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Status Replies posted by Knox213

  1. For those who don't know, I seldom visit the forums anymore. If you need to message me, do so through skype. Danke.

  2. I am an RP hungry troll

  3. As much as I enjoyed being king, I have to say. Chivay aren't doing that bad, and I know for a fact most people will ***** and whine at me for saying it, but damn, credit where it is due.

    1. Knox213


      Aislin is just mad because i had sexy times with his mother and because he lives in the wilderness with nobody else 2 talk to.

    2. (See 25 other replies to this status update)

  4. As much as I enjoyed being king, I have to say. Chivay aren't doing that bad, and I know for a fact most people will ***** and whine at me for saying it, but damn, credit where it is due.

    1. Knox213


      um excuse me can i get somebody telling aislin i was best kiling??????

    2. (See 25 other replies to this status update)

  5. As much as I enjoyed being king, I have to say. Chivay aren't doing that bad, and I know for a fact most people will ***** and whine at me for saying it, but damn, credit where it is due.

    1. Knox213


      still think all the builds are **** though........

    2. (See 25 other replies to this status update)

  6. According to knox, all serious RPers cyber in skype... Where are you people and why haven't I been invited?

  7. Yep. Now I am declaring I am done with this server. The attitudes I saw in the announcement threads are absolutely horrendous. This hole in the wall you call a server is nothing but a cesspool of anger, hate and bored twelve-year-olds. The Minestatus ranking even reflects this! We used to be in the top ten every month! Now look at you; Not even in the 100. I might come back, but only when the Warmongering goes. #AegianOut

  8. I'm just going to post my personal opinion here. You guys say to ban everyone who breaks the rules, however... that means banning everyone. The war became impossible to moderate in that PvPfest earlier in the day. KoTo, Zarsies, and myself were there, and all agreed upon halting that singular conflict. It was then talked over, and a solution was reached. Phew. That was a lot. But let's all chill and not get too worked up about this. Remember, it's a game.

  9. why do like, 80% of my statuses which speak the absolute complete truth get removed? I just want to collect the dwarven nations tears... is that too much to ask for?

  10. Um, Imperial is better.

  11. Nobody ever chooses the already unfortunate as objects of his loyal friendship. -Rand Firmin

  12. dj badboy is cre8iv wizkid?? huzzah..

  13. I declared you the guardian of the bro-code the day you slew that vile man. You are glorious.

  14. TheBareSheet why can't you just love me...?

  15. Any word on teamspeak ever coming back?

  16. i am the one who knox.

  17. There you go, Knox. You had your fun.

  18. Wow I feel bad for what I did now to Lelien, but not Equinox, that guys a ****.

  19. I love you still.

  20. Wow I feel bad for what I did now to Lelien, but not Equinox, that guys a ****.

  21. Wow I feel bad for what I did now to Lelien, but not Equinox, that guys a ****.

  22. I love you still.

  23. Anyone know some race/group/place with active RP. All of my chars are pretty boring ATM.

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