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Status Replies posted by Tom_Whiteman

  1. Alright I give up, wheres the Halfling Island?

  2. to whatever orc was chasing me, I am sorry, i doubt we will see eachother when I wake, so I just had her flee...

  3. Howcome it says the server has room but when I go to log on there's no room? =/


  5. 3.0 is coming soon and our new members might be a little lost! Give them a warm welcome and help them get oriented if you see them! http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/81635-the-new-members-of-lord-of-the-craft/

  6. I will not be online for the Anthos Event. I'm going to a Filipino party and I was promised the apple in the roasted pigs mouth :)

  7. Should I blow up one of the nation's ships just before Anthos releases?

  8. Holy cheet had a free day in computer class today... Teacher turned the lab into a huge LAN setup, and we played counter strike all period! Respect points for teacher have raised massively.

  9. Quote of the day, can you guess who said this? "Shaken, not stirred."

  10. So if Mali'ker is Dark Elf, and Mali'Aheral is High Elf, what's Wood Elf?

  11. I got accepted! Wooooo!

  12. My main goal in life now is to become a Total Tophat.

  13. First day in RP: Chased off a pier by an Orc, and slain by a psychopath. Beautiful

  14. So I learned today that thrift shopping is amazing. For I have a new straw hat and beer stein to prove it

  15. Never thought I would be the one to accept the Daldriad...

  16. Just had my first bite of sushi... It has such a strange taste I cannot say if it is good or bad :3

  17. You know, I'm actually really excited to see what 3.0 brings.

  18. If I see the word "soon" ever again so help me.

  19. Be amazed of my amazing drawing of my kha: http://img833.imageshack.us/img833/8431/dsc00029eo.jpg If you like this comment if I should do more drawings of characters.

  20. Is there Ice Magic?

  21. Is there Ice Magic?

  22. So the server doesn't believe I am 12 years old. I can't even spell the number 12!

  23. So I just got into another fight in school today. Bastard kid insulted my father. I'm getting suspended for a couple days, but I think it was worth it. I ended the conflict with a varient of a falcon punch :D

  24. Salamandra needs to pass on his knowledge of Golemancy, methinks.

  25. Got accepted to a non-ghetto High School!

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