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Status Replies posted by Tom_Whiteman

  1. How do you become a Total Tophat, I want to be one of dem' cool kids! Please tell em how to become one!

  2. Aaaand Nienna Calm's magic app is in! And some thought her magical beforehand. Soon she might be the real deal!

  3. I hate it when people make statuses about their roleplay, honestly it makes me jealous because I seem to never acquire the quote on "AMAZING!" time they had.

  4. Racist role play is clearly superior. Deep inside you know you want to make a high elf character!

  5. Maybe if nobody gets on, the server will heal itself!


  7. *face turns bright red, he then back-hands the server in the face* WORK! JUST WORK!

  8. While we work to fix the server from crashing, now would be a great time to vote, visit our youtube channel, diamond our planetminecraft page, etc.!

  9. Guys, it wasn't Liri. It was Freema. He broke the server.

  10. Welcome to the KAT, Arzar and Volutional :]

  11. The wilds already ebing ruined by horrible structures

  12. "Well hey, it's my brithday today, today is going to be a goo- *opens the curtains* ...Day..." *Looks outside to see that it is overcast and pouring down with rain. *Sighs*

  13. SO I am a human... and I wanna get dem dark arts~ where would I go to find a list of what I actually can get dark art wise... :3?

  14. I haven't laughed this hard in a while. Damn I love you, Imgur http://imgur.com/gallery/40iCO

  15. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: What was the server patch called that brought Undead and Ascended to the server?

  16. Quote of the day, can you guess who said this? "Today I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth."

  17. Who's excited for the antagonist?

  18. Is the server coming back online any time soon?

  19. "D-do you get r-respect at school because you're- uh... Popular?!" *Quote* -Kid From Bullying Video I Watched At School *Quote*

  20. I still get my Aegis twitches when I hear lightning with no rain.

  21. Why am I treated like this so often.. Have women decided to just make my entire life a miserable ocean of despair and loneliness..?

  22. Nice seeing them old and new faces around.

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