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Everything posted by 154684321654951

  1. Now I have homework, but I also have Archer to watch...One more episode.

  2. I died while using my soulstone and I can't find my stuff, what do? D:

    1. Brevias


      Get more stuff.

    2. 154684321654951


      Full iron armour and tools and a few ingots. Feels bad bro.

    3. Malzar(Mythmaster26)


      Try not metagaming to get your stuff? It sucks, but it's against the rules :/

  3. Got my little sister into making skins :D

    1. Thrym


      Now there will be one more person who's skill I can envy

  4. How/When can you change your member title? Is it after a certain number of posts or do you need to be VIP?

    1. Danny


      After 500 posts.

    2. 154684321654951


      It's spamming time, looks away for a minute mods.

    3. dyehu
  5. Walking around, see a single zombie. "Oh I can take ONE zombie, let go!" runs up to zombie only to be spotted by a spider. "****!" Turns and runs back to house only to look up to see a full sized magma slime come down and bring me to 1/2 a heart. Still sprinting I reach my door but for some reason I glitch and get shot by a skeleton. Great.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 154684321654951


      I know that feel bro...

    3. Lykos


      Lol, me and ONE friend were coming out of that desert dungeon, and directly outside the piston door exit, where you couldn't come back in, was over a hundred mobs (back when they spawned in huge groups) and we fought... I broke my sword on a zombie's skull and had to fight the rest with my bare hands. Chaos.... And one of the most entertaining escapes i've had in all of my rp :D

    4. Austin


      I was in the middle of an RP and a random magma cube jumped on my friend, insta killing him! Lol :3

  6. Y-You better watch out...cause you're in the DANGER ZONE!

  7. Why thank you, I must say that yours is pretty wizard as well.

  8. Does anyone else watch Archer? I've just gotten into it, and well it's amazing. I totally recommend it if you haven't seen it.

    1. MediocreGamer



    2. 154684321654951


      "Look he thinks he's people"

  9. Do you still have that topic up with the signatures? I've been looking for it but I couldn't find it. Did you take it down?

  10. Where's that thread by Pumpkin_eaters, I can't find it in Graphics. Is it anywhere else?

  11. So what's happening to Salvus?

    2. Cereidon (Tetsuzaru)

      Cereidon (Tetsuzaru)

      I think they are going to be destroyed...YES!

    3. 154684321654951


      Dayum, that's not good for them eh? Oooh war claims.

  12. Just got the best avatar, ever.

  13. You've played on civrp? I used to moderate there, I never realised how many people have visited it.

  14. I'm thinking of having my alt character being a bard, do we have any plugins to allow this?

    1. everblue2er101


      Well, not any to allow it or disallow it. It can be done quite easily without plugins.

    2. Slic3man


      No plugins but I heard someone is making a bard's college to help train people become a bard in RP.

    3. 154684321654951


      It'd be nice if we had instruments in game, and don't tell me that note blocks are an instrument. They aren't.

  15. Happy zombie Jesus day everyone!

  16. Just got Fallout 1 for free at http://www.gog.com/en/gamecard/fallout/

    1. 0000


      Yep. Only for a limited time now, though. It's got bout 24 hours or so left. Possibly left. Get it now!

    2. Religious_Pie


      Thanks, gonna go all nostalgic now :3

  17. Any tips on raising 30k? (Minas not real money)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Lirinya


      Bake bread. Sell Bread.

    3. The Cleaning Crew

      The Cleaning Crew

      A 30k house? Is this some kind of estate?

    4. 154684321654951
  18. Anyone thinking of rolling a Kharajyr, be female. There are only two more or less currently.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ivran


      I WOULD, but I can't change gender, it's sad.

      I could change my bio if I was able to do the gender change.

    3. ~ Ashdrek / CalmCrysis ~

      ~ Ashdrek / CalmCrysis ~

      Female Kharajyr for the Win!

    4. High Prophetess Mezua~ ♥ ツ

      High Prophetess Mezua~ ♥ ツ

      I play a female. I barley get on.

  19. Need to catch up on the requests in my skin shop.

  20. Skyrim or LotC...? Lotc now, skyrim later.

  21. Once this week is over I'll be more active on LotC than ever before! Looking forward to it.

  22. It's been a while since I've roleplayed on here, hoping to get on the server tomorrow. What race should my newest character be?

    1. Lykos


      Kharajyr :3

      They are the newest race in Asulon, basically Khajiit from TES. Look for us in the rp subsection of the forums.

    2. Arbrek the Ancient

      Arbrek the Ancient

      Dwarf, we don't have enough players.

    3. 154684321654951


      A friend of mine is rolling a Kharajyr, perhaps I'll join him eh?

  23. I should do my coursework, but the internet is no much more interesting!

  24. Cracker? Is it really you?

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