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Everything posted by Bucky_24

  1. Why not? Its Religion, I could be from Israel and be Islamic. From China and be Catholic, Why not Human and be... well Krugmic?
  2. Only These guys don't care about Horen they would rather worship Krug for his warlike behavior. They would be the antagonist/protagonist as they are trying to prevent any Undead or Necromancers from ever gaining any power.
  3. Why thank you. I tried so hard to please you, Tornado.
  4. Yes, what is that odd thing on the mountainside? I have never been there before. I also am curious why that windmill is missing a block of wool? Am I overthinking this?
  5. Thanks JtPv, I understand that magic users might be a little annoyed, but honestly whats a party of for the sake of cognitive meaning Knights vs one or even two evil Mages? I have a feeling the Guild might be a little pissed... BTW I want to add that I don't plan on forming this until my character has learned swordsmanship, he is only 15 as we speak and I want to actually get him trained before I even attempt this beyond my IRL brother joining the Legion. Also, names are always welcomed! I am very bad with names as even my Character name is inspired by Game of Thrones' John White.
  6. How you guys are fast... And like I said I plan on bringing more people from outside LoTC to fill my ranks after I get started not take from other Orders. Thanks for input. I can give up this idea of you feel I should. I just came up with this idea because I have never had as much RP fun as I have had on an alt with a NEW guild.
  7. Calling out any existing Black Templar Guilds! I can't seem to find any and I am interested in Forming a small Order. But with a very "Black" feel to it. This is a little hint of what I mean. More spikes and offensive looking armor. Let the other Knights of the Shining Blah take care of guarding the king or whatever beautiful deeds. These Black Templars that I propose will be separate of the Oren Empire and have a focus of destruction. They would be like a small inquisition with less Religious means and more Racist ones. Yes we have the Roses, and other "racist" legions but the Black Templar or ((Insert clever name that I will use because Templar is unoriginal)) They have a strong hatred for magicians due to the Undead of Aegis and how magic seems to always do more harm then good. They would not spend much time in cities causing trouble, but more time training and patrolling. This is just a suggestion if there are not already sixteen orders similar. I have plenty of ideas for characters and other orders for LoTC. No I am not looking to divide the population more, but bring in more when they hear of the amazing role-play this order will bring when you see a swarm of them sweep into your village on a witch hunt. Please post any comments or concerns. I know this might be stereotypical to some extent. But what is LoTC without stereotypes?
  8. Going to try a new version of Grey. Child RP Anyone? (15)

  9. Man I wonder if this will tie into the Ruins in the Wilds, or the fact that Dragons seem abundant (The Ender One at the siege of Orc town, and Ice dragon skull thingy,) Also. Has anyone seen the picture with the windmill? The background picture? What is that on the mountains?
  10. Yes! Found my first Forum account!

  11. Created in 10-2-11, Reputation: 0. Brothers account, Created two weeks ago: Reputation 4... Man I am unlikeable!

  12. Created in 10-2-11, Reputation: 0. Brothers account, Created two weeks ago: Reputation 4... Man I am unlikeable!

    1. Kaiser


      do more things!

  13. Can anyone tell me how to get my group to be changed to Old Hat? Common! 10-2-11!

  14. Can anyone tell me how to get my group to be changed to Old Hat? Common! 10-2-11!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Bucky_24


      Whoops! It was supposed to be Come on, I was rushing to get to posting lol, if I am coming back. Then I am going to do it right!

    3. Bucky_24


      Whoops! It was supposed to be Come on, I was rushing to get to posting lol, if I am coming back. Then I am going to do it right!

    4. ek_knight


      You need 500 posts to be an old hat...

  15. Hey Broski! Team Speak?

  16. What is the best way to start as a Human? Most of the cities are in shambles or empty!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. 。◕‿‿◕。 Hawk Whitestorm
    3. Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)
    4. everblue2er101


      War wise... we like beating each other up. A lot. Player wise Humans are the most popular.

  17. Is there a video or something that shows what the RP is like in this server? I am trying to decide what character I want but Idk the situation and how the game actually is! Someone please help!

  18. Is there a video or something that shows what the RP is like in this server? I am trying to decide what character I want but Idk the situation and how the game actually is! Someone please help!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. 0000


      The amazing thing about creating a character is that he/she doesn't have to resemble you or be who you want yourself to be. I've created characters that have completely separate goals, some are even villains. That's what roleplaying is. Taking on a new challenge, a different perspective to life and living it. And don't worry about not having permission, that shouldn't affect your roleplay. (its to make sure you don't grief)

    3. Everman111


      If you have problems with sticking to a character I suggest you make him after your own real life personality. That is usually the best way to go for starting players.

    4. Austin


      Go orc, we have epic RP with many high-quality RPers. Our own Culture, and Language.

  19. How much are Race Changes? I wrote the wrong darn thing and now I can't change! I wanted Human not Orc :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ned Lud

      Ned Lud

      Play as the race you wanted for now and submit a /modreq. Type /modreq [put your reason here] into the talk console and hit enter. Should be no problem fixing this.

    3. Bucky_24


      Yay! I was blessed with a Reset! Thank you!

    4. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      You DONT want to go Orc, your missing out on some mature and intelligent RP I have to admit! <3

  20. Omg, someone deleted my application that took me two hours to write last night!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Bucky_24


      I thought I did if I wanted a Villain Application.

    3. Bucky_24


      I thought I did if I wanted a Villain Application.

    4. Religious_Pie


      IF you want a VA, you need to just post a VA at the bottom of the forums.

  21. I need help on my Application. I can't deciede what kind of occupation I want. I like farming, archery, debating on a blacksmith, author, leader of an organization if im lucky enough..., or to be a guard. What do you all think?

    1. Aislin


      If it's your first application, I wouldn't confine yourself to one occuptaition. Make your character relatively blank, so you can develop him/her as you wish. As you gain more experience, you can begin to create more specific characters.

    2. Twilight Druid

      Twilight Druid

      as Aislin said, make a rather blank character to begin with, a young person which can then be molded into a character based on experience ingame.

    3. Twilight Druid

      Twilight Druid

      that doesn't mean don't be a bland character still have your quirks.

  22. I'm back and Greener than ever!

  23. Umm thanks Conner? Also Gunnar here is my Villain Application: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/24630-khaines-application/page__p__115610#entry115610 Now remember! Support the Taint!
  24. Alrighty! Just to get my Villan Application accepted with be hard itself. Got to worry about that now but keep posting your thoughts!
  25. Thanks Gunnar! Your a lot of help! I really appiciate it! Also does anyone know what a good way to recuit would be? Also I added a poll so people can vote on the idea!
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