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High Prophetess Mezua~ ♥ ツ

Iron VIP
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Status Updates posted by High Prophetess Mezua~ ♥ ツ

  1. Let me tell you this. If you have friends on the internet, and you don't think they mean anything...they do. They really do... :'(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. everblue2er101


      I just heard about this. My sympathies.

    3. Repiteo


      Mind telling me over private message just what happened?

    4. ScreamingDingo


      Yeah it's pretty crap with what happened Auzzie.. Stay strong though. As sadly death happens every day.

  2. Minecraft, Google, Reddit, Minestatus, Oatmeal.com, Imgur (sob Etc.) If SOPA passes, We all won't be able to talk. Booo.

  3. Gonna miss you, Deltaro! Hope you have a good life~

    1. Dante


      Deltaro's gone?

  4. Again, I'm a ***** when I'm mad.

    But I don't ever hate anyone, ever.

  5. I love everyone, yup. I was mad last night lol.

    Also, y u no tell me how to applu

  6. I told you from the start I was mad. Wheni m mad...I'm a *****. Don't bug me when I'm mad.

    But I don't hate you, dear lord.

  7. *cannot stop laughing

    1. I do have Auzzy Still. She's a ghostie :D

    2. Elis'ael is better. More evil. Yay Mori!


    and 4. Where do you apply for the app team >.>

  8. IS THIS NAME BETTER? Will I now get spammed with "HI AUZZY!" and comments on my page? Come back, my loves~ *sob

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. kurk brak

      kurk brak


      Auzem wasn't that sex- I mean. Uhm. Nothin'.

    3. High Prophetess Mezua~ ♥ ツ

      High Prophetess Mezua~ ♥ ツ

      Elis'ael is so much more sexier than Auzem. Se wears barley any clothes (means more power.) and manipulates people. She's also seductive ;D

    4. Swgrclan




      /drugs the Iron curing potion

  9. Seriously. Guys. Just because I have a new character doesn't mean I'm not here. * changes name back to Auzzy.*

    1. Repiteo


      Some names are iconic on the forums it seems.

    2. High Prophetess Mezua~ ♥ ツ

      High Prophetess Mezua~ ♥ ツ

      D: They don't recongize meeee

  10. Where does one go to apply for the Application Team? I wouldn't mind helping out accepting apps. Besides, some are too damn funny

    1. Skippy


      I think the topic is in Server News.

  11. ....................

    *comes back as the weird Undead ghost of Auz and stabs >:l

  12. *laughs evilly and and rubs hands together.

    *pulls out rope and ties you up

    *pulls you to the slave rooms and locks you in a cell, then takes a bite of the cookie since Mori are immune to the posion. :D

  13. Ok guys, I hope you all know this is Auzem ._. Elis'ael is my new character~!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Salamandra



      -No more hugs? :(

    3. Yamnothere


      Gurhul please, I still require hugs

    4. High Prophetess Mezua~ ♥ ツ

      High Prophetess Mezua~ ♥ ツ

      You can get hugs still. Oocly. :D I'm not a optimistic villian anymore, I'm a cold hearted ruthless b*tch :D

  14. Yayyyyyyyy! *pats your head and gives you more cookies that may or may not be drugged.

  15. Wake up. Check my VA to see if someone replied. Ninjafawkes did...his answer... "Guess what my answer is." THE SUSPENSE. IT KILLS.

  16. "If The devil has 9 apples and Jesus has 12 fish, and you sinned 20 times, how long until you go to hell?" ~Simonbane

  17. I'm reading all these updates about getting kicked off for a reserved member, so I logged off because I felt bad ;~;

    1. CosmicWhaleShark


      you shouldn't feel bad, you paid the money others didn't you are supporting the server they are wanting to play on so badly

  18. Last night I dreamed I was running around speaking in Mori. At one point, Native was in a big circle of people, sitting in a road, with a powerpoint. Mori language was on the scree and he was speaking it fluently. It was great.

    1. Valdis
    2. Slic3man


      Oh noes LoTC fever had spread to the brain!

  19. So happy to see everyone on the new map finally~

    1. Rilath


      <----Is still kinda jelly that he wasn't allowed.

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