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Status Replies posted by gingernut97

  1. Can't wait to get back on in the summer holidays! Anything interesting happen, lately?

  2. Can't wait to get back on in the summer holidays! Anything interesting happen, lately?

  3. Can't wait to get back on in the summer holidays! Anything interesting happen, lately?

  4. Can't wait to get back on in the summer holidays! Anything interesting happen, lately?

  5. Games to get for the 3DS? I've got Pokemon.

  6. Anyone know how to properly RP someone with schizoprenia? (Or however you spell it...)

  7. If you could fit the history of Anthos into 5-8 lines of text, how would you?

  8. When does Thief come out in the US...?

  9. Listening to the early 2000s hits... wow as a child I ~really~ misunderstood these songs. ;-;

  10. Lord of the Craft: The Movie

  11. Pfft, what is lore?

  12. How the hell does my teamspeak ban appeal not get reviewed but server ban appeals do? Literally takes 5 minutes.

  13. Lord of the Craft: The Movie

  14. I hate to advertise but I don't want this to get lost in archives. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/101028-sgt-kipples-media-team-app/

  15. How does do .gif as profile picture?

  16. Honestly answer this please. What did y'all think of the Geminines? Liked the family? Hated them? Loved hating them? I am debating on wether to bring back the leprachuan Harrison or another family member. If you liked them, let me know. Hated them, let me know.

  17. Pinsir's got the right idea with frost giants but I want (Attack on) Titans mauling our farmhouses to bits. Or a lovely mix of elemental giants.

  18. Oh well..this is a big nostalgia
  19. Being a kid is hard. It's hard and no one understands. So when you say someone is outside trying to cut your face off, they pat you on the head and say to go play outside, then they get a head on their doorstep.

  20. "Xbox Juan! A' maka' me a burrito!"

  21. Let's play another game of WHO'S THAT IN THE CYBER KING'S AVATAR?! Winner gets a point. Cheaters burn in elf-hell.

  22. I think we should bring back hanging, drying machines just don't work as well.

  23. Who's cooler, Vald. Putin, or Pres Obama? :3

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