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Status Updates posted by hypercrit

  1. Ughh...my orc slave wants to mate with me...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Rhisereld


      Just tell him that touching you will give him a curse, that all his cubs will be fish. Or something.

    3. Shuness
    4. ryno2


      good times

  2. Can a Mori slave, if serving well, be released into freedom?

    1. Pnoynoy


      Its all up to the master.

      If the master don't need the slave then he gets rid of him :)

    2. Twilight Druid

      Twilight Druid

      i would expect the Mori to more likey kill the slave off once it reached past its usefulness

  3. Dealing with a guy who thinks that with his bare hands could have disarmed two Moris and gotten away. He actually said that he was a martial arts expert in game...he is annoying me.

    1. Eleatic


      I met him hes a drunk XD im not joking,,,

    2. V0idsoldier


      Martial arts, drunken master style, true story.

    3. Austin


      How I deal with powergamers

      *Thore takes out mighty Boomstick Dr. Dre Beatz staff and summons the giant turtle of Powergame an bites his head off instantly killin his character

  4. Damnit.. being on the AIC would be cool but no-one has nominated me

  5. Making slaves fan you...ahhhh

  6. Being taught 'common'. Loving it.

  7. Geez...the film Buried was intense!

    1. Grabthar


      very intense... like camping

    2. hypercrit
  8. 7 hours until I can message pallino!

  9. I think I have enough +1s on my VA now for it to be accepted, but the more the merrier!

  10. Ban report on susistu? NO NO NO!

  11. Monkey! Y u no make verdict on my app! Why u just read? XD

  12. Reality hits you hard bro.

    1. V0idsoldier


      oh god, I know...

  13. Two questions: 1. Do we have a big skype convo thingy? 2. Are you allowed to advertise a VA, is it frowned upon etcetera etcetera

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. hypercrit


      So tempting though...aggh

    3. realslimshady


      skype? nah, teamspeak brah

    4. hypercrit


      Yes, I am familiar with the teamspeak channel. Skype caught my attention when Vaq was using it on the livestream, was wondering if we had a convo.

  14. Anyone know if/when native will be bringing in new App Team members?

    1. danic


      My only problem with the app team is when they accept apps that should have been denied, so then that guy gets banned nearly instantly upon the minute of logging in for breaking obvious rules, thus why he shouldn't have been accepted in the first place! :)

    2. Danny


      ^ That's exactly why I end up denying 95% of apps I review.

  15. Come on VA, come on VA come on VA

  16. Maeghan, rest in piece.

    1. Praetor


      And here I thought you coulnd't publicize a VA.....guess I'l do mine then.

  17. Aggh. Any mods to make my Minecaft lighter?

    1. SpiritSpectre


      Optifine? What do you mean with lighter?

    2. hypercrit


      Adjusting brightness, it's a bit better now I fixed my gamma.

  18. Mori place is so damn dark. My monitor sucks with brightness. Any suggestions on how to get Minecraft brighter?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sweord


      Stupid question: Have you turned up the brightness bar? I think that's the only way, unless you used one of those mods that let you see in the dark.

    3. hypercrit


      Normal minecraft does that too, itsn't bright enough

    4. hypercrit


      Done that...aggh it's so dark


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. hypercrit


      Haha Jex, I find that good for RP, so I am not bothered by it, it just allows some serious fun stuff to happen

    3. ExplosiveTendency
    4. Jexdane


      There are about 20 Morri, and almost nobody in the caves. I know, it feels like it woud be good RP, but the problem is that there is rarely anybody to RP with. Maybe I have a weird timezone, maybe all Morri are australian, but meh.

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