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Status Replies posted by Snoop

  1. Seriously. I keep hearing of Monks doing this and that, but I've never seen another Monk and I've been one for 2 months D:

  2. Lets all pugsy IRL

  3. So, are there any orphanages in anthos? Perferably in the human kingdom?

  4. So, are there any orphanages in anthos? Perferably in the human kingdom?

  5. I've noticed something....if the halflings are so small....wh is their 'area' so large?

  6. Human city for 4.0 http://i.imgur.com/tGjL684.jpg ? Better get started.

  7. Some idiot is sending screamers to random people on TS: http://i.imgur.com/KfGy88A.png

  8. Well I am looking for a knight to squire for anyone looking for a squire!

  9. New profile pic of me, you like?

  10. Uploading the Humans vs Dwarves battle now. :)

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