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Iron VIP
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Status Replies posted by Schwaan

  1. We can change our background..?

  2. We can change our background..?

  3. So boring.... Friends offline... not much roleplay..... yet I'm still online, hoping for anyone to login

  4. Just found out I get Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday off!

  5. Neko doesn't think I can finish this by tonight. http://www.moarcraft.com/Before.jpg

  6. Stepping down from App tem duties, I haven't been active enough to do anything. Let this go to th best potiential client.

  7. Private audition on Monday for a lead in a musical that is practically in mid-development? Challenge accepted.

  8. The worst way to ruin LotC? Have some troll hacker go and turn fire spreading on.

  9. Hoping to get a response from shiftnative on the PM I sent him..

  10. Interesting Fact about Gaius: Lord of the Craft was my first Roleplaying Experience :3


  12. Heading to school, -9°C...new snow fell this night.... See ya later folks

  13. Well the person who was my girlfriend of three years is now my fiance of three hours!

  14. Great, got no RP pushed off a cliff for my stuff, and the mods refuse to help saying "When you carry stuff in your inventory, you take the risk" Well, I had no home, I now have no way to get a home either. Fantastic. RP items were lost too, because some guy who wanted my stuff, pushed me off. I know it was a person too, because it was day and I accidently broadcasted "w"... This is cool. Thanks bro. Needed that.

  15. Okay, everyone. I am sick and tired of everyone calling me a horrible RP'er, simply because I am from Renatus. This has to stop. If it continues, I might even leave the server. It is just a load of BS.

  16. Hope yall are ready for the new clutch.

  17. If you get lvl 100 excavation, is it true you get a 1/10 chance on getting a diamond?

  18. Quit whining about not getting on the server.... Don't like it ? DONATE PEOPLE!


  20. I'm dead. Also I believe I'm a sword, in the Void with Iblees, AAND somewhere else.

  21. soooo addicted to lotc...cant stand the withdrawals of even a few hours time

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