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Status Replies posted by Snoop

  1. For you late-nighters, preview of something I need to re-export with a valid version of Vegas. Enjoi https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/90098446/LoTCFringe.mp4

  2. I turned 25 today (June 27th) the only thing left to look forward to age-wise is becomming gandalf - woop!

    1. Snoop


      Happy Birthday! May your best wishes bring us 4.0!

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  3. If a word be worth one shekel, silence is worth two

  4. Would anyone like to see Southeron lore written (along with culture)?

  5. WW1 FRP, Yes or no?

  6. I am loving this plague plugin.. All that left 4 dead and walking dead classes has prepared my body and mind ! I can survive this plague as a child :3 nobody would hurt a helpless child.

  7. So when can this plague stop? I'm already bored of it.

  8. I need more material for my character's diary! Someone come talk to her! 181, -167 in Vekaro.

  9. Wait why is there even war again? Was it that library?

  10. How many Orenian houses even are there.

  11. get rekt oren, barricade 2stronk

  12. It'd be interesting to see a human nation run by a single royal family (King/queen/their children), rather than countless noble families.

  13. people took my ban report on rhia seriously I really thought it was 4rep

  14. Leak of the upcoming 4.0 Dwarven Dev Blog http://i.imgur.com/lxQMZ0I.jpg

  15. Kids getting shrekt

  16. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: Why was the Sports forum removed?

  17. A gm coming back on her decision, that's what I call finding a reason to ban someone.

  18. One antag spell took seven on my hearts. :/

  19. going out to the pub to get over the fact i am single. Krug wilz id.

  20. I asked a question if you deleted my Iron Thread you better stand up and show yourself

    1. Snoop


      I see, but Salvians do possess a dialect and culture if you ever wish to know more about it just shoot me a PM.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  21. I asked a question if you deleted my Iron Thread you better stand up and show yourself

    1. Snoop


      Thats great. Good to see Salvians walking around. I direct you to the Cardinal Cross if you seek to continue with your Salvian bloodline and culture.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

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