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Status Updates posted by Danny

  1. I /registered, logged off then went to bed... What is wrong with me? D:

    1. Antharin


      You made the right choice. You will enjoy it later.

  2. Can't connect to TeamSpeak.... -facepalm-

    1. ♦ Kal ♦

      ♦ Kal ♦

      took me about 10 minutes


  3. Can't connect to TeamSpeak.... -facepalm-


  5. -drags Cyt back to the forums, after having not seeing him in days. >:|-

  6. Huurk + Boredom = Huurk's death being written.

    1. yekim8


      Nooooo! He was adorable!

    2. Danny


      I might just make him go into hiding... then bring him back another time. ^.^

  7. I'm still sure that Shift is Russel Brand.

  8. Can't do apps on his iPod - it's just too awkward. -rages-

    1. CommanderCaleb


      IP board app ftw

    2. Danny


      Let you use the mod controls needed for doing apps. D:

    3. Danny


      *Doesn't let you

  9. I've been slacking in my forum activeness lately... Time to make my return.

  10. Kill the spambots! Kill them with fire!!

    -directs Fm's down to off topic-

    1. Robin Drake

      Robin Drake

      FM's? Danny Please, I got dis...

    2. Song Druid

      Song Druid

      Robin Drake says Piece o' Cake!

    3. Wolf Druid Ouity

      Wolf Druid Ouity

      The beard is here to spread some cheer!

  11. I join the fan club. ^.^

  12. -falls asleep drooling on the keyboard-

    1. Lykos


      *licks up the drool, then exits Danny's house undetected.

    2. marimbamonk
  13. Has done like 10 apps today... and none of the app team are reading the 10 new ones? BLARGHGHGHG!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Dat Burkester
    3. Eledyr


      I am doing apps atm but I keep denying...am I to strikt?

    4. Hu'Ganosh Shaklug

      Hu'Ganosh Shaklug

      Oh, believe me, I have tried before.

  14. What are all these undreads apps doing... *application team I choose you!*

  15. Liri broke the server again. No arguments.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      Danny, You may be a kilt wearin, beard growing, bagpipe playin Scot, but i'm a Britsh killin, whiskey veined, green wearin Irishman! We like cousins! *goes and down 16 bottles of whiskey* I feel fine god damnit, it's like pumpin in more blood!

    3. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      Also, when do I get my Aegis beta!?!? Me want!

    4. Danny


      Italian... 2.0 ain't out yet, and the mod tools for Skyrim ain't released. It's motnhs yet. :3

  16. A fellow Scotsman? BLASPHEMY!

  17. Goodnight LotC.

    1. Taiga


      And may the bedbugs bite.

    2. Danny
    3. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      No! Damn you Simon! Go get your own damn bed bugs! Danny boy is Scottish!

  18. 2 hours without a single post or thread being made in Support... Blasphemy.

    1. Lucas


      Could it be possible?! Has Vaq fixed... EVERYTHING?!

    2. Danny


      I believe so. *nods*

  19. This is a status update! You can make these and others can comment on what it says! Like twitter or facebook for LotC!

    1. Danny


      Ignore this. For my forum guide.... :3

  20. I just noticed the amount of spelling mistakes in Huurk's VA... O,o

  21. I seem to have a habit of reading every topic on the forums, and only replying to 1 in 10 of them... D:

    1. Ever


      .w. me too

    2. craotor


      Me too.Doing it since release day lol

  22. That's enough +1's on my VA about my RP - I believe I shall wait for it to be reviewed.

    1. Dretus


      Mind giving me a +1 then

    2. Danny


      I've never RP'd with you so the +1 wouldn't count. :P

  23. Why am I up at this time on LotC... D:

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