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Gold VIP
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Everything posted by hypercrit

  1. Sitting next to a guy playing...sports games...*shakes his head in despair*

  2. Really must get around to RPing again...holidays can't come sooner...

  3. *cries* Damnit MC, damnit.

  4. Favourite youtube music anyone? *pumps Appraoching Nirvana*

  5. Mhm, dubstep on new headphones sounds goooooddd...

  6. Italian, I hope everything goes okay!

  7. I ordered the MC quarterly thing. Anyone else?

    1. Swgrclan


      Never heard of it. What is it?


  8. Come on guys! We are 12th! Let's get top 10! http://minestatus.net/6317-the-lord-of-the-craft

    1. Cappy


      12th? My god...

      It's working.

    2. hypercrit
  9. Bleerrghhh...Can't figure out how to manipulate objects in Blender. I want to get my .obj right in the middle of my view, but I can't for the life of me figure out how.

  10. A 10 year old applicant? This would be our youngest so far...

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. d3athfall
    3. Austin


      I knew a 9 year old who played

    4. Nononymous


      I know a kid who plays on this server who sounds like he is 8, does that count?

  11. Cleaned my friends list...OcD for the win.

  12. Le sigh. Going to take a bit of a break from LoTC. Be back in a day or two.

    1. Skippy


      Bye bye, Hype~ See you sooooon~

  13. Robin, did you take up a job at Mojang? http://imgur.com/s9XyM

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Robin Drake

      Robin Drake


    3. Cappy


      I think he looked at the picture.

    4. Wolf Druid Ouity

      Wolf Druid Ouity

      "We need more beard."

  14. I'm going to try and get that removed. Your warn and the rule.

  15. Moving some posts in AIC to the 'Ideas Forum'. If you have some problem with where it is moved, tell me.

  16. 3 more weeks until mah school holidays. Finally a chance to get ingame more!

  17. Why is Ursolon the only one commenting on my status's? I thought I was cool! :P

    1. domainoft
    2. Slic3man


      Comment. Feel better. Now.

  18. Young padawan, you have failed me.

  19. Thinking of getting GoT...

    1. Ursolon


      Thinks Hyp's got the right mind set.

  20. *yawns* School..

    1. Ursolon


      Two... More... Weeks...

  21. Send me a PM about anything. I'm in school, and I'm bored. :P

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