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Bedrock VIP
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Status Updates posted by Lita

  1. http://goo.gl/BMJqb Anyone wanna play a dark elf?
  2. http://goo.gl/CN3JF Only spot left is dark elf granny!
  3. http://goo.gl/IFTQz Still looking for people who want to play darkies~
    1. ShadowoKing


      Still waiting to do the talk

    2. Shadeleaf


      First off call us Mali'ker... you are getting no where with me with that derogatory term :/

    3. Elfen_


      Arzota. You're a tyroll not even close to a Mali'ker.

  4. http://goo.gl/P5sch If anyone is interested in playing a Kharajyr kitten.
  5. http://goo.gl/pzHmT I have an ET app. If anyone has some suggestions on how to improve, please tell me!
  6. http://goo.gl/TjwgD I could really use some references if anyone has the time. ^.^
  7. http://goo.gl/tLf6v Reaping day quickly approaches! Comon people!
    1. ski_king3


      I'll make one, but do you know if cruzazul's character is male or female? We wanted to be in the same district.

    2. Volutional
  8. http://goo.gl/ZGprJ If you have a Kharajyr, whether you play him/her or not, read this.
    1. Dargene


      I remember another quote from him when drake/dragons attacked oren in asulon "I HAVE PLOUGHED WHORES MORE FEARSOME THEN YOU

    2. ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      It's true. I've met some of those whores. No drake could hold a candle to... Matilda...

    3. Samoblivion


      Matilda? Taeyla's mother's a ***** now, yay ^.^

  9. http://lnc.hr/cHS9 I can haz 5 more? :p
    1. Jarkarll


      Why would you ever want to play a video game, that is literally life? If it's to scale then that means that an hour from point A to point B is actually an hour.

  10. http://lnc.hr/cHS9 Most ambitious game in existence. Might as well sign up.
    1. SteelMarshall


      the LotC community MUST make their own empire!

    2. nobody


      It is spreading. Goooood~

  11. http://procatinator.com/ Prepare to lost hours of your life.
  12. High quality entertainment.
  13. -Jumps on the LoTC Bandwagon- Hi Cindykate.

  14. "Every rose has its thorn, every night has its dawn."

    1. Slic3man


      Every dawn draws heat and every thorn draws blood.

    2. MonkeyCoffee
  15. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." - MLK Jr.

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