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Kickstarted and Running

Gold VIP
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Status Updates posted by Kickstarted and Running

  1. *shoots a train from his mouth at Ever*

  2. Do you maintain the music room? Cause I like that song about the socks if you do.

  3. I do say, my FM app has gotten rather lost. Comments people? I appreciate any feedback, good and bad. Here is a link, my people! http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/36514-italian-assassins-fm-app/page__p__247290__fromsearch__1#entry247290

  4. Italian_Assassin Guys, I recently rediscovered this. I thought it was pretty good. Reminds me of Skeletor (Volutionsl who was playing Vokul) and some other friends. It was really fun. I wish we could'a continued it though. Vokul had to be taken out though cause he was "Undead without being Undead" meaning he didn't have to do the rituals. It sucked. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/34254-the-nether-saga/page__p__218463__fromsearch__1#entry218463

  5. Wikipedia is down! Damn you SOPA and PIPA! Good thing Mojang took their webstie down for today. Not that should need to . They are legit company. I just hope LotC doesn't get involved. I would hate to lose this all. You're all such good friends.

    1. ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      Not only can I not read about anything I want to on Wikipedia, but now I CAN'T DO MY HOMEWORK! THANKS FOR NOTHING PIPA AND SOPA!

    2. CloakandDagger


      Wikipedia- failing students everywhere...

    3. Song Druid

      Song Druid

      The sad thing is, any legitamate company/coproation have the potential to be harmed by this bill.

      Let's say Mojang and Bethesda were still at odds. Bethesda could make bogus copyright claims against Mojang and it would be forced offline without ANY legal basis.

  6. WTF! It's saying i'm not accepted. Is this happening to anypne else, or just me?

    1. Samson (Derick)

      Samson (Derick)

      just happened to me! good thing is going around and not just me, i was scared for a sec. there

    2. ShadowoKing
  7. I kinda miss Aegis. I had alot of good times there. Plus, I really want to see Lunavara again because it was by far, the nicest looking town and didn't have any lag or low FPS like Alras.

  8. In my sickness, i've discovered the next big LotC thing. We can relive the battle when Sauron was defeated. The entire time, in fact. It will be awesome.

  9. Just threw up 6 times. Ugh. . . All I wanna do is play some LotC, Just gonna go to sleep for a while. Feel better in a bit.

  10. Meh, you guys have shown love. I'm staying. For a while at least. I mean, reall, how can I say no to you? And Will, i'm gonna play trains with you soon. :P

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Antharin


      You were gonna leave?

    3. Anthrowolfgirl


      *tears of joy and hugs Italian* YAY!

    4. Anthrowolfgirl


      *tears of joy and hugs Italian* YAY!

  11. One last status update. Watch these. I don't know how I stumbled upom them, I just did.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kickstarted and Running
    3. Volutional
    4. Dante



  12. I'm done. I don't like how much the forums and server have changed since Spetember. I know this may ruin lots of RP, but I just can't deal with alot of these new people who think they know what's what when they clearly don't. I like the new map, but it's the players who define the game. My firend once told me "The thing that matters most in a game, is not the graphics or content, it's the players" and i'm sticking with this. Bye guys.

  13. Good man! Bloody nice to see another friend!

  14. I see you're Irish too. North or South if ye don't mind me askin'

  15. Ahh. . . Time to spam the refresh button. :3 And if that takes too long, play on my server till LotC restarts. Which I hope will be soon.

  16. I just got kicked because I was trying to give my wheat, and the stupid server lag kept laggin, and it said I dropped my stuff to quickly and asked if I was hacking. *facepalm*

  17. Guys, the player cap is at 50 so they can get people to do the /register and get somewhere. That's also why they are restartting it. If you've registered, wait to get on so others canr register their characters. Go play Skyrim or something.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running


      Hey, 3 months ago called, they want their joke back and I just made a turkey noise. :3

    3. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running


      Hey, 3 months ago called, they want their joke back and I just made a turkey noise. :3

    4. brvhrt1005


      I donated and it wont let me in

  18. My MC ran out of memoery from lag. Lol. This is a great first day, am I right, or am I right? ^.^

  19. Who else is having major problems with the forums? I go to view a profile or go to a thread topic and it just doesn't show anything but the stupid banner add for a Facebook friend request. Too bad I don't have Facebook. Some ads, seriously. . .

  20. *gives will a massive train to smash Ouity_ with*

  21. Yes, yes your profession is wrong. We also have some news to break to you, cows go bark. *trollface*

  22. Oh my god. I don't know why people decide that they need to be on when they are never on in the first place. I have important RP to do, and then it kick me from soo many clients in at once. Nothing to do now then.

    1. CommanderCaleb
    2. audioteknika
    3. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running


      Donations can only be claimed ingame. Derp. Trust me, otherwise I would have already. :P

  23. I also hate how VIP's can take up slots. If they didn't, there would be so many more people on. It's more than a little aggrovating. Plus, they knocked it down form 300 slots, to 250.

  24. Real great. The server was so packed, it kicked me and now I can't get in. Just what I needed. Well, I was at the boats so I guess James the Child is ok.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      Ooh. . . That truly sucks. well, at least you won't have lost anything after we arrive. :P

    3. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      @trouvo Wettl, I got through! Yes. Victory for me.

    4. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      @trouvo Wettl, I got through! Yes. Victory for me.

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