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Everything posted by Bucky_24

  1. I have decided to work on opening a 'Game Store' in LoTC. Now, I wonder what city will welcome a mildly crazy Dark Elf who spends all day writing 'rule books' for his games..

  2. Serious question: I were to create a RolePlaying group inside LoTC with a mock D&D style game... Do we all need separate VA's for sacrificing babies? Or can I just make a group VA

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Evilbanana5757
    3. Bucky_24


      Sigh, no one gets the joke... unless I spelled sacrificing wrong. https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/4656358400/hBE6612F1/

    4. Ezo Karasuga

      Ezo Karasuga

      Baby Sacrifice- This action sacrifices an infant (less than age 1) for your character's diety. If you are chaotic evil you character gets +5 to all saving throws for 6 turns.

  3. I would love to try this, it looks interesting. Though I would try to talk to the other 'force' and see if we could all set emotecolors. For instance Army One, everyone uses the color Blue. While army two uses the color green. This could even get as complex as. Army 1's archers use yellow and Army 2's use brown. Army 1's Mages uses Purple and Army 2's Mages use Orange. Then have the leaders of each army have their own color as they are more 'Important' in an RP sense. Just a thought!
  4. Is there going to be a meeting over the lore soon? I am waiting for a massive part of my RP to be accepted/denied... Its been so long since I have been able to roleplay!

    1. V0idsoldier


      I waited for mine for like 3 months lol.

  5. I still want to start a D&D Role Play group /inside/ LoTC. Peasants who gather in a tavern to role play being great warriors! What do you guys think?

  6. I hate the saying: It's just pixels. No, its actually pixels that one has invested a large amount of IRL time and effort. That's like you spending a week building this car from free scrap (IDK how you did it...) and it turns out to be this amazing car then I go and crash it the first chance I get! All the time and effort is wasted! "It was just scrap metal."

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. yekim8


      in real life

    3. Merkaken


      People are allowed to feel differently than the majority of the server, Snazzy. Leave it be.

    4. yekim8


      I just don't find it healthy to grow so attached to, what is literally, pixels on a screen that can be lost at any moment. Yes, a lot of time has been invested into it but you aren't gaining anything from it in the long term.

  7. So, I had a discussion with my friend IC. I was trying to convince him to marry his sister to me, but it occurred to me.. I am a Dark Elf and his sister is Adunian. What kind of child would that be?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Evilbanana5757


      An enemy of Oren, that's for sure! xP

    3. Jexdane


      A dark skinned, infertile, short-lived (180 years tops), kilt wearing loon.

    4. Bucky_24


      Hmm... I can live with that! Bring on the Adunian Women!

  8. I wonder, now that Oren is split. Which kingdom is going to stop people from making their own houses with bannermen and castles?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Praetor


      They can pertend to be noble, not like anyone is going to acknowledge them.

      PS: Ned is kinda right lol

    3. Ned Lud

      Ned Lud

      If real nobles are going to sit idly by and let false nobles claim their lands and titles, that's their loss.

    4. Will (TauFirewarrior)

      Will (TauFirewarrior)

      I'm not getting any more houses in my Oren, all land is given out and there is no more need for any more nobles.

  9. The suspense is killer. A LM is going through the Magic Lore! Or at least has been... First try at lore, I hope I get it!!!

    1. Tethras


      LM's don't approve magic lore. That's the MAT's job. Or so I think...

  10. ((Is this a Poster? Or what?)) Vuln spies the poster with the familiar carrot crest and shakes his head sighing. He then starts speaking, loud enough for anyone nearby to hear, "I told that boy once already, this is a stupid order. And now he is making it worse by projecting his own stupidity to the other orders. Again, like I said A carrot says /eat me/ not /die/! Well, I guess I will just have to wait until these fools on the battlefield. Then I will break them, as easily as one breaks a carrot." He walks away, laughing to himself as he imagines rows of soldiers wearing carrot tunics and with carrot themed weapons.
  11. Just occurred to me, did anyone ever try to make a Red Rose guild? You know... War of the Roses.

    1. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      I think it was talked about

    2. Ned Lud

      Ned Lud

      There was an underground Pink Petunia movement, but I think the Inquisition caught wind of them.

  12. Just got told that Kha are superior to all races, after further discussion.... Either false info, or OP race!

    1. Pum!


      You better believe we're superior! xP

  13. What is our staff count? >.

  14. Does LotC have Dynmap or something similar that the public can access?

    1. SparehoeCakes


      Not yet, they are working on one, but it's not up yet.

    2. racingbrother
  15. MC Name: Bucky_24 Character Name: Vuln'Igne Character Race: Dark Elf How long have you been role-playing on this particular character?: Two Months Please list any MA's for any of your characters: N/A, waiting on my Magical Lore to be accepted/denied before I create a MA. Here is a link to the Magic Lore, so you will know what kind of character Vuln is: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/91947-redone-evocation-void-magic/
  16. If I already have an Accepted VA for 2a and 4a, do I have to make another for something like 2b? As my character is starting to like killing

    1. SparehoeCakes


      Just make a mini VA.

  17. I am suprised that everyone is trying to claim the throne of Oren, and are not making GM applications instead. This actually makes me happy :D

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ned Lud

      Ned Lud

      Halflings have taken the Empire. Taxes are due on Tuesday.

    3. Proddy


      Yep. The only kingdom I can see being taken over is Kaedrin, as it's only been left to a few White Roses who stayed behind

    4. Fid


      Haha. King Pertinax... that's like mayor.

  18. I can't believe my first Lore post, which sucked, got more attention then the redone version.

  19. Vuln chuckles to himself as he walks throughout Abresi dressed in robes similar to the Undead back in Aegis. And yet still no one says anything. #OrenGuards4Life

    1. blindmind


      The Elves might remember. All the humans from that age are likely dead or sustained by evil power, themselves.

    2. Bucky_24


      I was in Malinor before I went to Abresi actually.

    3. blindmind


      Anything happen?

  20. Got to find a MAT member to speak to about the new 'Void Magic' I am writing. For the record, it does not actually manipulate the Void anymore!

    1. Bucky_24


      Note: Revamping the concept tomorrow. Will be more extensive and explain a lot more.

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