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Twilight Druid

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Status Updates posted by Twilight Druid

  1. crap lost my spot

    1. Twilight Druid

      Twilight Druid

      so pissed been here for the last 2 hours and I loose my spot because of a lag out

    2. Shuness
  2. just got the thought I should be a more active forum member so I'm not labeled as a Tree Punching druid

    1. Antharin
    2. Yamnothere


      Actually, The irony made me lol' as did what you said.

  3. My password isn't working :(

    1. Lirinya
    2. Twilight Druid

      Twilight Druid

      and I'm not the account owner so I can't change it :(

  4. hide those spell scrolls well GMs

    1. Dante


      Spell scrolls?

    2. Dante


      * reads topic *

      Oh mah gosh

      Oh mah gosh

      Oh mah gosh

  5. found out that random pumpkins in Elandriel are severed heads by the Mori... that means there were 2 heads left on my bed....

    1. Nononymous


      It's scarier when you find one in your garden. Imagine, if they are severed heads, the dead are rising...

    2. Twilight Druid

      Twilight Druid

      well I've got them stored in my food chest ....

  6. going to start my writing at school ^_^

    1. Maximas1211


      Pen out of ink...

    2. Maximas1211


      ^^ Meaning mine :(

  7. oh no my internet is dieing :( and right in the middle of fun

    1. Rilath


      Btw, I'm that fun bishes.

    2. Maximas1211
  8. I have so much stuff I could do but all I want to do is read stuff,,,

    1. Maximas1211


      *Noms on stuff* Read stuff! nuff' said.

    2. Maximas1211


      *Noms on stuff* Read stuff! nuff' said.

  9. To the apps!

    1. Αμφίονας


      -Epic LOTR theme music-

    2. Twilight Druid

      Twilight Druid

      and now the washing calls. I'm so lazy

  10. anyone know how to find the ingame date now that /date doesn't work?

    1. 0000


      You could calculate the date using previous known dates, but that would take a lot of math

      I don't think there is.

    2. Twilight Druid

      Twilight Druid

      D: why the useful thing broken

  11. It's back Lotc

    1. Twilight Druid

      Twilight Druid

      though LotC itself isn't working for me

    2. ~≈Panda≈~


      Night.....................> ')

  12. wonder when magic plugin is hitting?

    1. yekim8
    2. Neutonic


      Dont say never! never is a long time ! with anyluck when ever the magic team get all the lore and restrictions sorted out.

  13. anyone else ever run into a block when it comes to your character progressions? I do.

    1. V0idsoldier


      All the time sadly.

    2. Bangi


      Sometimes I want to kill him because I don't get anywhere with it.

  14. Vanya has a Mew mew.... She is actually a happy lass for once in her life now

    1. V0idsoldier


      Is that the same girl who non chalantly poked a dying monk?

    2. Twilight Druid

      Twilight Druid

      ... Yeah she doesn't even know what the trinkets she got off the body are for.

  15. First exam tomorrow...

    1. Antharin


      Good luck. :P I got better grades than I expected on my exams, hope the luck is with you too.

    2. Tigergamer


      Goodluck, you should be able to do better then myself since I failed, lol. ~

  16. Using a silver tongue to talk my college into giving me a laptop. Fingers crossed that I will have a way to return to Asulon soon.

    1. Dante


      Good luck Evelyn :)

    2. Taiga


      We await your fast return! Quite an accomplishment if you do manage.

  17. quite liking my guitar

    1. ♦ Kal ♦

      ♦ Kal ♦

      quit licking my guitar

    2. Eledyr


      YOu play guitar? :O Highfive!! :p

      (just got back from my guitar lesson )

  18. End of year exams only a month away... I miss being young

    1. Austin


      wat. school juz startad fur haghschuuklerz

    2. Swgrclan



  19. This guy inspired me today

    1. steelersfan1221
    2. Twilight Druid

      Twilight Druid

      It's worth watching his talks as well.

  20. Love sought is good, but love given unsought better

  21. I like to think i'm calm and laid back about things, but sometimes you guys just make me want to just punch myself because of the crap you all argue about :/ Just sayin'

    1. Cyndikate


      Argue about what?

    2. V0idsoldier


      About what Cyndi? About everything lol. Every. Little. Thing. Try not to punch yourself to hard Moorke :(

  22. Everything feels so alien now O_o

    1. Space
    2. Twilight Druid

      Twilight Druid

      I wont murder all you aliens... yet

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