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Status Updates posted by ScreamingDingo

  1. ~Eat Mogroka 2012~

  2. Time to sleep... -Snores loudly-

  3. Hmmmm, Interesting Villain ideas, You better flood onto this status or I will eat you through mah spout.. Nah I kid, Just what villains would you like to see in Asulon...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lykos
    3. darkwalker247


      A mass serieal killer that has a split personality that while the other personality is trying to kill the person the onther personality is trying to save them.

    4. darkwalker247


      A mass serieal killer that has a split personality that while the other personality is trying to kill the person the onther personality is trying to save them.

  4. I want a Fancy Fedora 3

  5. I'ma Little Tea-pot~

  6. It seems like I should stop reading up Sword-Fighting Techniques and ditch my drill-master character for one that's uninteresting and cliche', But I'll get more RP with that character ._.

  7. Off to school on my kangaroo, Then I'll review apps in about 8 hours :P

  8. So quite alot of my characters are failing...I have a few ideas so say if they're good or suggest some more. Goblin Tech Head, Subudai, A chivalrous knight or a Magician/Entertainer/Bard....

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      What times are you on EST wise?

    3. Raptorious


      The other half of my Kotan is Australian. But my Kotan is pretty huge. Would love to rp with you again Falgor. Just join the Subudai in any Kotan!!

    4. ScreamingDingo


      I might... It seems bloody fun and RP rich... -Goes off to read Subudai lore-

  9. Thinking of making a doctor who cures people using the placebo effect? Is it an alright idea :P

    1. Felix (Robsbawm)

      Felix (Robsbawm)

      You don't need to be a doctor to do that.

  10. My dwarf was killed by the plague, Quite viciously too :P

  11. I am being DDOS'D By aliens..Since I'm lagging worse than a hurricane on the server~~~~~

    1. Bawg


      Hurricanes lag?

    2. Bawg


      Hurricanes lag?

  12. And the tales of painting begin :3

  13. Me and Mister Amarnra are planning Liri's babbies room. Go the Godfathers~

  14. On Dial up speed, Can't connect to LOTC 3

  15. Read too many apps..-Facedesks into Keyboard-

  16. When you make Liri rage ;~;

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Blundermore


      Meh, I always make her rage/annoyed/mindbuggered... Aren't you suppose to be studying Liri...? Tisk Tisk Tisk... we might have to ban you again if your not studying...

    3. Lirinya


      I am totally studying T_T

    4. ScreamingDingo



  17. OFF TO SCHOOL! -Rides away on his kangaroo-

  18. I have an awesome idea for my Alternate character that's going to be born soon.... A Butcher :3

    1. Raptorious


      in their tongue he is Bovakhiin....Butcherborn!! Trim The Fat!!

    2. ScreamingDingo
    3. Raptorious
  19. Yeah I read that, It's quite fine XD

  20. I sense the butthurt in LOTC because of this war.

    1. gabriel101x1


      Meh. I live as a hermit in the wilds :D

    2. Aislin
    3. Lykos


      Only reason I went in was to take some diamond armor off of some scrubs.

  21. Meme mood....

    1. Rhisereld


      One does not simply make a meme.

    2. ScreamingDingo


      You should see App team skype.. They're having to suffer from mah memes...

    3. Ursolon


      <.< >.>

      I had to leave that... It froze my phone every time I opened Skype.

  22. It's quite funny, The selfishness of some has been brought out in the most recent war, It shows that some people cannot give up things for the sake of rp..

    1. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      Been writing about it :3

    2. V0idsoldier


      ... I would comment, but then I would say something I would regret sooooo... no comment

  23. Hmmmm.. I wonder which nation will replace Salvus as the "Troll Nation"

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