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Crow (Denivire)

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Status Updates posted by Crow (Denivire)

  1. Arik's a jerk, I reckon.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Ursolon


      Enough. You stated your opinion, Arik stated his. I think you're a jerk for saying events suck! As Arik had said, you handled very inappropriately. Not to mention this status update. I will say, however, Arik could have handled it a little better as well. But, in the end he is right. If you want to voice your opinion, just do it properly instead of insulting the GMs.

    3. Alan


      Arik is not banhappy, he performs his duties as an FM and he performs them well. If you have a problem with it, take it to PMs and not a public status.

    4. 。◕‿‿◕。 Hawk Whitestorm
  2. Custom title. Earned by making Shiftnative cry.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Arbrek the Ancient
    3. Crow (Denivire)
    4. kurk brak

      kurk brak

      Takes a lot raw tear-bringing strength to do this.


  3. Got Diablo 3. Add me if ya want: Colbinile

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Samson (Derick)

      Samson (Derick)

      Wow divinus, that's quite mean dude. I'd add him if I had diablo 3.

    3. Samson (Derick)

      Samson (Derick)

      Wow divinus, that's quite mean dude. I'd add him if I had diablo 3.

    4. Divinus


      Derick, go away, I don't like you lol.

  4. Don't google 'The Rake'.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Wavejammers
    3. El Ricktador

      El Ricktador

      I googled and I read it all. Oh dear, not sleeping tonight Q_Q

    4. Secret Lizard President

      Secret Lizard President

      A creepypasta that actually discomforts me. Dear god.

  5. Don't google 'The Rake' unless you hate laughing.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Reader


      Dat's not creepy. Slendy is bettah!

    3. gingernut97


      Geos got some competition

    4. Quiet Kitten

      Quiet Kitten

      Why do you do this to me at such a late hour of the night! o.O Now I'll never sleep! *hides under her covers*

  6. You quote it then take the code of the quote and put it in your signature.

    1. hypercrit


      *looks confused. "Ermm...I...what do you mean? Not to sound like a total moron =D

    2. Crow (Denivire)

      Crow (Denivire)

      It's 5 AM, go google it. xD

    3. hypercrit


      Sorry for bothering you then. *goes to google

  7. How do you get your skin in 3D!?

  8. Accepted VA. Haaale yeah.

    1. Thu'um


      I was like that when mine was accepted. ;D

    2. Thu'um


      It opens more opportunities for roleplay.


    1. Taiga


      Clever Deucreaux~

    2. Kote (luigimario77)

      Kote (luigimario77)

      Well played sir, well played.

  10. Occupy LotC

    2. VonAulus


      He is making a reference to Occupy Wallstreet and other such movements.

  11. dont google the rake lol im still laughing cuz o it

    1. CTap


      Please use proper grammar.

    2. Raptorious


      He's only 9 years old, you cant expect him to have perfect grammar.

  12. Posted my last available VA for my character! :)

  13. What's up with all these guys boasting about their profile views? Whateva!

    1. Crow (Denivire)

      Crow (Denivire)

      Psst... Only three status updates and I have 2,000+ views. Suck it, pl0x.

  14. read the below post. Now he knows why he posted a VA.

  15. Why don't they just bring the cap up?

  16. Here's where I start to post like mad.

  17. FIFA 12, y u so awesome!?

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