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Status Replies posted by Knox213

  1. you know your a rebel when you sneak onto the liotc forums during school :))))

  2. you know your a rebel when you sneak onto the liotc forums during school :))))

  3. where were u when mog was demote

  4. where were u when mog was demote

  5. where were u when mog was demote

  6. who the heck keeps losing their horses, i keep finding them saddled and lost.

  7. who da leader guy of raevir? i want to send you a pmmmmmmmm

  8. Due to the fast pace of the builders within Vekaro, the current houses constructed will be available for rent! Just got to add the street signs and you can all start reserving your house!

  9. 400 Rep! Woop woop!

  10. Have to say, i'm genuinely really impressed with my progress on Vekaro, 'aint even finished yet and i'm always finding players there. Amount of PM's i'm getting asking for homing is ridiculous! And that only motivates us to get stuff done quicker!

  11. Have to say, i'm genuinely really impressed with my progress on Vekaro, 'aint even finished yet and i'm always finding players there. Amount of PM's i'm getting asking for homing is ridiculous! And that only motivates us to get stuff done quicker!

  12. Looking to hire people who can build the general exterior work of houses, willing to pay 250 per house, materials will be provided.

  13. Know what you can't do with our Currency system? ROB A BANK. OR SOMEONE. OR ANYTHING.

  14. I'll pay top dollar if my horses can stop being pugsied.

  15. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: Which beast resembles a giant scorpion?

  16. Why people hate us Snow Elves when you have never rped with us before... just some OOC hatred like always

  17. My king, what have they done to you?

  18. How much are we spending on a host? Straight up.

  19. Downloading the total war GoT mod, better live up to the expectations...

  20. Downloading the total war GoT mod, better live up to the expectations...

  21. Please all my fans, join under my order to fight the humans,


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