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Status Updates posted by Lucas

  1. Hai dere Chrisdena!! :DD Grats on GM :DD


    1. Nero


      Its still New Year's Eve for us ._.

    2. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      *is gonna eat Lucas for being an apple

    3. hypercrit


      Happy New Year! What state of Australia do you live in? I'm a Sydney-sider meself.

  3. Hehe that's alright. Actually I was going to apologise to YOU for snatching your app lol. Cause I saw you reviewing the application before, and then I was like: "Oh... he's reviewing it, okay." so I come back like 5 mins later and your not there any more o_O But it still says nothing. So I write that message and start to review it and then I try to post it and you have reviewed/...

  4. Hello awesome dwarf person whose character hates me! (Zolgash the Orc :3)

  5. Hey man, why did you leave the app team? D:

  6. Heya Torak, please either visit the skype application team conversation, add me on skype or send me a message (as I seem to be unable to send you one :/) as there is a survey we need you to fill out ^_^

  7. Hi the Awesomest guy ever in the whole world! How you going?! ;)

  8. How did your first day go man? Looks like you already have a friend :D

  9. How do you have so much negative rep lol :P

  10. How does my profile have 1,011 views o_O

    1. 0000


      People love you that much xD

    2. Lucas
    3. Mercius


      You're an app team member. It'll continue to rise at a crazy rate!

  11. How does one achieve the level 10000 status?

  12. I fear one day I may accidently put the accepted picture on an application I mean to deny >_

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lucas


      Cause Natives beard decided it didn't like you. :D

    3. Nero



      I'm too 1337 for you... ;)

    4. Lucas


      Damn Straight ^^

  13. I had to visit the princess of the fairies to discuss possible invasion tactics. The french spider told me not to go to candyland cause it got eatededed by the walrus! D:

    Also a possible marriage between you and the princess of fairyland ;)

  14. I helped you out? :O Wow! You have gone so far! :)

    More posts and reputation than me! So proud of you! :')

    I'm just drifting around here and there these days. Sometimes I'll log on to play with a few friends (I'm a Kharajyr), but generally I'm busy with school work or Europa Universallis 3 or another friends minecraft server. I'm alw...

  15. I posted a FM app. Have been debating whether I should or not... I believe I have made the correct choice :) http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/34490-amarnras-lucaszolgash-fm-application/#entry221624

    1. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      It isn't the correct choice, nor the incorrect choice, just a choice.

    2. Lucas


      Well depends on the context really. The context being whether or not this choice will increase my ability to help people, contribute to and be a better member of Lord of the Craft. Of course it isn't necessary per se... But might be able to make me do those things more easily ^^

  16. I sometimes amaze myself just how much I care about everyone. There was one time, I got angry at some guy for calling my girlfriend a "S***". He swung at me and I noticed he had an injury on his elbow. I said: "Hey, you alright with that?" I pointed at the cut. He was not too happy about my comment, but still, why did I care about his cut? Cause he is a human just like you and me. Remember that, past all of our egos and anger, we are all just human.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Praetor


      Krav Maga; Avoid a fight when you can. If you can't tear him apart so badly he won't get up for a month. Course, I sometimes choose to ignore that. I also did Karate before and fencing

      though they arn't as much use.

    3. Nero


      Lucas, you are the coolest guy on LotC, by far, dead serious.

    4. Lucas


      Nawww, Thank you Nero! :D

  17. I wonder how a city based off Ankh-Morpork would fair in the land of Lord of the Craft...

    1. Cirdanoth


      It would fair amazingly, I personally think! Ankh-Morpork for New Abresi!

    2. Lucas


      I'd love to see one, but perhaps a separate city altogether, a satire of the satirical city would be quite interesting. Or just, you know, a copy. :D

    3. iris1612


      It'd be awesome, but I don't think it would work.

  18. It was the sasquach I swear!

  19. It would be a shame if something were to happen to it...


  21. LE GASP! 1000TH POST! WEEW!! (Although my active posts are only 984 D:)

    1. Antharin


      *Gives Lucas a blueberry sandwich*

      Take this, you can't go alone, on your journey to 2000.

  22. Lots of stuff happening IRL For me atm. Moving, a holiday etc. I will either have limited or no internet at all for the next week or so. Gonna miss LOTC lol, going to be the longest time I have been away since I started. D:

    1. Lucas


      And going to miss all of my SUPER AWESOME friends. Here, you can all have cookies *hands all of his friends cookies*

    2. Antharin
  23. MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! (Well for you Americans its christmas eve, but not to spoil the spirit! :P ) EVERYONE HAVE AWESOME HOLIDAYS AND ENJOY MY CAPS LOCK!

    1. Haelphon


      Thanks! You too :)

    2. Zarsies
    3. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      I have a present for you. . .

      *swings a banhammer at Lucas' face and rolls a 99999 out of 99999 (doesnt go higher)*

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