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Status Replies posted by gingernut97

  1. Internet Explorer isn't actually that bad nowadays.

  2. Hi! What's your name?

  3. Well All my of my clothes are moved in! Now I just got to wait for the roomate, then we can decorate and choose sides and all that.. gotta move beds around.... and carry her stuff up three flights of stairs. Oof my back already hurts.

  4. ESO Character names?

  5. Went to this American milkbar (they import American chocolates/lollies), time to try Kool-Aid for the first time :3

  6. Remember when edginess just applied to the AC copycats?

  7. I actually feel oddly releafed now that VA's are gone.

  8. Anyone else a fan of MrCreepyPasta?

  9. I've always loved the Elves of Middle Earth, High and Wood Elves alike. Shame that there aren't similar portrayals in our server.

  10. Don't forget to Vote!

  11. The long day winds to an end as I make my way to my chair within my study. The soft plush padding embraces my worn body and gives reprieve to the brutal day of hard labor. I let out a slow breathe as a cool breeze blows through an open window gently kissing the sweat on my brow. A rustle of papers under a ingot of iron lay upon my desk awaiting my orders. The candle light flickers and dances upon the walls as the sun has finally retired for the night, the fire within the inglenook pops and cr...


  13. Can you not delete my passive aggressive statuses because they call out problems in society pls?

  14. People use the word "banter" too much.

  15. People use the word "banter" too much.

  16. ESO will have a subscription fee... I don't think it will be worth it.

  17. Nearing -40 Celsius in my city including wind chill. Burrr. :(

  18. You know guys, it's one thing to attack me constantly in everything I try to do to fix what people have been telling me is wrong, but to bring this to REAL LIFE serious is a **** move.

  19. Apparently, Pokemon is totally evil.
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