also contradictions: Weaknesses for Combat Puppeteers: -May only manipulate one puppet at a time. -The Puppets are obviously flammable. Strengths for Combat Puppeteers: -May use up to 4, puppets (at tier 5), but reaction time and strength of each puppet halves for each addition. -Their puppets can do risky things that they cannot. Such as lighting themselves on fire and hugging someone until they burn to death. It then breaks lore by becoming an immortal puppet without a curse in the puppet form. It breaks other rules such as not losing memory if killed when using the puppet that can hear and see and etc. Breaks mechanical standard since the puppet is not really there. Also breaks mech standard by floating over water. So right now you can not roleplay this magic IG, thought there are ways to fix the magic to make it able to be played. For that you would have to fix all the PG and lore/rule breaking aspects of the magic. Lore masters don't accept or deny lore anymore, but we can help and point out where there are things wrong with a lore. Sorry, and I hope my post helps.
  15. Because the writers of the magic stated no wish for it to be locked.
  16. Yes it would This doesn't mean however that you can't stab, or swing a sword, only that you won't be much good at it. A normal swordman, with little training would probably defeat a mage of master level if he didn't use any magic and fought without it. Unless orc.
  17. No where in the lore does it state that Soul puppeters use life force, and in no way can soul puppeters transfer life force.The source of the magic is actually unknown, and you guys should probably leave it that way.
  18. Mechanical Standard means you have to be able to do those actions through MC. I can't really find examples for that... As for your examples, that is accepted due to the oppening of magic some more. Meaning you can leave the guidelines a bit if the magic still makes sense in lore. Smoke for example would be alright, alcohol as well, thought it wouldn't be of much use. As for things that don't fit with evocation it wouldn't, since it wouldn't be an extention of the magic, and for it to be accepted you would have to be able to represent it through Mechanical Standard. They can learn a few magics, but some, like evocation, do require vision as well. Illusion, alteration in some capabilities (color change would be out of the question, but warding would be alright, and so would be a lot of other stuff.), mental magic would be alright. Of course you wouldn't be able to illusion objects, but sounds, smells, and touches would be perfectly alright. Telekinesis would be impossible since she would have to know exacly where the stuff is. I believe you should understand now.
  19. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/109844-to-those-wishing-to-learn-magic/ If anyone wants to try and learn contract magic, go check that out.
    1. Samoblivion


      Maris still has that note, don't think she's forgotten it ;)

  20. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/109844-to-those-wishing-to-learn-magic/ If anyone wants to try and learn contract magic, go check that out.
  21. How were you able to post something in this section of the forums? Probably Dev forum rank. I'll move it to the roleplay idea section. No comment still on the magic details, haven't read it yet.
  22. Light as in light from the sun, and a torch, no. If you mean holy light, the answer is depends. To some it works (like Wraiths, Harbingers and apparitions), to most it doesn't (like shades, dreadknights (need confirmation on this one), contract mages, soul puppeters, frost witches, necromancers.) If you mean holy magic instead of light, then yes, if the magic is meant to harm. War Cleric magic for example can kill any mortal, they just aren't allowed to do so. Even healing may harm some of the dark mages, thought it's more of like dark creatures, instead of mages. Dark Mages simply cast dark magic, dark creatures are creatures of darkness or evil or created by dark magic.
  23. There is no gunpowder in LOTC universe anymore, which means you can not make cannons and the like. Alchemy stuff while able to do small controlled things like fireworks, when gathered together to make big explosions are umpredictable and most likely would explode in the person's face instead of inside a cannon, thought things explode when doing alchemy, the alchemist never really knows when that will happen and not happen, mostly based of luck. Pretty much, it breaks fantasy setting, but this doesn't mean you can't do new weapons like the ideas of Erlend "(clay jars of Alchemist's Fire, Bloodshards etc)", might happen. Just no cannons. As for the other ideas, maybe, maybe not. If you want me to go one by one on them I can tell you if they would be possible or not.
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