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Everything posted by Bucky_24

  1. Is wondering how other History Junkies we have? Not just Role Players, but people who love to study history. I personally love Medieval Warfare!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Bucky_24


      History seems to come easy for me. It is one of the reasons I believe in Reincarnation more than a heaven. Too many Deja Vu moments, where I seem to know something I have never heard before... I bet I was a Farmer!

    3. Space


      Although I see the importance of history, I think we need to look ahead, try to learn more about everything we DON'T know about, rather then try to dig up the graves of some king.

    4. Bucky_24


      But if history repeats itself, it is important to figure out all the kinks that we are still unsure of. My biggest fear for Humanity is our sense of... tranquility we are at with nature. We are not harmed much by what we are destroying because Mother Nature can't seem to strike a blow back at us to open our eyes. I fear evolution as I believe we might just end up like our precious LoTC. A land of many races who cannot get along. We already have Human Vs. Human. Add in our constant dispute...

  2. Is curious LoTC will ever... advance through the ages? Like back to gunpowder and maybe a junky musket?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. PtahWithin


      Not certain if typo, I thought it was year 1300 Native?

    3. FlareGunCalamity


      dudes, this server is mideval. It's be nice if it advanced, but then reset at 6 months. after all, theres a year every 12 days.

    4. Bucky_24


      I'm not saying that we have to change being Medieval, but there were levels to the Dark Ages. We could easily reach just before Black Powder took over. I have have an idea where a new bad guy will start arriving in their own ships. The Races of Aegis are the main characters in LoTC, but hasn't this server taught us NOT to be the main character? Everyone is? Why not dare I say 'Merge' us with another fictional land of maybe 1-2 races? Yes we have 'found' some in our tra...

  3. I love when people yell "PG" at me! I have never one an RP fight. I always make myself lose!

    1. Bucky_24


      *won an RP fight



      Some people will yell PG if you even swing a sword at them.

    3. Lykos


      Easy fix. Get in touch with a mod with screens of your situation. The Mod will then see who's in the right. You CAN make a strike report on people for not knowing the definitions of powergaming, metagaming, and the sort.

  4. Denied... Fantastic. Unoriginal even though the character is shaped 100% by RP. And the guild that I used ((Which people are being recruited for right now)) doesn't technically *exist*... Sigh. 48 hours to go!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Hobolympic


      A va? I wonder why it's so god damned important to be original. What happened to the average highwayman? So one has to be a cannibalistic superman to get accepted? Meh...

    3. Kaiser


      Oh highway men...

      I miss thy...

    4. Kaiser


      Oh highway men...

      I miss thy...

  5. Oddly wants to become a Golem... Unsure of how to become one. ((Nicholas Become him. Not make a new one.))

  6. Two hours later.... Still in Jail.

  7. Creates VA to help with a Rebellion in Salvus... Realizes all the people he ever RPs with are Shields.

    1. SparehoeCakes
    2. Avacyn


      -reveals rebellion OOCly- -metagaming ensues-

    3. Bucky_24


      Dude, I have been arrest for all kinds of stuff lately. Let them have the heat OOC so I can laugh there atleast!

  8. Wishes he had friends to refer his VA... So he could stop going to prison!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Cyndikate


      You wanna give an epic chase? Get a minor VA and throw an egg at a shield.

    3. Bucky_24


      Honestly, I know the guys RP well enough that I'd do it without a VA... And then I wouldn't run but stand there like a BOSS!

    4. Evilbanana5757


      Cyn,that is the BEST IDEA EVER!

  9. Dia-Sidian Armor! I can only dream of your potential!

  10. Anyone ever considered making a Deaf Knight? I mean everyone and their cousin has a Knight, but they aren't really unique. Picture being arrested by two men, A large deaf guy who is abnormally strong because he is always using his arms, and his translator who is one of the only people who can speak sign language. That make for some interesting RP.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lord_Sauron_


      I've been considering a deaf and blind character for the fun of it. Might be seen as offensive, though, so I haven't quite decided.

    3. Bucky_24


      I would try it, but like Vanir said, I don't want to be offensive...

    4. danic


      There are plenty of Deaf/Blind/Mute characters. You'd have to TRY to be offensive, to be offensive.

  11. Waiting on a GM to implement my application...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. steelersfan1221


      Congratulations on being accepted.

    3. Bucky_24


      If Horen Wills It...

    4. Bucky_24


      Accepted Twice thank you! lol my alt account.

  12. Alt Application = Done, Denial = Probably Soon.

  13. Anyone have any ideas on "Tracking" people using nature skills?

    1. Avacyn


      For tracking to occur, you should probably speak to the person you are pursuing for their OOC consent. They should then be telling you certain things they did that would leave marks, scents, etc.

  14. How badly a PG is it to make a sword with an Obsidian base and Diamond edges?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Bashar al-Assad
    3. Hiebe


      Obsidian is a hard element not like the real world. This is LOTC with different things then the real world

    4. Bucky_24


      Yea, so the LOTC Obsidian would make the blade indestructible and all you'd ever have to do is resharpen the diamond edges every once in a while... Too bad we can't create a Mix. Best of both worlds anyone? Dia-sidian Armor and Swords :P

  15. Thanks Althallos for the Training! Making LoTC fun one step at a time ;)

  16. Wow, then that is one creepy overhang...
  17. I hope you weren't talking about me being inexperienced...
  18. Can't wait to see swords, I can't decide to focus on one handed or two handed swords!
  19. Still hoping for a Skill/Profession plugin!

  20. Still hoping for a Skill/Profession plugin!

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. shiftnative


      Just because you guys didnt like vaquxine's plugin doesn't mean that ALL profession plugins are awful. This server NEEDS one and I intend to make what I think, would be beneficial and not too much of a chore to use.

    3. SparehoeCakes


      You also have to remember that this is an RP server, and most of the stats are PVPish related minus the utility stats. And truly, I've never met someone that farmed, Made potions, Blacksmithed, cooked, and did everything else I can't think of. And if people wanted to badly enough, they would just max swords/archery/axes and the other 1/2/3 utility stats according to their use. Level 100 swords will not stop anyone from RPing a master swordsman, because during RP we don't PVP. I se...

    4. Bucky_24


      I see people all the time, especially in the wilds, who are doing just that. I roam the island all the time, and I have watched people go from being blacksmiths and craft some iron armor, to farming, to becoming master architects and building. And if I get close then they are suddenly a Master Swordsman too. That's a little much isn't it? And without some form of plugin how are we going to have a steady economy for merchants and craftsmen?

  21. Thank you for all the comments, I agree with the concern that this random "newb" with like 55 posts seems to be a bad leader, but if you check my account I have been around since Aegis. I am not new to RP as I have Role-Played on multiple games ranging from simple Roblox, to Runes of Magic, to Warhammer Online. None of which didn't already have huge groups of people that RPed there. I did start small guilds in a few of them and had a blast doing it. I am not creating the Black Legion to counter or steal from the "Mighty Oren" and their superpower orders, but create more Dark RP. I don't want to I guess "Base" my Legion off of Templars. It may have sounded that way, but I am trying to work AGAINST magic and religion. It makes people too blind. Krug isn't one I see with many Orc sitting in a church. No you always see the mighty Orcs taking what they believe in and fighting to the death for it.I'm am glad I have doubters because that makes this complex game of chess that much easier to come out of no where. I do not plan on becoming this end of all RP group, or "hiding" away in some tiny village and spread the population thin. I don't even plan on recruiting until my IRL friends that I am bringing to LoTC get their applications accepted and have some experience. I just wanted to let everyone know my intentions. I will bring forth the Black Legion, and I will not falter even at the steps of the Holy Cities. This is not just who I am in real life but who my character is. I wrote no back story for him because I feel that it is cheating to create a new character and become master of everything because my back story said so. I want to have my character learn swordsmanship from a true RP Master when I find one. I want to make small "Inventions" when I feel that LoTC can handle it. I have been around since October of 2011. I am no newb, and I am not afraid of what others think. Thanks for listening to my rant by the way, keep posting!
  22. lol, Alright I have decided on the name Black Legion. I am scared I won't have time to learn much about RP combat before the new antagonist comes out :( This sucks
  23. Working on Black Legion lore. Need someone to write an indepth RP fighting post...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more


      "Raah!" Said Strongman McSword. "Gaaah!" Said Sexyfighter Deathblade. Strongman had concentrated all his mastery of all blades into this one swing. It hit Sexyfighter. "Ah I am dead." Said Sexyfighter. And then Sexyfighter was dead.

    3. JCQuiinn


      I mean no disrespect, but I think you will have better luck not making another group of witchhunters. The ones that currently exist are already detailed enough that most people will likely chose them over yours. Furthermore, you would get yourself bombed out of existance by many, many groups. Furthermore, your lore so far seems rather bland, a mixture of the original Teutonic order with a dash of white rose. Nothing, truly, that feels revolutionary.

    4. Bucky_24


      Thats funny JC because I have not written any lore for the Legion yet, so how would it seem bland? I have given small ideas but that is not indepth.

  24. Jarkarll... Its in your "My Characters" Spoil
  25. Jackarll, you have an Orc. Could a Human Order not revere Krug as their patron of war?
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