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Status Replies posted by Knox213

  1. Java is nub fun ;-;, but I'm still learnin' it!

  2. knox vs ban reports, round 3

  3. Meanwhile, in Oren noble leader chat... http://imgur.com/BtLNidi

  4. Meanwhile, in Oren noble leader chat... http://imgur.com/BtLNidi

  5. And with that, my Harbinger has been PKed. Any actions made by Antags other than myself are not reflective of my personal views on the Antags. Thank You.

  6. #carrion keep, in construction since 1947

  7. Somebody help me through this nightmare, I can't control myself, and we believe it's not the real me, somebody help me rain this animal I have become.

  8. Public heads up, my acitivity will be taking a sharp decline due to possibility of getting a job, spring sports, and few other things. If you want me to do an event, PM me on my skype or forums and I'll work something out for ya'.

  9. Nothing better than getting home and going on LotC... You then realise you're on the GMT timezone and there are only 7 people online...

  10. Dear ctc, if you are going to badmouth me in skype, at least have the balls to at least type it to me.

  11. Dear ctc, if you are going to badmouth me in skype, at least have the balls to at least type it to me.

  12. Am I the only one that likes eating beans cold out of the tin?

  13. Does anybody here by any chance play a Monk Character with the ability to place signs within the CT area? If so hit me up, I need somebody to make signs leading to Oren, I feel like new players are loosing their way.

  14. I have become the leader of the super-racist High Elves over night... YOU BETTER WATCH OUT IMPURES

  15. Ukraine (backed by world) vs. Russia? Kinda confused... if so could it lead to WW3?

  16. Am I the only one who can't connect to Steam?

  17. Rule 34: If you kill an elf in roleplay you will be warned or banned for your actions.

  18. Guys, Cracker is secretly.... Wait for it... Pheonixpro1. Ever notice how they're never on at the same time?

  19. i may be vekrus...

  20. am i allowed to warclaim alras/festina now?

  21. http://imgur.com/CjGP95m Who's more organized, Colins on the right or the Soulblades left?
  22. is it too early to warclaim alras?

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