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Status Updates posted by ScreamingDingo

  1. *Licks the back of his neck*

    Creepy enough my pet pirate?!

  2. Cause I'm cool like that~

    -Puts on shades-

  3. Hmm.. All wannabee cannibals should have to watch Hannibal. Bloody good but gruesome movie..

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ScreamingDingo


      Yeah. Silence of the Lambs is awesome. I have to watch Red Dragon soon, Could pull an all nighter watching Mister Lecter.

    3. 0000



      Hannibal the Cannibal ftw.

    4. ScreamingDingo


      Yeah..I wanna see more Psychological Villains in LOTC and Cannibals aswell XD

  4. The Russian TS invasion....

  5. Character Ideas are hard... Must create unique character. Plus I'm ditching the Kharajyr. I realized how many people I don't like have gone in it.. So guys.. High elf Super Racist or Human Knight...~

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Bat Druid

      Bat Druid

      Become an orc who paints for a living and gets in barfights half of the time..that would be an interesting character...

    3. Hobolympic


      Cranky dwarf thief, rude and noisy

    4. Esterlen


      High elf super racist, the amount of Australians in Haelun'or is surprising. Like, 4/5 council members. ^.^

  6. The person below me is not first.. VVV

    1. 0000


      So you say.

  7. Need to actually write my kitty app instead of writing recipes for him ._. Well I'ma off to school in a sec so ya~

  8. Casually being an old human in RP~ Quite fun...

  9. Just got super-trolled..............

    1. Bircalin


      It's super-effective!

  10. Stupid writers block..............

    1. ScreamingDingo


      And laggy server client side .w.

  11. So people that know me...I won't be online until thursday because yeah..Got grounded :P.. Prepare for my guild idea soon aswell...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. danic


      Lol what did you do?

    3. ScreamingDingo


      Refusing to do an assignment.........

    4. danic


      ... That's it? How... Odd

  12. Overheating laptops are bad ._.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ever
    3. Cresaran


      This may sound stupid but a damp and I say damp not wet, if dabbed on in certain areas can stop it overheating. You have to be careful as it could get worse if you did it wrong.

    4. Cresaran


      This may sound stupid but a damp and I say damp not wet, if dabbed on in certain areas can stop it overheating. You have to be careful as it could get worse if you did it wrong.

  13. Time to do some random preaching of a little religion I am making >.>

  14. I neeeeeeedddddd Good rp in Salvus, Though that is quite hard to ask for :P

  15. Ooooh~ That would be nice :P.

  16. I want the community to pick mah new character~ So it is the most rich rp experience for you all :P

  17. Thinking of Playing a hardcore Golem..

    1. Secret Lizard President

      Secret Lizard President

      I'd reccomend you do it as an alt, because if your Impera or w/e isn't online, then you're basically out of luck. :3

  18. Writing mah VA.... I hope I can actually write today .w.

  19. Hearing Auzzie Scream while playing amnesia..

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ever


      I scream loooouder

    3. hypercrit


      I scream louder than loud...I was crying in the first 10 mintues...

    4. High Prophetess Mezua~ ♥ ツ
  20. Goin' to school then starting to write Bart's VA~

  21. An Awesome Video from a guy who needs some people to make him public~

  22. Hoping to blow up Seventis in the background while I am pubically executed hopefully..

  23. Blahh...Dat overheatin' laptop ruins RP ._.

    1. Wretched


      I know how you feel :/

    2. Hobolympic


      I have to use a giant fan -_-

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