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Hylian the Heretic

Diamond VIP
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Status Updates posted by Hylian the Heretic

  1. Am I evil? Yes I am! Am I evil? I am man, yes I am! \m/

    1. Enyahs V.

      Enyahs V.

      diamondhead or metallica version?

    2. Kaiser
  2. Sleep? Pfft, I play LOTC. There is no such thing on sleep

    1. ~≈Panda≈~
    2. ◀ Doone ►

      ◀ Doone ►

      Unless you dream about LoC.. Like me. >.> <.<

  3. Slayer makes me want to eat babies.

    1. comanderbly^


      That happens to everyone ._.

    2. Baconthief


      \m/(>_<)\m/ SLAYER!!!!! Reign in blood brother

  4. I bet at least two people on LOTC are related or know eachother IRL and don't even know it.

    1. Shelby !

      Shelby !

      I'm related to someone :'D AND I KNOW IT. o3o My twin sister plays on here.

    2. Hylian the Heretic
  5. Just broke up with my GF and I feel great! I wanna throw a brick through the window of an Ikea!

    1. Jchizz


      I just broke up with my ex girl. Here's the numba........................................................ psych! That's the wrong numba!!

    2. aron.



  6. Kids, plagiarism is not okay, and I will eat your soul.

  7. Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy, but I'm your cousin so call me Maeby.

    1. VonEbs


      Arrested Developement is coming back!

    2. ArmedByBlade (POTATO3)
  8. Just got new guitar strings. LOTC guitarists, what style (s) to you play and what gauge/brand strings do you use? I play metal/rock and use Ernie Ball Power Slinky 11-48

    1. aron.


      Ernie ball. Nuff said

    2. TheRoyalOnion(Aris)


      I use vic firth sd2 bolero drum sticks for my instrument of choice... Always wanted to play guitar too though.

  9. People haxed my youtube account, but I got their IP ;)

    1. Undetected?


      probably not their ip..

    2. Hylian the Heretic

      Hylian the Heretic

      Nope, it def. wasn't a proxy. Some legit address in Colorado, might get their interweb service provider to stop providifying hehe

  10. Oh, tht was hilarious.

    1. JtPv


      Yep. Everyone was emoting "swims away crying for his/her life" Geo would have loved it.

    2. Hylian the Heretic
  11. I sell yolo and yolo accessories.

    1. everblue2er101


      I'm in the market for swag. Got any of that?

    2. Hylian the Heretic
  12. That moment when you have symptoms on schizophrenia.

    1. Lvke


      I only have symptoms of ADHD... I feels for you.. ;-;

    2. Steampunk Alchemist

      Steampunk Alchemist

      Bah, you got it easy. I have several symptoms of insanity.

  13. 17 GM app references.. I feel so special... :3

    1. steelersfan1221


      >Shameless Self-Advertising

    2. Ever


      I probably have like 50-60. hue.

  14. Teutonic Order's theme...? http://youtu.be/req-oDf2ZRc

    1. Shadeleaf


      *Imagines Teutons walking slow motion through fields of exploding heretics and Dark Elves to this music* Yup that's about right.

    2. Hylian the Heretic
  15. Anyone happen to have a key for Don't Starve....? Pweeaze? I'll sing and play guitar for you.

  16. 1 = 8/64^-2 therefore you don't even lift.

    1. Lvke


      u wot m8

    2. Hylian the Heretic

      Hylian the Heretic

      cum fite mi u litl bicth il wonk ya rite in da jabber

  17. omg u fukin peasants get out da way noble comin thru omg #swerve

    1. Aedan The Bard
    2. Hylian the Heretic

      Hylian the Heretic

      lol il hav ur head on a silver platter u peasnt omg

  18. Debating with a feminist on omegle... screens to follow... This is gold.

    1. Lvke


      I want to see this. Show me!

    2. Hylian the Heretic

      Hylian the Heretic

      "I'm offended" count: 2

  19. Yeah! Auction and a drunken banquet!

    1. Dun_Irongut


      Yay! I had to log after buying ma stuffs t


  20. 19 minutes until I can post my new VA.

    1. Ever


      Gooood luck~

  21. Halfway to 666 posts...

    1. Elodin


      still at 33 :*(

  22. I suppose I could sleep for a bit... Nah, it's a crap idea. I'll just browse the forums for the next 3 hours aimlessly, not posting anything, but just reading. c: my brain is exploding

    1. Hylian the Heretic

      Hylian the Heretic

      screw it, imma sleep. my typing skills and grammar

      are majorly deteriorating along with my sanity

      good night everyone c:

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