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Status Replies posted by jtringl

  1. Are we getting an explanation post anytime soon about what is happening? Dont like being left in the dark...

  2. Are we getting an explanation post anytime soon about what is happening? Dont like being left in the dark...

  3. oh god. i can't find my apple pie recipe. this is not good.

  4. Combine any two animals in an attempt to create the scariest animal possible (But the two animals have to be living). I did Shark and Bear. That would be scary.

  5. Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary

  6. I'm getting bored of Lotc being down, anyone wanna help me update the wiki for future reference?

  7. Liri stahp bullying me :

  8. So which FM do I go up to in my Due Process to repeal and pay bail towards some past Forum Warns? Can we also do it on Teamspeak 3 so I can give my best Bill Clinton [i did not have --- with that woman] improv? I kid on the latter part, the former is more serious.

  9. I have been drinking far too much Pepsi and coffee lately. This can't be healthy...

  10. Listening to that disney music.

  11. LOTC: Where topics get derailed and flamed in under 3 pages!

  12. If anyone has any problems with what I've said about all this, please. PM, and I'll explain the situation to you.

  13. Server's still down =/ Anyone know what's going on?

  14. Server's still down =/ Anyone know what's going on?

    1. jtringl


      Vaq stole the server fund to pay for birthday strippers,

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  15. Gents, does anyone know how to set up a server?

    1. jtringl


      Its really easy, but download a bukkit server instead of regular.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  16. I can't get something to center in a post and it really irks me... It centers, but when I post it it moves to the left. Any ideas?

  17. The Holm Navy invented Golf for LOTC

    1. jtringl


      Well the hightowers own syrios beard... Which is basically owning the sea xD

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  18. Excelent first day of roleplay. Poor Elerosse decides to be nice to a little Kha, ends up following two of them to Menorcress, falls off a ledge, gets harrassed by a Mori, and then harrassed by two goblins, as well as afterwards robbed by an orc. Bravo everyone. Elerosse is not utterly miserable. Thanks to all who were involved.

  19. The Sly Cooper games were amazeballs

  20. So I just d=found out, mob spawning turned off? When will it be back on? I want babeh sheeps!

  21. Why does the server always go down when you are in some good RP!! -.-

  22. Sometimes I feel that players spend more times on the forums than actually on the server...roleplaying...

    1. jtringl


      Well, in this case, with MC being down,

      We are left with not much of a choice...

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  23. So, trying to name my new character, I want some feedback. Which name do you all think is better? Cade, Ren/Wren or Bowen?

  24. Found a stray kitten on the side of the road yesterday and I'm now sitting here rubbing in its eye-ointment, putting in ear-drops, and giving it its liquid medicine all the while trying to keep it from falling down our staircase. It's a 6-week old female with dark grey and white splotches, so, any ideas on what to name her?

  25. Gah, I don't know if it's me, or everyone else. Comment on this status update if your minecraft is not logging on.

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