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-The Doctor-

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Status Updates posted by -The Doctor-

  1. First they take the Top hats, and now the colors.. ;-;

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Yoff


      FM union.

    3. -The Doctor-

      -The Doctor-

      Damn you FM's.... Damn youuuuuu!

    4. Bircalin


      I can see clearrrrly now!

  2. Off to Kobe, hopefully wifi will be good.

  3. Woop, 2 year anniversary for LoTC! Well, technically it was about three days ago, but eh.

  4. Is Kralta under a kingdom or is it a kingdom its self?

    1. IrishPerson
    2. -The Doctor-
    3. Lago


      However, I think Savoie consists of Kralta in the same way Oren consists of Abresi.

  5. Brave new world looks so good after looking at some reveiws.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Samoblivion


      I just finished reading it. Phenomenal book, very haunting.

    3. Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      Are we talking about the Huxley book from 1931 yes?

    4. -The Doctor-

      -The Doctor-

      Sure guys, sure :^)

  6. Fine then, we'll have to take the island with force.

  7. Yay, we're getting our island back! Hopefully the damage can be rolled back :/

  8. Are the Flays actually vassals of the Dwarfs?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. seannie


      why bring something dead back to life?

    3. seannie


      no offense

    4. Lago


      Not the Hallowed Bandits, just one of its old members. In case the Flays wanted to recruit 'im when they find out.

  9. Well, that was an eventful day of rp. Off to bed!

  10. Shad'Rin guild post, hurray!

  11. Writing lore is quite fun, especially when you dont have to do the entire thing from scratch.

  12. Well, it seems that Galahar is in the way...

  13. The D'Haran's quest to retake their island continues, as Kwak sends his third message! We shall take back our island from these filthy theifs if its the last thing we do!

  14. Wish I could vote, but the ******* CAPTCHAs aren't working...

    1. Ned Lud

      Ned Lud

      They're written in Moon Runes. You'll have to take them to Rivendell for translation.

    2. Hanrahan


      Quick, what kind of moon were they implimented on?

  15. It's so humid that my bath towel won't dry :/

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. -The Doctor-

      -The Doctor-

      But... It's a towel.

    3. gingernut97


      Do... Do it... For science.

    4. -The Doctor-

      -The Doctor-

      It... It would... Be cold.

  16. I feel like making a polandball comic featuring LoTC nations. But I need their flags...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ezo Karasuga

      Ezo Karasuga

      Gallmore shall take the Coat of Arms of house Walkingsnake. A Chicken's egg.

    3. -The Doctor-

      -The Doctor-

      Oren doesn't have a flag? Actually, I don't remember too many nations having flags. Kais, you should go get Oren an official flag, it'll give it cool points. And I can try my hand at the comic thing too.

    4. Aptrotta


      We are getting a crest

  17. A possible D'Hara and ShadRin 2.0? I think yes. If Kwak actually succeeds...

    1. Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      I'm already working on aquiring Kastoria for the Australian playerbase ;)

  18. We need fast travels.

  19. Daleks a Cakeman. I'm not sure if he's serious or trolling.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Free The Hobbits

      Free The Hobbits

      No, he's serious

    3. -The Doctor-

      -The Doctor-

      He told me a tale of how a wizard turned him into a cake. And now he seeks a powerful wizard to turn him back. I tried to eat him.

    4. Free The Hobbits

      Free The Hobbits

      I've yet to meet him, but he talks about it all the time in skype

  20. Mount and Blade: Warband is so good. Must go to sleep now...

    1. Evilbanana5757


      *totally doesn't have over 600 hours on that game :3*

    2. Miquill


      Get the freelancer mod

    3. Hanrahan


      Get Floris Mod

  21. Woo, thank you Lee Scorsby for Warband! WOO WARBAND

    1. Lee Scorsby
    2. Lee Scorsby

      Lee Scorsby

      NOW GO AND LIKE ALL MY THINGS AND GIVE ME REP!!! And 10'000 minas thank you.

  22. Buy me warband :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. -The Doctor-

      -The Doctor-

      Don't have a paypal/ credit card, and my parents rarely buy me games.

    3. Lee Scorsby

      Lee Scorsby

      Well. I guess you are in luck. I actully got a copy laying around in ma steam inventory. Give me your steam and I'l send it to you :P

    4. -The Doctor-

      -The Doctor-

      Thank you!

      id: hexbug99

  23. Quick, do you think Mount and Blade: Warband is a good game? And do you think it can work on a somewhat good laptop?

  24. Stop mistaking me for the other Hex :/ I'm far better them him, even if he accomplished more then myself in what ever short amount of time he's been here for :I

    1. WuHanXianShi14


      OH hell no. *Reveals all the priceless **** we have in the Delvers*

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