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- Aether VIP -
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Everything posted by Heero

  1. 3/10. Whoooo are you, whooo who?~
  2. 6/10. Used to see you a lot on the forums, through you kinda went poof for a while.
  3. http://gyazo.com/c25ecc202253362e1ceba3cb71e9fc1d Lelwub? We're ranked at '?', say wut.
    1. MonkeyCoffee


      That's a new level of awesome.

    2. MrSyth


      We're actually at 139... which is horrible.

  4. 9/10. Dat rainbow drunk Gnome.
  5. Welcome back love! -Huggles.-

  6. -Chucks a potato at Ura.-

  7. Heero

    So I heard you wanted to talk to me. Am I in trouble..? o-o

  8. Well, today is my one year anniversary of being on LoTC. Also got my total top hat too! ^^

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. DrakeHaze.


      I got banned a week before my 1 year. I think.

    3. Matt011011
    4. Telanir



  9. 9/10. Floating-crystal-chick-magic-person.
  10. "Dilara(lotteje13) (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧": URA IS BECOMING A OLD MAN

    1. Blundermore


      One of us...

      One of us...

      ONE OF US!

  11. Apperently Lime took in a stray pug from Oren. We ended up naming him Pugsy. Pugsy the Pug. Oh, the pun-tastic reference behind that.

  12. Well, I found an IRL picture of Pugsy when he went horse back riding. o_o http://i.imgur.com/3mpoF.jpg

  13. 8/10. Seen you around Oren one my little trips and quite often on the forums.
  14. Vote guys, vote! We're number 45! ;~;

  15. 8/10. Cool but waaay too long.
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