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Status Updates posted by hypercrit

  1. Hello there, Mr Lucas. :P

  2. Started playing Planetside2 : WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Alphalord


      ....It's like people are starting to read my mind since I was just about to start playing it also.

    3. EboBren'


      Sorry to sa ythis here, my PM's aren't working, so I need you to PM Attacus (SortedJarhead) to egt the paper out and that hex37 has the most updated version, and to fill the blank spot with whatever he wants.

    4. Shuness


      Planetside 2 LotC Group Anyone?

  3. That waiting for an important message feel. #nopatience

    1. Telanir


      Lol, good luck with that. =P

  4. It's weird. It goes off between 5:00 and 5:30 everyday.

  5. Achivement Get: Tackle a Doomforge off a roof

  6. Are the LoTC thanksgiving celebrations happening today? I haven't seen anything...

    1. Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      There was a big event last night.

    2. Skippy


      Thanksgiving is an American/Canadian holiday, deal with it :)

  7. Apologies anyone involved in that bad RP of mine just then....

  8. Happy Thanksgiving, even though I'm Austalian

  9. You should make a graphics shop, dude. That thing of Thorenir you did was really good!

  10. Posted in the Show Yourself Thread. BE NICE TO ME, KAY?

    1. Aluaethner


      You don't look that bad. First post I made in it my face was red from a rubbing alcohol....accident.

    2. hypercrit
    3. Aluaethner


      Yeah, they told me it was flammable had to make sure!

  11. Ugh, I really wanna apply for an Event Team actor position... :(

  12. Hawks Modpack working with the latest update yet?

  13. Guys, I crashed the server. As soon as I logged in, it crashed.

  14. Wait a second, I've donated 50 dollars, but I'm only iron IG? Could an admin check this?

    1. shiftnative


      MC name please ~

    2. hypercrit
    3. Xem - The Gentleman

      Xem - The Gentleman

      I donated 10$ a month after I started and didn't get any of my perks besides the skill reset. (Mc name: xemnas2132

  15. Does the name Xiiyah mean anything to you?

  16. Kay, Red Dudes. I'd love to play with you, just add me on Steam, I'm HyperCriticality, or 'lordbishop9'

  17. I thought High Elves were racist, obviously, Darkies are worse.

  18. TR...I just got planetside 2 today? :P

  19. Server better be up by 9...tables will be flipped if not.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Telanir


      It's 7:09 here. This is so disappointing...

    3. TwilightWolf


      (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

    4. Aptrotta


      what timezone are you talking about

  20. Kinda worried. My dad and my bro went to pick up by mum from the shops 6 hours ago, and haven't come back yet...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Free The Hobbits

      Free The Hobbits

      They got graped by the grapist.

    3. ~TheDerpyBeagle~


      Did you try calling them?

    4. hypercrit


      Yeah yeah, everything's fine. They just got back, my mother's excuse being 'I was shopping'. #facepalm

  21. Are you serious, server?

  22. VAT, come uuunnnn

  23. Sure. My char got an advertisement sold, he's got 200 minas waiting for you.

  24. Got all the references needed for my VA, just need a VAT to look at it now! :)

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