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Status Updates posted by Blackdragonhole

  1. Crazy dream... Played to much Mass effect that night 0_0... I was a Human in a Eviro-suit with the Quarians. What I thought was weird is that Admirl Daro'Xen was taking care of me? Also I was heading on my so called... Pilgrimage for the Quarians. It was a cool dream ceremony and all but... Why was I a human? I really need to lay off the whole learning the Quarian way.

  2. Multiplayer is getting harder by the minute. We will win this war! Reapers prepare to meet your doom! My freind is a Turian soldier! I am a Quarian Engineer with the goods!// Morale talk is: "Keelah se'lah!"

    1. Lykos


      Turian Sentinels are where it's at.

    2. Lykos


      and you got the quarian saying wrong...

    3. Blackdragonhole


      Well Im not gonna copyright so I changed it... lol.

  3. I just found out somthing about ME3 there is over 17 different endings I heard 0_0. MUST DO ALL THEM!

    1. Nononymous


      I thought there was only three?

      *Goes back onto youtube to find the other 14

  4. I finished Mass effect 3. For the ones who have not yet I sugest you do. And Remeber stay the character you are in Mass effect 3 do not be yourself. Be Shepard. Oh and P.S. If you have a Xbox360 send me a FR request so we can do Multiplayer together. My gamertag is the same as my profile on LOTC.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Blackdragonhole


      That is my plan soon as well. Ill start back to ME1 and work my way back up to ME3... But this time as Female Shepard DUN DUN DUN.

    3. KarmaDelta


      I played it before with my Sheps. I had a male and female. One Para and one Rene. Was going to no-life before ME3.... I failed. But at least I can take 3+ months to play it now :p

    4. Coaster


      I played Me1 and 2 in anticipation of this game. It's good. :)

  5. Quarians... Always amaze me with there culture and ways of life. Through Mass effect 1 and 3 I always do investagions to every Quarian and later I go to the Codex's and read the entire description. I honestly cant believe how many they truly are.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Viper3X


      The Mass Effect universe is, simply put, amazing.

    3. MajesticOwyn


      Agreed... Wait, why am I here and not playing ME3? *runs*

    4. Pikel Boldshoulder

      Pikel Boldshoulder

      *cries because he is poor*

  6. Music.. Music... Music... Music is life without it we are mindless. We should all know that.

  7. Happy red rose on LOTC and happy International Womens day on Earth.... Why does this feel like irony to me?

  8. In other news.... "Nothing." Greatest speech ever made.

  9. "Mass Effect 3" Update on fight. "Earth is 75% taken by Reapers. Palavan the Turians home world about 35-50% taken. Everyone in fear and looking out just for themselves. Yet we continue to fight."

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Song Druid

      Song Druid

      If you spoil my game I will ban you.


    3. Bircalin


      I thought that. Don't make spoilers.

    4. Blackdragonhole


      I was saying that in Multiplayer wise. For crying out loud calm down. You dont need to get all mad face.

  10. Mass effect 3.... It-it-it HERE! Time to go and save the universe in one day! Im gonna go save you UNIVERSE FOR THE CONTROLLER OF COMMANDER SHEPARD IS HERE. LOLZ.

    1. Neri



    2. Lykos


      Freya I share your pain... I preordered it and the mailing takes 3-8 days...

    3. Blackdragonhole


      Dont worry. I wont tell you what happens. But Ill spoil the moment about that child die in the game.

  11. March 6th... The day has come the Reapers are here! Defend Earth at all cost! Fight as if this battle was at your doorstep! This is not about a war... This is about survival!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Nononymous



    3. Nononymous


      And yes Lykos, Garrus is a boss.


    4. Blackdragonhole


      I pre-ordered the Collectors edition Im getting a Normandy!!!! =)

  12. had a creepy dream where mineceaft cows took over lotc but the last stronghold saved us all and the cows turned into leaves. then i wake up.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wolf Druid Ouity

      Wolf Druid Ouity

      I walked across a bridge.

    3. danic


      Lay off the shrooms.

    4. Blackdragonhole


      Mountian dew is what I had before bed... So Ill blame it on that.

  13. Holy crap! Stray dog in my house! I dont know what just happened but I guess my Dad found it when they was taken are dog for a walk. Now this stray dog named... Cody we think. Is in are house now. Some kind of hunting dog to.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Hoss


      lucky... me needs a coon hound

    3. Dash_Rogers


      a huntin' dog?

    4. Blackdragonhole


      We found its owner. So... Why sell it on Ebay?

  14. Just built a wheely chair =)

  15. Thinking of another good poem... Lol most of these poems are from my old Character and Real life situations.

  16. Lonely...... Dont know why.

  17. In the famous words to mostly all HS students who get these kinds of days. Those words are "ITS A SNOWDAAAAAAY." Yet... I dont say that. Well not anymore.

  18. Why must the snow freeze my car -_-. Least Im home nows.

  19. Recruiters at my school... Well at least it was nice talking to them and getting information again.

    1. Sinstrite


      Military? Don't listen to those guys.

  20. Well so much for that tournement for bowling. Oh well a bowling alley is a bowling alley and my ball is my ball.

  21. In reality none of us are adults of what not. We are always children inside.

    1. ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      That's almost exactly what Micheal Jackson said.

  22. My new character has come and gave him a theme some check it out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvFHgbLsYyw

  23. Im missing freinds that are now gone :( .

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