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Twilight Druid

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Status Updates posted by Twilight Druid

  1. hide those spell scrolls well GMs

    1. Dante


      Spell scrolls?

    2. Dante


      * reads topic *

      Oh mah gosh

      Oh mah gosh

      Oh mah gosh

  2. His kingdom, now in shambles,

    his soul, a ramble,

    what was splendour before is now gone,

    what is left, a broken man, a nether spawn,

    Kindness his weakness,

    his old culture in bleakness,

    Goodbye to the now gone king,

    the king that only love he bring.

  3. Hm might start writing down Evelyn's back story. Anyone willing to help?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Twilight Druid
    3. Serah


      Depends. Are you? Dun dun~ (But really, I don't mind lending a helping hand seeing as I have nothing better to do at the moment, aside from spam the Lotc status portion of the site.)

    4. Twilight Druid

      Twilight Druid

      Ok I'll PM you my note once I have them all written down then I have trouble organizing

  4. hm... might spend tonight editing my sig and pic

    1. shiftnative


      best of luck!~

    2. Twilight Druid

      Twilight Druid

      thanks Native :)

    3. Maximas1211


      Hmm... Sounds awesome! <3 Wish you luck.

  5. Hospital food really is crap

    1. Syunistan


      aaa I am sorry to hear you are in the hospial. I hope you get better soon

  6. I ave returned ^_^ stolen one of the schools laptops that are meant to be handed out to the English classe. Feeling like I have a real life VA.

    1. Aryon


      You're VAT, of course you do.

  7. I can deny apps :3 now i actually have something to do at school

    1. 0000


      Deny ALL the apps!

    2. Twilight Druid

      Twilight Druid

      I feel terrible when I do

    3. Lirinya


      You will get used to it~

  8. I can see Link on your profile, and I like it.

  9. I did heart surgery 0_o

  10. I don't like to lose my friends, with whom I

    Feel warmth in the severe cold.

    In the crooked streets, in wide squares it's hard

    To find a person, who is really worth.

  11. I get the feeling you are going to eventually become a major person in our community :)

  12. I got a my own account!!.... does this mean I have to make another App?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Twilight Druid

      Twilight Druid

      I have Liri hasn't answered me though (

    3. ShadowoKing


      give it time or ask Native.

    4. Zeddicus Fyren

      Zeddicus Fyren

      What is it called?

  13. I had a revelation while in my exam today. Even if I pass or fail, succeed or plummet, the world keeps spinning and I should just be happy to be alive. So don't stress over things that don't need to be and just be happy for a hug :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Twilight Druid

      Twilight Druid

      Not the only parents

    3. Nimshae Annamea Najade
    4. Tigergamer


      :3 Exams aren't life changers, its what you do with your life is what changes it~

  14. I have healthy sleeping habits... *looks at the clock, noticiing she's stayed awake into the next day again* Okay maybe not sometimes

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Twilight Druid

      Twilight Druid

      Sleeps overrated anyway

    3. V0idsoldier


      I literally have a broken schedule =( I am awake at 7 pm and I am still awake at 10 am now XD, gunna try to make it till late tonight to sleep and get back on schedule

    4. danic


      Wait, you actually SLEEP?

  15. I have so much stuff I could do but all I want to do is read stuff,,,

    1. Maximas1211


      *Noms on stuff* Read stuff! nuff' said.

    2. Maximas1211


      *Noms on stuff* Read stuff! nuff' said.

  16. I like reading through Apps and finding a good one. Looks like the App team are getting swamped again.

  17. I like to think i'm calm and laid back about things, but sometimes you guys just make me want to just punch myself because of the crap you all argue about :/ Just sayin'

    1. Cyndikate


      Argue about what?

    2. V0idsoldier


      About what Cyndi? About everything lol. Every. Little. Thing. Try not to punch yourself to hard Moorke :(

  18. I like to think people can talk to me. Many don't, but I like to still think so.

    1. ~≈Panda≈~


      Panda can talk to you, any time you like! ^_^

  19. I miss world broadcasts, made me feel like god was talking to everyone.

  20. I only had 40 messages but I still cleaned out another handful so it should send now.

  21. I only have 50 slots in my inbox now

    1. Tristanx7


      So did you get your computer fixed? Really bad luck by the way. Maybe don't play on the computer during a thunderstorm (just a guess)

  22. I remember agreeing to play someones child at 4 in the morning today but now I can't remember who I agreed to....

    1. V0idsoldier


      Hangover, LOTC style...

    2. Twilight Druid

      Twilight Druid

      their name started with an I I'm sure

    3. mattr41018
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