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Status Updates posted by 154684321654951

  1. Never before have so many come together from all quarters of the forums. But never before have we faced an enemy such as this. The other servers will show us no mercy, we must give them no quarter. They will terrorize our XtremeTop100. We must stand fast in the face of that terror. They will advance until our last vote falls, but we will not fall. We will prevail. Each of us will be defined by our actions in the coming voting period. Vote fast, vote strong. Vote together. Rox out.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Aren Whitestorm

      Aren Whitestorm

      *sheds a tear, rushing to his outpost* Sir, the united players fleet is ready to jump through LOTC relay.

    3. Dasaro


      Men! We must gather

      our troops, each and

      every one of them,

      and defeat our eight

      enemies! But we cannot

      give up while those heads

      role! We must continue to

      fight, for others will

      eventually fill their place.

      We've already lost Minestatus

      Hold! Let us continue our

      reign on this one!

    4. steelersfan1221


      Aww yeah. Come on Asulon. This speech has to inspire you!

  2. If you a vegetarian I feel bad for you son, 'cause I got 99 problems but a burger ain't one.

  3. Glad that the Day Z server will have light RP, also glad that it's /light/ RP. I'd hate to have to emote while running from a horde of zambies.

    1. DrakeHaze.


      *runs from -* You are dead...lawl

    2. 154684321654951
    3. EmeraldStag


      O: :D Can't wait to buy it~ My mom may actually buy it for me when she has moneys~

  4. Just beat ME:3 Wow..

  5. God dammit, stupid xbla code isn't working.

  6. To any and all coders out there, I was thinking to myself "I'd like to learn to code mods for MC". With no coding experience, this is a bit of daunting goal, but does anyone know where I could start? Baby steps people, my background is basically nothing :}

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ancora (pandalex12)

      Ancora (pandalex12)

      I guess...I just don't know who.

      Anyways a PM to them sound better?

    3. Praetor


      He probably doesn't know who either :d

    4. Dasaro


      This is all you'll really need :) Enjoy.

  7. Woot, 25th on Xtreme top 100.

    1. realslimshady


      24 now :D

      Although I stopped looking at the top "voter" servers a while ago, I'm very sure they all use proxies. I just play the servers I love, which includes LotC <3

  8. Watch this, and all his other videos, for some reason I can't stop laughing. Might be because I find them funny:

  9. Looking for a new character, if you have an RP role that needs to be filled PM me. Preferably not children, but I'm not too picky.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Fuzzy4ev3r


      Can a fuzzy Lecha become a Kameki? XD

    3. Lynesse {Celia/Jazzy}

      Lynesse {Celia/Jazzy}

      hehe, play two sullases then! we'll have another kiddie! rox can be a sullas and so can twig! ^^

    4. 154684321654951
  10. To any future Kha applicants: Don't start off as a kitten, we have too many.

  11. A fort night is equivalent to two weeks, it's called that because a week is FOURTeen days, simplified down to fort and you have the first part of your term! The more you know.

    1. Wheatley


      Gee, thanks G. I. Joe! Now we know!

    2. 154684321654951


      Knowing is half the battle :)

    3. Old-Rattlesnake


      Darn it they beat me to the G. I. Joe reference!

  12. Listening to Lord of the Cast:

  13. Only on one other occasion have I seen so much effort been put into a server app. Bravo!

    1. JoakimVonAnka


      Teh eater of pumpkin?

  14. Ever drank watered down Coke? No? Don't, it's awful.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Reader


      ... Yeah...

    3. Neri


      Isn't that called Pepsi?

    4. Taiga


      Ever drink Seltzer? No? Don't, it's awful.

  15. Do I need a VA to laugh at the really bad applications?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 154684321654951


      Darn, well off to write an OOC VA.

    3. lemontide331


      Leave new applicants alone ;o naughty rox

    4. Fredfort (jens6851)

      Fredfort (jens6851)

      I got a In real life villian app for 1 4 and 5, sounds neat ha? :3

  16. Who should I speak to to get perms for Haelun'Or? My alt lives there and I can't open chests, close some doors etc. Thanks

  17. I've become ever more curious about RP in World of Warcraft..

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. empirerebel


      WoW rp is based around guilds and when you go to the Alliance capital (Mainly Alliance rps) you will find role play events (Prison, military, etc) and they will give you a tp and you will role play as a character Aka you don't really have one character.

    3. Skippy


      I thought WoW was full of 12 year olds. >.>;

    4. gabriel101x1


      Wow population = 80% 12 year olds

  18. My friend show'd me this:

    It's been playing for the past 45 minutes.
    1. Skippy
    2. 154684321654951


      I know, I felt like being a rebel.

  19. How do donations stack? If I bought gold would it only say, cost me another $50 to upgrade to diamond? Something along those lines?

    1. 。◕‿‿◕。 Hawk Whitestorm

      。◕‿‿◕。 Hawk Whitestorm

      If you bout 4 $25 donations, you'd get diamond I -think-

  20. How do donations stack? If I bought gold would it only say, cost me another $50 to upgrade to diamond? Something along those lines?

  21. I really don't understand how you can just pack up and leave forever, LotC could make it impossible for my character to wear armour and I'd still be here. Besides, Vaq said that none of the changes were set in stone, hell, one just got hotfixed 10 minutes ago.

    1. Cyndikate


      It's not just the patch. No ONE's RP should have to be coerced by Vaq's game mechanics. It's too restricting for their player's experience, and it especially will not be fun for new players.

    2. Austin


      it makes more RP, it makes people interact with each other. Oh but silly me people only look at negatives.

  22. Fishing is so much more fun now :3

  23. Wish I had never taken art as a GCSE ; . ;

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Elrohir Sil'Siol

      Elrohir Sil'Siol

      I used to like art, then I took it for GCSE, I haven't painted or drawn anything in 2 years...

    3. Neutonic


      ^ same here

    4. 154684321654951


      I warn anyone in the british school system to not take it, they make it sound like a soft subject but it's just loads of theory and controlled pieces. (sadface)

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