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Status Replies posted by Tom_Whiteman

  1. Do they give you a explanation for being denied on a magic app? Not mad, just wondering :P

  2. What if I got everyone to help me revive "Hail"?

  3. You know what I just noticed? Most of the Aegis veterans are all the same to me, and I say that in a good way. Honestly I wish I was as composed, and optimistic as they are.

  4. Can't wait to play this!!

  5. Do chickens not spawn from eggs anymore? I just threw over 100 eggs, and didn't get a single chick.

  6. I am so inpatient! Help me!

  7. I am so inpatient! Help me!

  8. Still proud to say I know Pi to 128 places.

  9. I don't get it, wouldn't it be difficult to mine with Iron armor on. Why do people do it.

  10. So here's one of the songs I played at the House of Blues the other night.. o.O I screwed up quite a bit.. so excuse the mess ups.

  11. So freaking bored.

  12. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: Which wolf species originated in Hanseti in Asulon?

  13. I really want to have a picnic next to the White Rose checkpoint. Just hang out. Maybe share cookies and lemonade with them.

  14. Looking for a peaceful group out there but still! (Hoping to become a druid lol :D )

  15. Hmm... Does anyone who has RPed with me find my roleplay interesting/fun?

  16. Hmm... Does anyone who has RPed with me find my roleplay interesting/fun?

  17. A year 9 just started on me... nice try yoot

  18. Has anything been done about the tool bridge set up by the White Rose in the elven lands? Only want to find out OOC'ly and wont meta this info.

  19. I still can't get over this video.

    Oh my goodness...
  20. Anyone want to play Star Wars: The Old Republic with me? I NEED A FRIEND

  21. Finished my fan trailer preview! Check it out! :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iApSNX88gZs&feature=youtu.be

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