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Iron VIP
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Status Replies posted by Jingeh

  1. *Is back home*

  2. I am looking for more Claws to join my clan! You are all so cute! Please Gobos! I have lots of redstone! We can play with it together! Other orcs are welcome too, our clan is based upon Magic. Though, I am trying to get my friend to teach me the way of the magikz.

  3. In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.

  4. The Kameki family... Is quite badassed. ouo

  5. Since when can servers make their own items and stuff? Like make their own items?

  6. You've all been real swell, and well, can't say this didn't end well! I take a bow n' take my leave, I'll miss you dearly, LotC!

    1. Jingeh


      *holds his rage in, because.. Well it's Freya <3*

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  7. heyy gang! need some help. what is a good website to customize skins, and get a great 3d view of the character. not minershoes, but its something else! Anyone have ideas?

  8. Sorry, I is a derp :(

  9. C: Going avatar crazy, builded a pro-bending arena with 0_DK_0, fire nation inspired, looks awesome so far :3

  10. Hmm.. Could I make a Forum roleplay based on "Avata the Legend Of Korra..?" Or is that too far out :/....?~

  11. i hope you all die

  12. I need to find some leprichauns so I can juggle them while they yell things at me about their gold in an irish accent, such as: "Put me down and keep yer mitts off me pot o' gold, lad!"

  13. I need to find some leprichauns so I can juggle them while they yell things at me about their gold in an irish accent, such as: "Put me down and keep yer mitts off me pot o' gold, lad!"

  14. Just found a conversation in my message folder with 44 replies. And I wonder why my inbox folder's full, yeah... >_

  15. You are now aware that you cannot place your tongue in a comfortable position in your mouth.

  16. So, I gotta write a mini essay about cooking. I can write about everything related to food, too. Any ideas? I'm looking forward to creepy, disgusting and awesome ideas ^^

  17. Thinking of making a New Alt, Any serious ideas ? *Was thinking about a Goblin or Human Female/male Youngster*

  18. -Waves goodbye- So long, and thanks for all the fish

  19. The antagonist in the last movie you watched has been transformed into the gender opposite of yours if they already are not, and you are forced to marry them. How horrid is your life going to be from this point on?

  20. NEED QUESTIONS~ If you were to ask Native anything, for our Stream today, what would it be?

  21. Jingeh, I

  22. is considering leaving LOTC because of the ridiculous politics and uptight people who are so concerned about getting their two cents in.

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