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Status Updates posted by ScreamingDingo

  1. I wonder what the next team will be....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ScreamingDingo


      Quite marvelous my dear syrenne~

    3. ScreamingDingo


      Quite marvelous my dear syrenne~

    4. Everman111


      Reminds me of communism Syrenne even though they don't do that.

  2. I wonder what the next team will be....

  3. I wonder what the next team will be....

  4. I need to start writing a Mori app... But I haz writer's block ;-;

  5. Dat crashin' MC 3

  6. Dwarven Brewer or Dwarven Inventor.. Vote in ze comments since I can't decide.

    1. Boomack21


      An Inventor would create some interesting RP. However, I'm not sure if we have a brewer or not.

    2. Eleatic


      Brewing RP is amazingly fun.. Some of the best I've had, I RP The brewing of wine/ale/mead. ETC :3. Even make some variations of normal wine.

  7. Taking a break from LOTC. My emotional state is probably worsen because of IRL problems and making me violently angry over "****". So yes. See ya later guys~

    1. Αμφίονας
    2. Jingeh


      Farewekk Grim, I'll miss the times we shared trying to seduce Link.

    3. Nimshae Annamea Najade

      Nimshae Annamea Najade

      Take care, sometimes a change is beneficial. Sorry that stress is getting so much for you.

      I wish you all the luck *hugs*

  8. Anyone need skins activated and edited for More player models? Just PM me the specs and I'll do it.. Since I'm bored.

  9. Silly people raging because they plagiarize and can't apply again~

  10. It's fun rping a villain who will die permanently through a RP kill.... Well I have to wait until a certain person comments on a certain RP post. Well also I'm saddlin' up mah kangaroo and goin' ta school bruh~

  11. Hmmmm. To maybe make a backstory for a brewer or not....

  12. Well I've had a fairly **** long rp session... -Facedesk-

  13. I might need a GM to help me with a small event for either today or Tommorrow, Though it involves lots of signs at the temple .w.

  14. When you get that lonely, You rp cutting a tree down ;-;

    1. Auvreaeath


      I do that just to make sure I RP it correctly, Never hurts to practice? <3

  15. Ender, Dragon... At spawn...

    1. gabriel101x1




    2. shiftnative


      The black drake rides the winds again ~

    3. Raptorious


      I shall rip its heart out with my bare hands!!!

  16. I'ma sad now ;-;

    1. Lynx


      A lot of us are

  17. (Shamed Advertising ._.) If you've rp'd with me recently and could maybe take a few minutes to support me I would be quite thankful. But I'm going to go stab my face for advertising now~

    1. ~≈Panda≈~


      Why dosh ever on copy Pandas.. sho tired.

  18. The power-gaming fights at the temple...-Shivers-

    1. Cappy
    2. ~≈Panda≈~


      >3> It was fun, and great Role play in the end.

  19. I go to write my VA, Then I trash it and start to think of making a pacifist bandit... Why can I not stick to one character .-.

    1. Shuness


      Pacifist bandit.. I'd love to see how that worked.

    2. ScreamingDingo


      I want to make a bandit who threatens but he hates violence and death. He gets peer pressured into the Banditry business and uses it to eventually complete his life long dream. To have a large garden...

  20. People are liking this Witch-doctor, I might actually keep him.

    1. Pantheraleoking


      pretty nice of a guy. Keep him, he isn't another OP killinator.

  21. -Cries- Stupid laptop overheating.

  22. Would I have to "train" in shamanism to be a witch doctor or can I say I came from a family that's be with medicine and shiz...

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