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Gold VIP
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Status Replies posted by dyehu

  1. Today is going to be a day of mass caffeine consumption! *Twitches*

  2. 4,000 minas down the drain due to horrible deaths. 1. Glitched Magma Slime 2. A random land scarred pit, both deaths costing me 2,000 each...


  4. Why is Geoboy's RP So damn good O_o

  5. Profile Views: 4,033 =3

  6. Sorry Nornheim, you guys are in the way.

  7. What had started out as a 4 hour battle, turned into a 24 hour war, ending with a trip to the hospital. God I love airsoft

  8. Just saw a topic saying why LOTC hates metagaming and power gaming... LOL

  9. 777 members, do we win the JACKPOT? :O

  10. Spoiler for a bunch of movies: They end, =3

  11. woop i has VA! Now i can demand tribute! And when i get to a high enough rank....i can lead raid parties! Yay!

  12. Spoiler for a bunch of movies: They end, =3

  13. Do you get minas for Diamond VIP?

  14. Ding Dong! The witch is dead!

  15. The Druids Grove next to Salvus now has an army of ents guarding it. I shall acquire two halflings to befriend the ents and show them Salvus' corruption thus resulting in the ents breaking a dam that floods Salvus and begins the siege.

  16. Gewdmorning everyone! Got a Soccer Game at school today, and I've got to present a presentation for GT. Wonderful -.-

  17. Ding Dong! The witch is dead!

  18. I just noticed. My profile views, has spiked over 2,000 views within the last month. I'm trying to decide if that's GOOD or BAD. Hmmm?

  19. How/When can you change your member title? Is it after a certain number of posts or do you need to be VIP?

  20. Why not have some Powergaming Drink with your Meta Pizza?

  21. Figures - first true war in Asulon is snuffed 'cause people don't wanna lose.

    1. dyehu


      ugh... sometimes you gotta lose to have fun.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  22. Dreaming of getting a Bachelors in Education and a Masters in History :3

  23. That awkward moment when the girl you have a crush on manages to spill orange juice on her shirt and the first words that come out of your mouth are "How did you manage to pee on your shirt?" God help me...

  24. Wow, now its 104. This is just hilarius.

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